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Chapter 182

Chapter 182: 101. Inferior Products_2“Activate Experimental Type | Proliferation Armor!”Flames dissipated and dust swirled.

Noland Lee waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him, furrowing his eyebrows and locking his gaze on the wrigglingbiochemical soldiers.

Their skin and clothes were broken by the bone fragments drilling out of their bodies.Within three seconds, armor made of hardened bones appeared on the biochemical soldiers.

Their hands and feet also transformed into biochemical spores, bone firearms, and biochemical rocket boots with jet holes attheir ankles during the wiggling of their limbs.

The skull of the biochemical soldier was covered with a helmet made of bones.

His gaze was still incredibly indifferent, without any emotional fluctuation.

Noland Lee shook his head slightly and sighed softly:

“The Empire is treating soldiers purely as tools now..”

Before the biochemical soldiers launched their attack, he sidestepped around the tunnel’s corner.In the previous brief clash, he had tried the “Fear Spell” and the “Cripple Spell.”

The “Fear Spell” had no effect on emotionless and unfeeling enemies like the biochemical soldiers.The System directly indicated that the spellcasting failed.

The “Cripple Spell” was successful, but the System indicated that the effect was minimal.

The rocket boots on the biochemical soldiers’ feet could provide a significant increase in movement speed, using powerful flamesto propel them forward, essentially negating the effect of the Level 5 “Cripple Spell.”

As for using firearms and bullets to attack biochemical soldiers... that was even more absurd.

The hardened exoskeleton on their bodies was identical to the armor on the Biochemical Giant, able to withstand bullets as wellas energy beams.

When facing such uncontrollable, powerful, and highly defensive enemies, running away was definitely the best option.

Noland Lee abandoned the idea of resistance without hesitation, desperately shielding himself and enduring the lightning,flames, and barrage behind him, running thousands of meters in one breath.

Finally, he reached the end of the tunnel and saw the heavy iron door of Bunker No.12.

In front of the heavy metal gate, there were two firepower teams guarding on both sides.

As soon as they saw Noland Lee’s figure, they raised their rifles and directed the light of their coal lamps towards him.“Don't shoot! It’s me! It's me! Quick, help! There are monsters summoned by the Death Herald Guild behind me!”

The guards looked at Noland Lee’s appearance and military uniform, confirming that he was a member of the tunnel patrol teamthey often saw.

They turned their guns towards the area behind Noland Lee and immediately changed their expressions!“My God! What kind of monster is that!”“Mates! Stop these monsters!” Noland Lee shouted anxiously:

“We're being attacked by the Death Herald Guild! There’s a wizard from the Death Herald Guild on the surface! These threemonsters were summoned by the bastards of the Death Herald Guild!”

Noland Lee took advantage of the gap in intel.Even Kasha, an Intelligence Officer 2, had no knowledge of the existence of biochemical soldiers, let alone Lieutenant Cavado.How could these guards possibly know about such things as biochemical soldiers?novelbin

Noland Lee crouched and dodged the guards’ guns, standing behind them. The biochemical soldiers continued to fire lightning,flames, and bullets at him, completely disregarding the guards in front of him.

“Da da da da da...”

“Bang, bang...”

“Clack, clack!”

Fire flashed in front of Bunker's great iron door, with lightning and bullets flying in the chaos.

In just an instant, three guards were killed by merciless lightning and flames! Guards from behind the door heard the commotionoutside and rushed out to fight the enemy.

Gunfire roared at the scene, creating chaos.

Noland Lee took the opportunity to sneak into the bunker, darting through the crowded corridor.

As he left, it seemed to “enrage” the biochemical soldiers.

“Encountering heavy firepower resistance!”

“The target is speeding up!”

“Switching to the third gear!”

“Boom!” came the deafening blast from the bunker’s great gate.

After that, numerous chilling screams followed.

Noland Lee glanced back. Apart from flying limb fragments in the flames and smoke, nothing else could be seen.No matter what, escaping was the right choice.

Anyway, it was not him who caused the terrifying deaths of the soldiers.

Blame the creators of the biochemical soldiers for not having a properly functioning friend or foe identification system.

Noland Lee passed by the soldiers’ dormitories, commander's office, medical department and other areas of the bunker, headingstraight for the tomb entrance deep within the bunker.

This tomb entrance was not like the stone archway of Grave No.1079, but rather a man-made entrance created by the ImperialArmy in the wall of the tomb.

The tomb hidden within the mountains had its official entrance on the surface of the mountain range, which had already beendestroyed by the Imperial Army.

There were only two ways to enter a tomb inside a mountain like this.One was to enter the tomb’s water system outlet from a cliff on the northern side of the mountain range.The other was to pass through the man-made entrance guarded by the Imperial Army.

At the moment when the bunker was under attack, the guards at the man-made entrance did not move an inch, remainingsteadfast at their posts.

Noland Lee looked at the gate of the man-made entrance and immediately felt overwhelmed.

The gate was about six meters wide and ten meters tall, allowing the passage of military supplies and transport as well as the“Imperial Fist.”

Noland Lee could effortlessly eliminate the soldiers guarding the entrance, but how would he open the gate?

“Wouldn't it be better to use steam power to control such a metal gate? Has the Imperial Army installed steam pipelines foropening the gate?”

Noland Lee searched for a possible steam switch near the gate.

Just as he was worrying, he heard the loud sound of explosions coming from the direction of the bunker’s entrance.

The sound of the explosion grew closer, signaling that the three biochemical soldiers had pursued him through a hail of gunfire.Noland Lee frowned.

Just as he was about to cast the “Fear Charm” to drive away the soldiers next to the metal gate, he heard a piercing screamcoming from the bunker entrance.

“Ah! Curse you, Division Intelligence Unit Two! One day I'll turn you all into human clubs!”It was the voice of Death Notice Guild Wizard Greenshaw!

Noland Lee raised an eyebrow, dispelling the “Disguise as a Living Corpse” and “Magic Shield” on him, covered his face with thebrim of his hat, and hid in a room next to the tomb’s entrance.

His energy fluctuations were gone.

But Greenshaw’s were still there.

“Warning! The energy level of the target has disappeared!”

“Warning! Loss of energy signal from the target!”

“Warning! New energy signal detected! Identified as an enemy of the highest threat level ! ”“For the glory of the Empire!”

The three biochemical soldiers pursuing Noland Lee turned on the spot and returned to the bunker entrance, rushing straight atGreenshaw who had just arrived there.

“Tsk... | understand now. Thedevelopment level of thesebiochemical soldiers is still very low,and they are overly foc Sed. Qh mdestructive power] Wh ever wasréspdnsible for developing themdidn't bother to add pheromonetracers that could be used to trackthe enemy. However, after tonight'sbattle, the Imperial Army shouldrealize the importance of friend-foeidentification systems and diversifiedtracking methods.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Noland Lee hid in the room, observing the surroundings through the crack in the door.He saw the three biochemical soldiers.

To be honest, they were no longer human.

The three of them had fused into one person.

Three heads and six arms.

An overly obese body.

The exoskeleton armor bristled with backward-facing spines.

Their arms were as thick as elephant legs, appearing hideous and terrifying, their body covered with the fragmented limbs ofsoldiers hanging from the spines.

In this form, the biochemical soldiers had combat power comparable to a First Order “Imperial Fist.”The biochemical soldiers confronted Greenshaw head-on, and a battle erupted instantly.

“How are there biochemical soldiers here too!” Greenshaw screamed as he raised his arm, casting black lightning from his magicwand.

“Crackle! Crackle!”

Greenshaw demonstrated the spell control power befitting a Second Ring Wizard.

The two streams of dark, death-infused lightning accurately pierced the gaps in the bone armor of the biochemical soldiers.The biochemical soldier, who was invincible in the face of gunfire, died violently when the black lightning entered their body.

Their body swelled dramatically, theirbones shattered and flew apart, andin three seconds, they turn dintgeround, inflated ‘palldo which thenburst! with a “pop,” turning into a rainof thick bloodstains and filthy limbfragments. “Hahaha! What a stupidinvention! The Imperial Army is stillas weak as ever! The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Hahaha!”Greenshaw laughed wildly.He appeared in his true form, in the line of sight of Noland Lee.

He was a tall, thin man with pale skin,high cheekbones and sunken eyes.His face was blpoghisé ands ipsere octne like an ancientcorpse that had just crawled outfrom a coffin.. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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