Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 145 The Killing Form
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Chapter 145 The Killing Form

Chapter 145 The Killing Form

Lachlan was sound asleep when he suddenly received a call from an unknown number.

"Who is this?" Lachlan asked groggily, checking the time. It was already late at night.

"Mr. Willis, can you really save my mom?" An anxious voice sounded on the other end of the line.

"Hmm?" Lachlan responded before quickly realizing who it was. "Darwin?"

"Yes! Yes!" Darwin exclaimed.

"You guessed right! My mom's in trouble, can you really save her?"

Darwin hesitated for a moment before asking in a serious tone. He had gotten Lachlan's contactinformation from Sam.

"I can definitely help her, but like I said before, it'll cost 30 million to hire me again," Lachlan repliednonchalantly.

"Okay! Okay!" Darwin gritted his teeth and agreed. Even though he was angry about Lachlan'sexorbitant fee, his mother's safety came first. He could deal with the payment later if necessary.

An hour later, Darwin picked up Lachlan and took him to the McLaughlin family mansion. Asexpected of someone in construction business, the private villa occupied an extensive area withexquisite landscaping that included ponds, rockeries and swimming pools - everything one couldask for!

"This is Mr. Willis?" Philip stepped out and was somewhat surprised when he saw Lachlan besidehis son. He seemed taken aback by the fact that Lachlan appeared so young.

"It's an urgent situation, Mr. Willis. My expertise won't be enough. Please go upstairs and see whatyou can do," Master Soidho said while extending a hand, hoping to see if Lachlan could handle thesituation.

He pushed Lachlan toward Philip, not because he genuinely admired Lachlan, but rather to shift theresponsibility away from himself. If something happened to Kristina, the Mclaughlin family, fatherand son, would not go easy on him. If Lachlan couldn't resolve the situation either, then he'd be introuble too.

Philip saw Master Soidho's reaction and realized that the young man before him was likely the onehis son had spoken about. However, inside Philip, he couldn't help but have some doubts. MasterSoidho had years of experience and couldn't solve the issue, but this young man in his twenties wassupposed to be reliable?

At that moment, Lachlan nodded and walked towards the small building where Philip and his wiferesided. However, when he reached the front door of the small building, he hesitated for a moment.As he looked at the arrangement in front of the door, a chill passed through his eyes.

There were two ponds in front of the building, connected by two continuous streams, resemblingtwo lively bodies of water. In the middle of the ponds, there were artificial rock formations, andvarious fish were swimming in the pools. At first glance, it seemed full of life, with water andmountains, appearing quite auspicious.

But when Lachlan saw these two ponds and the mirrors hanging on the front door of the building,his expression changed.

"Mr. Willis, hurry up! My mother's condition is critical!" Darwin urged impatiently as he saw Lachlanhesitating.

As they entered inside, several bodyguards surrounded them with serious expressions. Kristina layon her bed with her hands tied behind her back; she twisted her body fiercely while making sobbingsounds like "Wu Wu". It looked eerie and creepy!

Suddenly there was a cracking sound as Kristina broke free from her ropes.

"I want to die! Life is meaningless..." Kristina cried out while trying to hang herself again.

Several guards tried to stop her but were knocked away easily by Kristina's strength.

"Mr. Willis, do something quickly!" Philip shouted anxiously.

"You wanted 30 million dollars right? My father and I will give it to you! Do you even know whatyou're doing?" Darwin added frantically beside him, "Hurry up!"

Lachlan snorted coldly before jumping out through a second-floor window onto solid ground below.Then he leaped forward towards that mirror hanging on top of their door frame and smashed it intopieces with one punch!

"What are you doing? That's used for warding off evil spirits!" Darwin yelled suspiciously from abovethrough an open windowpane.

"It's done!"

"The madam is okay now!!"

Just then someone shouted loudly. Kristina who had been going crazy just moments ago passedout after Lachlan destroyed that mirror above their doorway.

Philip hurried over to check if his wife was still breathing before letting out a long sigh of relief uponfinding she only fell asleep due exhaustion from all this stress - but at least she wasn't dead yet!

After a moment, the group confirmed that Kristina was really okay and they went into the courtyard.

"Mr. Willis, thank you so much!" Philip thanked him repeatedly.

"No need to thank me. I didn't help you for free, don't forget about those 30 million dollars," Lachlansaid nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about that. I won't go back on my word," Philip replied with a bitter smile.

"Mr. Willis, what happened to my mom? Why did she get better after breaking that mirror?" Darwinasked tentatively.

Even Master Soidho looked puzzled at this point and his eyes were full of inquiry.

Lachlan sneered, "Who told you breaking the mirror would solve everything? The matter isn't overyet."

As he spoke, he pointed to the two water pools in front of the small building's door. "Fill these twopools up!"

Upon hearing this request, Philip was stunned, "Why?"

He had paid a high price for hiring a landscape designer specifically for these two pools and it costalmost 1 million dollars! And now Lachlan wanted them filled up?

"Mr. Willis, is there something wrong with these two water pools? Water represents wealth and fishrepresent surplus every year. Moreover, with their connecting channels constantly flowing throughthem like live water... this is clearly an auspicious object! Forgive my ignorance but I don't knowwhat's wrong with these ponds?" Master Soidho asked curiously.

"You guys take a closer look at these two water pools along with their connecting channels... whatdoes it look like?" Lachlan coldly laughed as he asked this question.

Everyone present carefully examined them.

Suddenly Master Soidho's face changed, "Crying! It looks like a man's crying!"

Lachlan chuckled, "You still have some insight left in you! Coupled with this mirror in front of us…ingeomancy terms it's called 'Blood Basin Reflecting Mirror' which is an extremely vicious geomancykilling formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present stared intently at him.

Master Soidho suddenly exclaimed, "Blood Basin Reflecting Mirror! That's right…it really is BloodBasin Reflecting Mirror! How could I not see it before?"

He revealed an expression of shame while looking towards Lachlan; his eyes no longer held anycontempt but instead were filled with admiration.

"Blood Basin Reflecting Mirror?" Darwin's eyelids twitched while Philip looked horrified.

Just hearing its name made one feel scared and felt its evil energy radiating outwards from within it!Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Absolutely, this is the Blood Basin Reflecting Mirror! I have to admit, the person who set up thisgeomancy killing formation is truly brilliant. Even most geomancy masters would not be able to seethrough it! Thanks to Mr. Willis' sharp eyesight, he was able to see through everything!" MasterSoidho exclaimed in amazement.

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