Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 318 My Boss Is Lachlan
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Chapter 318 My Boss Is Lachlan

Chapter 318 My Boss is Lachlan

At this moment, Fabian was using the fastest speed he had ever displayed, relentlessly pursuingthe vehicle in front of him. With his speed, he could have easily left Makhi and Dagger's off-roadvehicle behind. However, the three box trucks in front of them were already at their maximumspeed.

"Dagger, let's do this! We'll delay him and give our brothers time to escape with the children!" Makhigritted his teeth with a crazed look in his eyes.

Dagger nodded and said, "Alright! Let's stop this guy!"

With that said, he snorted coldly and turned sharply. The off-road vehicle spun around on its axisbefore revving its engine loudly as it charged towards Fabian from behind.

"Come on you son of a b*tch!" Dagger roared wildly.

In an instant when it seemed like they were about to collide with Fabian head-on, Makhi and Daggerkicked open their doors and jumped out of the moving vehicle. This kind of dangerous maneuverwas nothing new for them!

Fabian's face changed as he faced the speeding car coming towards him; he didn't dare to confrontit head-on. He could only slow down momentarily before jumping aside to avoid being hit by the carfrom behind. He may be a Transmutation Force expert but that didn't mean he was invincible likeSuperman!

After rolling on the ground for some distance, he then got up again unscathed because they missedhitting Fabian by inches; Makhi and Dagger exchanged glances then stood in front of Fabianblocking his way forward.

"It seems you know what we're transporting now?" Fabian spoke coldly.

"You heartless animal! Those are just kids! Who are you going to sell them to?" Makhi angrilyquestioned him.

Hearing this question made Fabien sneer sarcastically, "How ridiculous! A killer who suddenly caresabout others? Hahaha..."

"F*ck you!"

"Dagger, let's go! Let's kill this bastard!"

Makhi cursed angrily and charged towards Fabian. Dagger, following closely, drew two short knives.

"You're overestimating yourselves!"

Seeing the situation, Fabian's face showed a trace of disdain. "Since you're seeking death, I'll behappy to oblige!"


Meanwhile, Lachlan was driving a Bentley Mulsanne along Jieyson National Road at a steady pacewhen suddenly his eyebrows raised slightly.

As someone whose spiritual power surpassed even most Core Formation experts', Lachlan hadbecome extremely sensitive to any changes around him lately...

As he drove, Lachlan sensed something was off about seven or eight miles ahead.

"Car accident?" he muttered, finally pressing down on the gas pedal and picking up speed.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org


Boom! Boom!

Makhi and Dagger's bodies hit the ground with a thud. Both were bleeding from their mouths andnoses, looking worse for wear.

Despite their past as top mercenaries with some martial arts skills, they were no match for Fabian, aTransmutation Force expert.

"F***! Didn't die on foreign soil but gotta die back home!" Makhi spat out blood phlegm in frustration.

Dagger gritted his teeth. "Boss, looks like we're done for this time! But our brothers should havetaken those kids and run far away! Haha..."

He glared provocatively at Fabian with a mocking expression.

Fabian snorted coldly. "It doesn't matter; I believe they'll come back obediently!"

He looked at them playfully. "How about we play a game? Only one of you can live. Whoever killsthe other will be spared!"

"Heh... let's do it?" He glanced into the distance where three trucks had already turned into blackdots.

Fabian knew he probably couldn't catch up to them now so he came up with an evil plan: let Makhiand Dagger fight each other to death so that only one would survive!

Then he could use that person as leverage to force other members of Blood Slaughter Associationto come back under his control.

"Dagger, do you want to live? If you do, then kill me!"

"Stab me here; I won't resist!"

Hearing this, Makhi laughed while pointing at his own chest. "Haha f*** no! If it weren't for youtaking that bullet for me before, I'd have died long ago."

"Boss, just give it to me," Dagger grinned while waving his hand around.

As comrades, they had always been individuals who could entrust their backs to each other on thebattlefield. Living on the edge between life and death, enduring days filled with gunfire, they hadlong grown indifferent to life and death.

Killing each other for survival was something neither Makhi nor Dagger could bring themselves todo.

Fabian watched both men closely as his face twisted into an ugly expression filled with anger, "Youtwo are such idiots still playing brotherhood till now? Fine then... I'll choose for you!"

As soon as the words fell, a fierce killing intent emanated from Fabian and locked onto Dagger. Heknew that Makhi was the leader of this assassin organization and his status was definitely moreimportant than Dagger's. Leaving Makhi as a hostage would be even more threatening!

Makhi realized something and his face changed immediately.

Meanwhile, Dagger chuckled bitterly, revealing a hint of carefree smile, "Come on, you beast!"

"Wait!" At this moment, Makhi shouted urgently to stop them.

"Hmm?" Fabian grinned wickedly. "Scared? If you're smart enough, let your men bring the car backhere!"

Makhi's eyes flickered for a few moments before he tried to show off his arrogance, "At this point,I'm not afraid to tell you that I have someone powerful behind me! Let me tell you if you dare touch

me or my brothers in any way; my support will kill your entire family! The Capital? The Britt family?You're all going down!!"

Hearing this statement made Fabian pause for a moment before asking sarcastically, "Really? Youstill have someone powerful behind you? Tell me then who is it?"

Makhi's eyes shifted around but he spoke with an intimidating tone, "My supporter is verymysterious and powerful; how could I just reveal his identity so easily?"

"Haha... Do you think I'm stupid or are you stupid yourself? Why should I believe in what you say?"Fabian laughed out loud while mocking him. "You claim that your support can destroy the Brittfamily?! That's such a big joke!"

"If there really is someone backing up on your behalf, then tell me who they are or what kind ofpower they possess; otherwise stop trying to scare me." With these words spoken by Fabianhimself, he was about to attack Dagger again.

"Lachlan!" Makhi gritted his teeth while revealing one name.

He had no choice but to make up something under pressure!

Up until now since returning home after being abroad for years, Lachlan seemed like the mostimpressive person he had met.

So in desperation he blurted out Lachlan's name hoping it would work its magic somehow.

"Lachlan?" As soon as the name was uttered by Makhi himself; Fabian who was about to strikepaused momentarily showing signs of suspicion written all over his face.

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