Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 272 Quite Tasty
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Chapter 272 Quite Tasty

Chapter 272 Quite Tasty

Kiera tried to pull her hand back, but found that she couldn't move it at all!

Lachlan, this rogue scoundrel, caught her so tightly that it was beyond description.

Meanwhile, she suddenly felt a strange surge of warmth, flowing into her body along Lachlan'shand, then spreading throughout her entire being.

Kiera didn't know what was happening, she only thought it was a physiological response caused bythe opposite sex's hand grabbing her.

Only to see her delicate and stunning face, blushing even more red with embarrassment!

She could only feel the warm currents coursing through her body, creating an indescribable senseof comfort.

"Kiera, how can you be so shameless to actually find this comfortable?" She secretly cursed herselfin her heart and glared at Lachlan with angry eyes, "Rogue, what exactly are you doing? I thoughtyou were a gentleman!"

Lachlan's face showed a look of speechlessness as he pursed his lips and said, "You're poisoned,and I'm detoxifying you! Besides, I never said that I was a righteous gentleman!"


Upon hearing this, Kiera sneered and looked embarrassed and angry, "Such a clumsy excuse, Ican't believe you came up with it!"

Poisoned? Haha, that was ridiculous!

Wanting to take advantage, he can come up with all sorts of excuses...

"Daddy, are you thinking about changing wives again?" At this moment, Nora blinked her big eyesand asked.

Chloe pouted and said, "Pigsy, you big pervert! Hmph!"

Lachlan tugged at the corner of his mouth, feeling speechless...

Outside the restaurant!

Makhi and Dagger were staring intently in Lachlan's direction through the glass.

The two of them saw Kiera take a few sips of that bowl of chowder, and immediately felt a mix ofdiscomfort and inner conflict.

Just as they were hesitating whether to go over and deliver the antidote to Kiera in order to avoidinnocent casualties, they saw Lachlan exchanging bowls with her.

And then, he himself finished the entire bowl of potentially poisonous soup!

"That guy drank it!" Dagger said with some excitement.

"Drink until you die! Damn it!" Makhi had a triumphant look on his face as he gritted his teeth andspoke through them.

"Mr. Davis, should we go over and administer the antidote to that beautiful lady?" asked Dagger.

Makhi's eyes flickered for a moment as he stared at Lachlan and Kiera, his expression filled withsuspicion and uncertainty.

"Wait and see! That woman doesn't seem to have any problems. Maybe it's because she drankless!"

With that, he looked in their direction and spat harshly, "That guy is clueless even when facingdeath, still busy taking advantage! He drank a whole big bowl; he's done for! Haha..."

Following that, the two of them awaited Lachlan's reaction to the poison!

It'd been a long time, but that guy was still as calm as ever, sitting there enjoying his meal with greatpleasure.

Including Kiera, neither of them showed any signs of poisoning.

"Mr. Davis, something's not right! How come they're okay?"

"How long will it take for this poison of yours to take effect?" Dagger asked in confusion.

Makhi also looked puzzled, "What's going on? He should have been poisoned by now at this time!"

A wave of doubt and irritation rose in his heart, as this poison was bought by him on the dark web.

The seller said that this poison was extremely toxic, and just one gram can kill an adult.

Within five minutes, the poison will take effect, and within ten minutes, he'll be dead!

However, nearly twenty minutes had passed and both Lachlan and the beautiful woman seemedcompletely unfazed.

If the beauty's poisoning took longer to develop because she drank less, then what about Lachlan?

Makhi took out a glass bottle from his pocket and looked at the white powder inside, with a face fullof annoyance and frustration.

"Mr. Davis, you're not scammed and bought fake goods, are you?" Dagger looked at the small bottlewith a skeptical expression on his face.

Makhi's face was filled with uncertainty as he glanced once again at the unharmed Lachlan andKiera. He then poured some white powder into his hand.

The next second, hesitating for a moment, he stuck out his tongue and tasted a bit.

Dagger exclaimed, "Mr. Davis, be careful of poison!"

"Damn! What a bunch of nonsense!" After tasting it, Makhi smacked his lips a few times and thencursed angrily, "Why is this thing so sickeningly sweet? Damn it, I met a scammer on the dark web!"

"Is this fucking baby formula? Can it poison people?"

Saying that, he licked a few more times and then poured some out, saying to Dagger, "Try it!"

Dagger hesitated for a moment, dipped his finger in, and licked a bit.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

The next second, he was also angry, "Boss, how much did you spend on this? Isn't it just milkpowder? But I have to admit, it tastes pretty good! Give me some more!"

Makhi slapped him angrily and said, "Go away! How can you still have the appetite to eat?"

"Wow, I'm so angry! This poison was bought by me for hundreds of thousands of dollars! I can'tbelieve I've been cheated!"

"He fooled me with the damn milk powder, no wonder Lachlan drank it without any problem!Bastard! Bastard!"

However, while cursing, it was possible that the reason for increased blood flow was due to beingagitated and having a rush of emotions.

Makhi's face suddenly changed!


"Mr. Davis, what's wrong?" Dagger was startled by the sudden noise and asked in a panic.

But the next second, he also showed a painful expression and spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"This... this is really... poison?"

Makhi struggled to speak, desperately reaching into his pocket for an antidote.

However, he convulsed all over and his limbs were completely unresponsive, almost losing hisability to move!

Including Dagger himself, they lay on the ground twitching like they had epilepsy while bleedingfrom their seven orifices.

It looked extremely tragic and terrifying!!

At this time, Lachlan and others finished their meal and were about to take their two little ones to theamusement park for more fun!

Kiera still had a hint of blush on her face but her expression was cold. She wiped her hands withdisinfectant wipes several times after eating. It seemed that the hand caught by Lachlan earlier wasreally poisoned.

"You don't have to go that far, Miss Ward..." Lachlan saw Kiera wiping her hand again after eatingand said helplessly.

"I'm telling you, it's fine if the kids play together but you stay away from me!"

"Two meters away is necessary!" Kiera gritted her teeth with guarded disgust in her tone.

She thought this jerk wasn't interested in her at all but it turned out she overestimated him. This jerkwas just a disgusting pervert. Who knew how many dirty thoughts he had in his mind? Hergrandfather always spoke highly of him which made herself feel foolish now.

"Well then!" Lachlan shrugged indifferently as if he didn't care how Kiera saw him at all.

However, at this moment, a scream suddenly pierced through them with extreme forcefulness. Itwas obvious that whoever screamed must have been extremely frightened before making such loudnoise.

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