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Chapter 440

As Jude walked in, she asked, "Selena, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine..." Selena’s voice was still trembling.

"I had someone send the three kids home, and there are people at home to take care of them.”“Thanks.”

Jude looked at Selena, then walked over and patted her shoulder. "Mrs. Fowler, this is only the first step, and yet you can't hold up now? You can’t beat the mercy of these people! Get changed, and let’s go to the hospital. Otherwise, those people will have something to say about you again."

Taking a deep breath, Selena stood up, took off the dress she was wearing. and changed into casual clothes.Just at this time, Chris walked in. "Selena, are you okay?""I'm fine, Chris. Thank you for asking."

"Were a family, so there's no need to be so polite. You dan’t need to be so anxious too. Dad has not been in particularly good health, and he seemsto have vomited blood last time at home as well. I’m sure my mother was just too anxious just now to see my father vomit blood, so she said suchharsh words to you. Please do not take it to heart.”

Selena forced a smile. “Okay.”"Then let's go to the hospital together now. Most of the guests are almost gone. so the staff can handle the rest.”

As Jude was uneasy, she still followed them to the hospital. Outside the emergency room, Helen and her maid were sitting on a bench. At thismoment, Helen had dissolved in tears and was still wailing aloud.

“Mom, how is Dad?"Helen then raised her head. “Chris...”Then, Chris walked over and held her hand. "Don't worry. My dad is a blessed man, so he will be fine."

When Helen looked at Selena again, her gaze was obviously milder than before. "Selena, I'm sorry. I was too anxious just now. That's why I said whatI said."

At that, Chris smiled toward Selena as if to say. look, what I said is right, hun?

Hearing Helen's words, Selena hurriedly waved her hand. "It's okay.”

Then, the family sat outside theemergency roam and waited. At thisime, Helen was like a completelydifferent person, "You guys shouldnot be tdd anxious. His health hasn'tbeen great for some time now,Dut



is condition has always beeniden from Pierre. In fact,-Ae has80 frequently been takingmedicine. Maybe he was too happytoday and had too much to drink,resulting in...” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Since Selena had never imaginedthat this would happen, she couldonly hope that John would be fine. .However: ude felt that somethingfishy wes going on and quietly pulledSelena to one side. “Selena, youfather-i in-law coughed up quite a lotofblood. I think you need-to mentallyprepare yourself for the worst.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Selena’s heart jumped at her words. She certainly knew how serious this matter was; John was no spring chicken anymore, and he was sickly too.Now that he had spat so much blood out, his condition did not look favorable.

"I think Helen..." Jude shook her head. Then, she continued, "I think there's something wrong with her.”"What's wrong?”

"At the scene just now, she immediately accused you and said such words, so now most people think it was you who poisoned your father-in-law byspiking his wine. Now that no one is here, she suddenly apologized to you."

"Maybe she was really too worried just now that she said something like that in the heat of the moment.”

Although Selena knew that Helenused to be a member of theorganization, she later left theorganization and married John.Selena did not believe that someonewhose life hung on a thread whilethe o ganization would not be happywiththe normalcy of her currenit life,anc.ot to mention tha the-one sherrarried was John Fowler-himself.Being in the Fowler Family, Helenhad the best of everything, includingglory and wealth. What was more,she was indeed very good to Johnand Pierre. Even though she was hisstepmother, it was said that she wasnicer to Pierre than to her own son.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Thus, Selena really couldn't find a reason for Helen to harm John. After all, since now the heir of the Fowler Family was Pierre, she and her son couldonly live well if John was alive.

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