Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 340 Am I Bullying?
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Chapter 340 Am I Bullying?

Chapter 340 Am I Bullying?

Lachlan was speechless and amused at the same time!

Even if he had money and power, couldn't he dress more casually? Couldn't he take a train from thestation? Was taking a taxi such an insult? Did he have to drive a luxury car everywhere he went? Ifone hundred dollars fell on the ground, couldn't it be picked up? Heh, what kind of values andmorals were these?

In Lachlan's mind, Penelope was truly shallow. It was difficult to connect with someone like her.Even if she was beautiful, she only had an attractive exterior...

Lachlan didn't bother explaining himself to her. If he told her about his experience surviving anexplosion that destroyed his clothes and car but left him alive, she would probably think that he wasbragging.

"You..." Penelope pointed at Lachlan with anger flushing her face.

She could feel his disdain towards her. She was Jieyson University's beauty queen; many wealthymen surrounded and adored her. When had anyone treated her like this before?

"What about me?" Lachlan said dismissively. "Miss Pearce, you should go do whatever it is youneed to do instead of bothering me."

"Unless you want another slap!" Lachlan threatened as he waved his hand in front of Penelope'sface.

Penelope heard this threat and saw Lachlan's action; instinctively she took a step back. Her faceturned red with embarrassment as tears welled up in her eyes.

She did not doubt that this uncivilized man would hit her again!

"Just wait for me! I'll remember this!" Penelope gritted through clenched teeth while trying to showhow much contempt she held for him.

But in reality, all she felt now after confronting him again was humiliation, self-inflicted humiliation!

After throwing down a harsh remark, Penelope was about to turn around and leave. As she turned,she almost collided with someone. Seeing this person, Penelope couldn't hold back her grievances,and tears started rolling down. For those unaware, it would seem like she had suffered a great dealof humiliation.

"Penelope, what's wrong?" Altha, upon seeing her granddaughter like this, asked with a sternexpression.


Penelope choked out a word, turned to glance at Lachlan, her expression full of resentment. Seeingthis, Altha glared at Lachlan.

"Young man, do you find it amusing? Why do you keep bullying my granddaughter?"

Lachlan was taken aback and shook his head speechlessly. "I didn't," he replied.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"What? Weren't you just saying you were going to hit me?" Penelope tearfully questioned.

Lachlan furrowed his brows, unsure of how to explain himself for a moment. The truth was, hecouldn't be bothered with the hassle.

"Fine, I misspoke. Can we move on now?" Lachlan waved his hand, eager to get rid of Penelope.

At this point, Altha snorted heavily. "Mr. Willis, don't think that I let you stay here because I'm afraidof you. I just didn't want to disrupt the normal proceedings of this exchange meeting."

"Just because Mr. Chambers and Mr. Austin were polite to you doesn't mean I have to cater to yourwhims! With my medical skills and connections in Kreanford, even throughout the country, if youpush too far, I guarantee there will be consequences!"

Upon hearing this statement, Lachlan's expression turned cold as anger flashed in his eyes.

"I pushed too far? Mr. Pearce, do you know what's really going on here? You're accusing me withoutknowing all the facts."

Altha spoke coldly, "Regardless of what happened before or after that slap, as a grown man, is itappropriate for you to hit a young woman like that? Be careful with your actions or else don't blameme for being impolite!"

With those words spoken out loud by Altha him self, he then swept his coat sleeve and tookPenelope away from there.

Lachlan narrowed his eyes at his retreating figure while feeling indignant inside; Altha never askedabout the reason behind everything!

It's true when they say "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"!

This grandfather who had no principles but only protected family members like an overprotectiveparent made it clear why Penelope acted so arrogant and rude towards others!

Fraser's friend wasn't exactly someone with good character either?

That thought crossed Lachlan's mind...

Meanwhile, on one side stood Altha holding onto his granddaughter who was crying pitifully; lookingat her tears falling down made his heart ache even more deeply than before...

"Penelope... don't cry anymore... it's not worth getting angry over someone like him." He inwardlysneered thinking about Fraser introducing such a person into their lives?

Someone whose character was so low he would bully a girl repeatedly?!

Even if he had great medical skills, he couldn't see how impressive Lachlan could possibly be.

Upon hearing this, Penelope stomped her foot in frustration. "Grandpa, with your incredible medicalskills and all the important people you know, can't you use your connections to take care of thisguy? Are you just going to let someone slap your granddaughter and do nothing about it?"

She began to cry.

Seeing his granddaughter like this made Altha feel uneasy. He was even more angry at Lachlannow.

After thinking for a while, he spoke in a calm voice. "Alright my dear granddaughter, stop crying!Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Penelope wiped away her tears and looked at Altha with hope in her eyes. "Okay then when areyou going to find someone to teach Willis a lesson for me?"

Altha thought for a moment before responding. "Maybe soon! If someone can cure Mr. Macdonald'sillness today, he will surely be grateful towards me! And then..."

As he spoke these words, Altha's face showed a cold smile.

"Mr. Macdonald?" Penelope's eyes lit up upon hearing the name.

She knew that whoever had such an identity must be extraordinary but she didn't have muchcontact with her grandpa's patients since she spent most of her time at the university.

"Yes! Mr. Macdonald is from an extremely powerful family who has come out from hiding recentlyand his status is incredibly high."

Altha continued explaining, "We ordinary people cannot even imagine how strong he is! Hisfollowers can easily kill any master-level martial artist."

"If we could get on Mr. Macdonald's good side and ask him for help dealing with Lachlan, it wouldbe easy-peasy!" He chuckled, "You could give him as many slaps as you want!"

Upon hearing this, Penelope became excited and amazed, "Mr. MacDonald is so powerful? Hisfollowers can kill masters so easily?"

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