Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1365
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Chapter 1365

Augus had no idea that the whole scenario was a setup, masterminded by Phelps who played

everyone like a chess master, exploiting their fears and insecurities, and creating a perfect storm of


In Augus's eyes, he was expecting the arrival of his estranged daughter.

Meanwhile, Dylan, duped by the cunning Judith, believed he was targeting Maja and her close


As for Judith, she had pieced together that Maja was the true Sanders heiress. Cast out or not, she'd

sooner take her secrets to the grave than see Maja inherit the Sanders dynasty.

And then there was Maja, who was under the impression that Dylan had orchestrated the night's

events to eliminate both Phelps and the supposed true heiress, not realizing she herself was the one.

With each person fed a different narrative, the truth was nowhere to be found, and hatred took root.

It was a flawless plan.

Dylan was on his knees for an hour before his people brought the new paternity test results.

No biological relation.

It was like a gunshot to his head. He stared in disbelief at the document.

Augus had anticipated this outcome. He seemed to age a decade in that moment, his normally straight

posture now stooped.

Dylan grew anxious, and Judith, like a drowning woman clutching at straws, latched onto his arm.

"Bro, what am I gonna do if I'm not a Sanders? They're gonna kick me out, aren't they? Please, you

gotta help me. I can't stand the thought of begging on the streets."

She crawled to Arlene and clung to her legs.

"Mom, you always loved me best. Help me, please!"

"Was all your love just a lie? Was I the only one who considered us family?"

Even a dog would become attached after twenty-odd years at someone's side.

Arlene patted her head gently.

"You won't be thrown out, Judith. You're not born a Sanders, but you're a victim too. Don't worry, you'll

still have a place with us."

Dylan spoke up at this moment.

"Mom's right. No one's going to drive you away."

Before he could finish, Augus struck him hard on the forehead, blood flowing more freely now.


Augus, beyond fed up, slapped him across the face, leaving a bloody mark on his lip.

"I've known for years she wasn't my daughter. That's why I've been searching, and tonight, my real

daughter was supposed to meet me. And you, you arranged those car accidents that killed her before I

could even see her face! Judith knew the girl coming tonight was my true daughter and goaded you

into targeting her. You obediently played your part. Your sister, Jolin, had a tough life, and she died on

her way to meet us. If you weren't my son, I'd beat you senseless right here. And you dare plead

Judith's case!"

Dylan stiffened, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Dad, it can't be. Judith wouldn't do that."

His sentence was cut short by another slap.

"Now, you've let an imposter kill your own sister! Get out! I no longer acknowledge you as my son!"novelbin

Judith, flanked by two bodyguards, was unable to utter one tone.


The true Sanders heiress was Maja, obviously!

Damn it, had Jolin, that counterfeit who'd surfaced around Ian, been the one to die?

Ian's actions had been so public, Judith would've had to be blind not to notice.

So Augus still didn't know Maja was the Sanders princess.

Well, she wouldn't be the one to tell him. She would rather die than see Maja live a life of luxury!

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