Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 273 It’S Not That If I Can Eat It, You Can Eat It
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Chapter 273 It'S Not That If I Can Eat It, You Can Eat It

Chapter 273 It's Not That if I Can Eat It, You Can Eat It


"Somebody's dead!"

"Quick, someone come over here! Someone's dying!!"

Immediately, a commotion broke out outside the restaurant.

Discussions and cries of alarm rose and fell.

Hearing the noise, Lachlan's eyes flickered and he thought of something. He grabbed Nora andquickly walked out of the restaurant.

Kiera and Chloe followed suit, looking puzzled.

When they arrived at the scene of the incident, Lachlan looked at Dagger and Makhi lying on theground convulsing with blood flowing from their seven orifices in shock.


The next second, Lachlan couldn't help but laugh out loud when he realized that both men had beenpoisoned...

These two were responsible for poisoning him earlier?

They tasted their own poison?

Hahaha, what fools!

"What's wrong with you? How can you still laugh at a time like this?" Kiera asked angrily.

Both men were in such bad shape yet Lachlan was still laughing?

"That's right!"

"Why is this person so heartless?"

"They're already like that yet he still takes pleasure in their misfortune!"

"Quickly call for an ambulance!" A group of onlookers also criticized Lachlan one after anotherbefore someone dialed 911.

With a smile on his face, Lachlan hesitated for a moment before walking over to them. He took outseveral silver needles from his pocket then inserted them into Makhi's and Dagger's bodiesrespectively. Then he twisted his hands to use True Dragon Energy to detoxify them.

These two foolish assassins didn't seem too bad as they had tried to warn him with the bomb in hiscar earlier that morning so as not to harm Nora who was innocent. Besides, Lachlan wanted to findout who hired them to kill him by asking them directly.

"What is this guy doing?"

"He is giving acupuncture treatment?"

"Just now he was taking pleasure in their misfortune but now he wants save lives?"

A group of onlookers commented incessantly upon seeing what happened next. However, no onedared approach Lachlan lest they get into trouble themselves.

After a while, Lachlan finally pulled out all silver needles which had turned black duringdetoxification process. Meanwhile, Makhi's and Dagger' s faces changed from dark purple-black

color back to pale white again! The convulsions stopped miraculously.

Both men looked weakly at Lachlan with complex expressions.

"Woohoo! They're okay now?"

"Young man, you're amazing."

Upon seeing this situation, the onlookers were immediately amazed and exclaimed in admiration asthey looked at Lachlan with awe.

Lachlan snorted and grabbed Makhi's throat, "Tell me, who sent you to kill me! Tell me, or I'll killyou!"

Makhi was also a skilled player, but at this moment he was choked by Lachlan and felt powerless touse his body.

"It's me! It's me! You ruined our mission last time, so I brought him to get revenge on you!"

"Release the president, if you want to kill, then kill me!" Dagger exclaimed urgently upon seeing thesituation.

"Don't listen to him! I'm the president, and it's me who wants to kill you!"

"If you want to blame someone, blame my lack of skills! Let's do it!"

"Damn it! I've been licking the blood off my knife for so many years abroad without any problem, butI never expected to get caught as soon as I came back!"

"It is said that Priocia is a forbidden land for mercenaries, and it really is!" Makhi was unwilling andhad a determined look on his face.

"Kill me! Let go of the president!"

"Finish me off! I'm the leader here!"

Dagger and Makhi kept shouting one after another, leaving Lachlan speechless, as if they werebrave warriors sacrificing themselves.

Snap! Snap!

The next second, Lachlan slapped them and sneered disdainfully, "I'll spare you this time, but youwon't be so lucky next time! Get lost!"

In front of so many people, it wouldn't be appropriate for Lachlan to kill them outright.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, he didn't have much desire to kill these two idiots in his heart.

Upon hearing these words, Makhi and Dagger were stunned, wearing expressions of disbelief.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

It seemed unexpected, but Lachlan actually let them go.

The next second, Makhi was lying on the ground, grabbing onto Lachlan's pants leg!

"Why? Why are you okay? I clearly poisoned you!"

"That poison almost killed Dagger and me, why the hell didn't you do anything?"

Lachlan sneered and kicked the guy out with one foot, "Idiot, just because I can't handle it doesn'tmean you can! With your level of skill, you should practice more if you want to kill me!"

After speaking, he took Nora's small hand and walked towards Kiera and Chloe, who were standingthere with a slightly surprised expression, and smiled.

"Let's go, we're going to play!"

Kiera came to her senses, and a blush appeared on her pretty face again, with a hint ofembarrassment.

The next second, with a hint of complexity in her beautiful eyes, she asked, "Did you just drink mysoup and grab my hand to detoxify me?"

Seeing the two people bleeding from their seven orifices and convulsing just now, how could Kieranot understand? At this moment, she felt a wave of fear and horror.

Inside her heart, there was also a sense of shame and embarrassment. Did she misunderstand thisguy?

"Just for the sake of taking advantage of you, is that right?" Lachlan grinned and askedmischievously.



Kiera's tone faltered and she cursed in anger, wishing she could go over and kick this guy a fewtimes to relieve her frustration.

In the afternoon of that day.

Lachlan was playing with Nora on a project when he suddenly received a call from Miranda.

Emmanuel and Cara wanted to invite them both to have dinner together tonight!

There was only one week left until the wedding, and there were some things that needed to bediscussed in detail.

The two also instructed Lachlan to bring Nora along this time, as they hadn't met the child yet.

After speaking with Miranda on the phone, Lachlan agreed to come and contacted Mason first. Heasked him to send someone to the Emerald Green Estates to help him move his things.

Lachlan decided to give Emmanuel and Cara the four "dowry" boxes tonight, giving his father-in-lawand mother-in-law a surprise.

"Nora, how about I take you to Miranda's parents' house for dinner tonight? What do you think?"

After contacting Mason, Lachlan tentatively asked his daughter.

Nora hesitated for a moment upon hearing this, then nodded obediently and said, "Okay!"

Though she was only five years old, she actually understood everything.

Lachlan gently patted her little head, saying, "Nora, be a good girl! When we're there, call themgrandma and grandpa, okay?"

Nora nodded, but in her big eyes, there was a hint of worry and unease. "Daddy, these are the newgrandma and grandpa, right? Will they... like me? I amn't Miranda's own baby..."

Upon hearing this, Lachlan picked up his daughter who looked both scared and obedient, andhugged her tightly while giving her a kiss full of love.

"Baby, don't worry. The new grandparents will love you even more than the old ones did! They arelooking forward to playing with you!"

Nora heard this and immediately showed a pure smile, "Really?"

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