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Chapter 181

Chapter 181: 101. Inferior products

Noland Lee found the Death Herald Guild’s escape route in the memory fragment, but he didn’t head towards Bunker No.IImentioned in the route.

Connecting with the spy required a secret code to confirm each other’s identities.

Regrettably, Noland couldn't find the secret code for the rendezvous with the spy in Bunker No.II from his memory fragment.It didn’t matter, though.

With Deconstruction at hand, taking any other route to another bunker was just as feasible.


Turning a few corners, Noland encountered soldiers patrolling the tunnels.

They were in groups of three, guarding a fork in the road.

Time was of the essence, Noland had no time to be discreet. He threw out three “Fear Spells” and three “Cripple Spells,” giftingone of each skill per soldier, and chased after them to knock them all out.

He targeted a stunned soldier and cast Deconstruction, consuming some Energy Points to acquire their recent memories.Killing the soldiers would trigger Passive Deconstruction, granting him their memories without consuming Energy Points.But Noland didn’t do that.

Anyone who's played “Big Cousin 2” knows that needless killings only lead to a bad outcome.

Noland believed in the concept of karma, so unless necessary, he refrained from unnecessary killings.

Otherwise, it'd be terrible if he ended up on the path of a demon in the future.

Of course, when it was time to strike, Noland wouldn’t show mercy.

He selected one of the three soldiers, transforming himself into that soldier’s build, and wearing his uniform.

While changing his appearance, he read through the newly obtained memory fragment and nodded in satisfaction.

The route map to bunkers No.10-16 was now engraved in his mind.

This was one of the most valuable pieces of information from the soldier’s memories.

Besides that, Noland decided on his dream destination.

It was Bunker No.12.

Its altitude was around 1200 meters.

The tomb, where it was located, had a total of twelve exits leading directly to the northern cliff—these exits were originally theoutflow mouths of the tomb’s aqueduct system. Once the aqueduct system dried up, the outflow mouths became tunnel exits.

The more exits there were, the more routes he could temporarily switch to.

If he wanted to reach the Golden Federation, such a bunker with numerous exits would be the optimal choice.Noland took the Firearms and ammunition from the soldiers and stuffed them into his pockets and backpack.

As soon as he entered the tunnel leading to Bunker No.12, he heard footsteps behind him.

“Is it the Death Herald Guild spies catching up?

Noland didn’t stop to observe the situation behind him and continued running through the narrow tunnel.

“Dada dada...”

The footsteps became clearer and more rhythmic.

Noland’s heart stirred, realizing the people behind him were after him.

He slowed down slightly, quickly looking back and throwing out a Deconstruction Spell.

“Oh shit, biochemical soldiers? How did these unhuman and unghostly things know where | was?

Noland stared at the three silhouettes tens of meters behind him, his pupils dilating slightly.

[System Message: You are about to use Deconstruction on “Tatis Empire Army Biochemical Soldiers. “]

[Estimated consumption of 1300 Energy Points, which can increase the degree of deconstruction to 100%.]“Thirteen hundred Energy Points? More than deconstructing a Lieutenant!” Noland frowned and continued running.The three biochemical soldiers behind him stared blankly with their empty, emotionless eyes and stiff facial features.Their heads were exposed, and more than half of their brains were protected by a transparent hemispherical glass cover.Yellow-green liquid rippled within the glass.

Connected to their brains, several transparent tubes pumped various elixirs.

Upon spotting Noland’s back, one of the tubes filled with red elixir, which rushed into their brains.

“Tracing the energy fluctuations of death-type magic...”novelbin

“Trace successful! Target found!”

“Activate Witch Hunt Mode! Wipe out the Death Herald Guild scum! For the glory of the Empire!”

The three biochemical soldiers’

mouths opened an ogee uttétlihg

Sti fmeghanized ritences without

any fluctuations in their voices. The

content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read

the latest chapter there!

Their eyes turned red, and a dazzling red light burst from their cold pupils, aimed directly at Noland’s back.[Warning! You have been locked onto by an “unknown named biochemical aiming device” ! ]

Noland suddenly received a system message, alarmed, and immediately cast a “Magic Shield”.

He looked back at the biochemical soldiers, who were chasing after him with wide, crimson eyes.Rectangular, scorching-red Blazing Spores extended from their left and right ears.

Obvious flames crawled out of the spore’s launch chamber, indicating that a fiery baptism was imminent.At the moment Noland looked back, six slender Flame Pillars sprayed out from the biochemical soldiers.And it didn’t stop there.

As the biochemical soldiers released

their flames with their Blazing fSpores, they held thigi@brts Sut andalméd-theirpalms forward. Apungent, flammable gas sprayedfrom the circular holes in their palms.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!

Read the latest chapter there!

As the gas and flames met, the reddish flames turned blue-white, and the heat increased exponentially!“Boom!”

In the blast wave, plumes of dust fellfrom the ceiling, an the sgerching

t air slammetPay inst the narrowtunnel walls. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Searching for energy fluctuations within detection range...” “Detected energy fluctuations of death-type magic!”“Warning! Target not killed!”

“Increase target’s threat level!” “Switch to Second Gear!”

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