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Chapter 441

Just as Jude and Selena were whispering to the side, the emergency room door opened, and the doctor came out. “Sorry, but we tried our best.We're sorry for your loss.”

“Doctor, what did you say?” Helen's eyes grew wide, and horror was written all over her tear-stained face while Selena froze on the spot. She hadmentally prepared herself for the worst possible outcome, but she did not expect that John would really die.

“Dad!” Chris fell to his knees at once with a thud.

At this time, the other members of the Fowler Family had also arrived. After all, Fowler Corporation was a family business, and although it wasmonopolized by John's branch of the family, there were many other members of the Fowler Family working at the company. Some of them hadshares, while others held positions. When they saw Chris kneeling on the ground and Helen sobbing profusely, they knew what had happenedwithout having to ask.

Right now, Selena was still ina daze. She did not have much interaction with John and had only met him twice before, with the third time being todayat the wedding. The first time she saw him was when he came to see the child at the hospital, while the second time was when she followed Pierrehome to meet his parents. So, today was the third time at the wedding venue. She was simply shocked at how a person could suddenly die like that.Suddenly, she thought of Pierre and immediately called him

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable.

Pierre should be on the plane now, or perhaps he had already arrived at his destination, where he could not use his phone. Selena smacked herhead in frustration. Why am I so dumb? Why didn’t I call him at once just now when John was coughing up blood?novelbin

However, Jude was frowning as she stared at Helen. For some reason. she felt that the latter was acting rather strangely.

Just at this time, several police officers came over, and they walked up to Selena. "Hi there, are you Selena Yard?”


“We now suspect that you are related to a poisoning case, so please cooperate with us and come along to the police station for some questioning.”“It's not a poisoning case.” Helen, who had been wailing, suddenly calmed down and looked at Selena with an outraged glare. “It's murder!”Startled, the officer looked at the doctor, who nodded, signaling that the patient had passed away. “Come with us.”

“No, I can't go. Pierre is not here, so I have to take care of the funeral.” Selena blinked her eyes, and a tear dropped down.

“You don't have to take care of thefuneral! Whodo you think you are,you murderer?” Screaming, Helen ~rushed taward Selena. Ina swift ~move jude stepped in front of: ~Selena. When Helen saw Jude; shedidsnot dare to make a move >andbéyan to cry again. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

“How exactly has the Fowler Familywronged yassSelena? You havesuch a cruel heart! How will you be»able to Idok Pierre, who loves you'somuchain the eye? How will youc:explain this to your three children?”Helen fell to the ground and howled.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Chris hurriedly came over. "Mom, don't say that! It shouldn't be Selena’s fault! It's definitely not her!”

“What do you know? If you say it's not her, then tell me, why did your father die after drinking the wine she passed to him?”

“I'm not a fool! If I were going to killhim, why would I do so at my ownwedding? Itsmy wedding, and =what's nore, what reason would tshave toxill him? If I poisoned hina i infronte of so many people, isn'tahattelling everyone that I'm thesreurderer?” Selena finally feactedand defended herself. Content

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However, Helen merely sneered. "Do you think you can get away with this? I’m sure you think you won't be suspected this way! Besides you, whoelse could it be?"

The police officers didn't seem to want to hear this anymore and directly handcuffed Selena. “Please come with us.”

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