Daddy the Miracle Medic

Chapter 144 Weeping In The Middle Of The Night
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Chapter 144 Weeping In The Middle Of The Night

Chapter 144 Weeping in the Middle of the Night

That night, in the middle of the night, mournful cries echoed through the McLaughlin family's privatevilla. It sounded eerie in the darkness.

Darwin and his father Philip McLaughlin stood in a room, their faces filled with suspicion and alarmas they listened to Mrs. McLaughlin, Kristina McLaughlin, crying hysterically on the floor.

"What's going on? Honey, what happened?" Philip asked anxiously.

It was frightening to wake up in the middle of the night to find your partner crying uncontrollablybeside you. But Kristina wasn't just crying; she was also acting insane. She was cutting up bedsheets with scissors while sobbing nonstop.

No matter how much they called out to her, she didn't respond at all. She seemed completely out ofher mind.

"Dad, is Mom possessed or something?" Darwin asked nervously.

"Quick! Call Master Soidho!" Philip shouted urgently upon hearing his son's words.

Soon enough, Master Soidho arrived at the McLaughlin family's home looking rushed andconcerned about Kristina's condition.

"Master Soidho! Thank goodness you're here!" Philip greeted him eagerly. "My wife is actingstrange tonight and won't stop crying no matter what we do."

"Don't worry," Master Soidho said after examining Kristina upstairs for a moment. "She has beenaffected by negative energy from evil spirits that roam around during nighttime hours - it happens

quite often actually - but I can perform an exorcism ritual to help her."

At this point, Darwin spoke up hesitantly, "Master Soidho... is my mom going to be okay? Someonetold me earlier today that I have a bad omen because two stars fell from my constellation whichmeans my mother might be in danger..."

Hearing this made Master Soidho chuckle, "Mr. McLaughlin... nine out of ten people who claim theycan predict fate are frauds. Don't believe everything you hear!"

After hearing these words from Master Soidho, Darwin breathed a sigh of relief and silently cursedLachlan under his breath for scaring him like that earlier today...

A few moments later, after Master Soidho performed his ritualistic duties, Kristina finally calmeddown enough to fall asleep peacefully on her bed once again...

"Alright, let Mrs. McLaughlin rest well!" Master Soidho said with a smile.

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!" Philip expressed his gratitude.

"Master Soidho is truly skilled and knowledgeable. Unlike some people who just talk nonsense andscare others with false information," Darwin also complimented and then asked, "Master, how muchdo we owe you for this?"

"You have been working with me for years. How can I charge you for helping out? Consider it asfriends helping each other out!" Master Soidho declined the offer generously.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Hearing this, Darwin was impressed, "Master Soidho, you have integrity unlike some people whoscared me by saying my mom was in life-threatening danger and demanded 10 million dollars! Haha... This is 100, 000 dollars. Please accept it as a token of our appreciation."

Master Soidho smiled and refused a few times before accepting the money graciously. Then hesneered disdainfully, "These days there are all kinds of people! They're crazy about money? 10million dollars? He's really asking to be ripped off!"

Philip also snorted coldly, "Who is this arrogant person?"

Darwin shrugged indifferently, "Just an insignificant nobody!"

Philip didn't bother to ask further but warmly invited Master Soidho to stay at his house since it wasalready late at night, "Why don't we rest at my place? I'll have someone prepare some food for us toeat before sleeping."

"That would be great," replied Master Soidho without hesitation.

Next, Philip had the villa's chef prepare a table full of delicious dishes while he and Darwin drankwine with Master Soidho in good spirits!

However, suddenly there was noise coming from upstairs followed by a woman crying loudly.

This time her cries were even more sorrowful than before; they made one's scalp tingle uponhearing them.

The three men's faces changed dramatically as they quickly ran up to the second-floor bedroomwhere Kristina sat on the bed sobbing uncontrollably while blood tears streamed down her face,making her look terrifyingly red-eyed!

At that moment, they noticed that she had tied together strips of cloth cut from earlier into a ropewhich she hung on the ceiling light fixture inside their room...

"Woo... Woo woo woo..." She cried while standing on top of her bed trying to put her head throughthe noose...

It was clear that she intended... to hang herself!

"Darling!" Philip's face turned pale with fear as he rushed to stop his wife, Kristina.

However, Kristina was incredibly strong at that moment and kicked Philip out with one foot. Thenshe hung there, kicking her legs wildly.

Even though she was hanging up there, she continued to cry. Her crying had changed tone andsounded even more terrifying.

"Help! Help! Get my wife down!" Philip shouted hoarsely as he quickly summoned the villa'sbodyguards and servants.

It took a lot of effort for everyone to get Kristina down and tie her up with ropes so that she wouldn'tharm herself again.

This time, no matter what Master Soidho did, Kristina continued to cry hysterically. She even let outa few sharp screams from time to time while making an extremely frightening expression on herface.

"Master Soidho, what is going on? You said my wife was fine," Philip asked anxiously.

"I... I don't know," Master Soidho replied in a panicked voice while looking distressed himself.

"Hurry up and do something! Aren't you supposed to be the best master in Edoland?" Philip urgedhim impatiently.

"I'm not all-powerful either! With Mrs. McLaughlin's condition... I can't find the reason myself,"Master Soidho said with an unpleasant expression on his face.

"You bastard! If anything happens to my wife, you won't be able to stay in Edoland anymore!" Philipyelled angrily.

Upon hearing this threat from Phillip, Master Soidho shuddered suddenly before rememberingsomeone who might be able help them.

"Mr. McLaughlin... maybe there is someone who can help you!"

"Who? Tell me quickly!" Phillip demanded urgently.

"The young man I met during the day! But I don't know his name… Oh wait… you son has met himbefore too. It seems like they are acquainted."

As soon as Darwin heard this conversation between his father and Master Soidho about Lachlanbeing able help them, Darwin's facial expressions kept changing rapidly, "Are you talking aboutLachlan? He told me that something bad would happen to my mom!"

Philip grabbed Darwin by the collar of his shirt, "What happened exactly? Why didn't you tell usearlier if someone warned you?"

Darwin cried pitifully, "He asked me for 10 million dollars. I thought he was trying scam me."

"F*ck it all!! Even if it were 100 million dollars instead of just 10 million dollars -I'd still give it away-hurry up call him over here!"

Philip's voice was hoarse with urgency as he shouted at his son. As he watched his wife's conditionworsen, her strength seemed to grow with the influx of energy.

The rope that bound her creaked and groaned under her struggles, as if it could break at anymoment.

Just moments ago, they had managed to subdue her together. But if she broke free again, whowould be able to stop her?

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