Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1120
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Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120

After hanging up the phone, lan snorted in derision, paying no mind to what had just happened.

Samuel smirked, “Since you’ve given up now, don’t hinder Penny and me. Rest assured, once you andJudith are engaged, I’ll definitely bring Penny along to congratulate you.”

Hearing this, lan found it laughable. How could Samuel presume to outdo Eric?

Lowering his eyelashes, he embarrassingly thought that perhaps he just didn’t understand Maja Maybeshe just didn’t prefer his type.

Perhaps when they were intimate before, all she could think about was Eric.

This realization made him uncomfortable all over, as if he were on fire

He pulled out a check, wrote down $200,000 for Samuel, and tossed it directly onto the latter’s face.Then, he got into his dented car and drove off

Samuel stood in place, taking a while to process that he’d just been insulted with money

He flipped off lan’s car

lan drove a few hundred meters away, making sure he was out of Samuel’s sight, before he pulled over

The air outside was hot, and even though the car was air–conditioned, he felt suffocated.

He leaned back, staring blankly ahead.

An hour later, his phone rang It was Judith, asking where he was

It was only then that he snapped back to reality, I’ll be there soon

By the time he drove to the hospital, another half an hour had passed He was more than an hour latefor their agreed time

Judith didn’t dare show any displeasure, especially now that Maja was back.

But it didn’t matter. She had a grand surprise planned at the restaurant.

Since lan wouldn’t make a decision, she would make it for him.

After today, Maja would be completely out of the picture!

Judith quietly sat in the back seat, wanting to say something to him to close the gap between themnovelbin

But lan was acting too cold Upon careful reflection, she found that it seemed he only showed otherexpressions when he was with Maja.

This realization nearly drove Judith mad

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm. As long as she could get through this, lan wouldbe hers

Once they arrived at the restaurant, she intentionally chose the main dining hall instead of a privateroom.

The restaurant was located high up, especially the window seats, which offered a view of the citybelow. They had to be reserved in advance.

But lan had already had Jeff arrange everything, and they went straight in.

To her surprise, the tables were set for a romantic dinner, complete with white tablecloths and scatteredrose petals

lan stiffened, his mind flashing back to the couple’s dinner hed once had with Maja Weren’t there alsorose petals on the table then?

But at that time, there was the annoying Beck, so he hadn’t had a chance to truly enjoy their timetogether

Why was he thinking about Maja again?

lan glanced around the restaurant, only then realizing that this was the same place where he and Majahad dined together.

He was already feeling uncomfortable, and now he felt even more stifled

Seeing his discomfort. Judith assumed he didn’t like the food here and suggested. “We can gosomewhere else”

“It’s fine”

He pushed away the memories of Maja in his mind. but when the steak was brought out, he instantlyremembered how he used to cut it for her.

He had treated her so well but she only saw him as a replacement

When had he ever been humiliated like this before?

lan was so infuriated that has entire body stiffened, forcefully suppressing his sthotions

This made Judith feel uncomfortable She always fell like he was angry and kept wondering if she didsomething to upart huts,

But after much thought she coulded find anything that would have made him angry, which made herheel aranjsk

However, she didn’t dare voice her feelings and instead focused her attention estere waiting for bei welgranniest drama to undoka

Last time, she had Wind bring Maja’s eccentric parents. Clare and Drew from Crystalbrook Valley toGreen

Soon, Clara and Drew appeared and ran over to lan upon seeing him

This was a high–end restaurant frequented by individuals a suit and ties but these two were dressedshabikily and looked travel–worn.

“Is that you? You kicked us out of the party last time Tell us where our daughter Maja is

Clara had been tipped off beforehand that no matter what mistakes she made someone would coverfür hat Plus, they had already recare $100,000 Once they returned to Crystalbrook Valley and cashedthe check, they would be ch

Initially, they wanted to get money from Maja, but after being forcibly sent back to Crystalbrook Valley,they realized they were no match for her. Clara had been sighing daily, feeling extremely uncomfortablewhenever she thought about Maja enjoying the good life in Greenfield, even living in a villa. It felt as ifher own money was being spent.

Now that they finally had a chance to come to Greenfield, they were determined to seize theopportunity.

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