Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 284
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Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Caroline regarded Kirk seriously. After a long while, she hugged his arm and looked into his eyes. “Kirk,

tell me. Are you quitting because of me or because of yourself?”

Kirk smiled slightly. “Why do you ask that?”

“Because if it’s for

my sake, I hope you won’t make such a rash decision. But if it’s for your own sake, I will support you un

conditionally, no matter what you choose.”

Kirk paused. At that moment, he realized that what he saw as a simple matter was a huge gamble for C


He gently put his head on her shoulder. Warmth spread over him, and emotions overwhelmed his heart


“Even if the company suffers losses?”

“That’s okay.” Caroline smiled toward Kirk.

“I trust you. If you can handle so many big shots so easily, you can definitely do this!”

When he saw how much Carolien trusted him, he suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He could

only kiss her forehead gently and say, “I won’t let you down.”

Caroline laughed as she got up. “Let’s eat.”

Kirk passed Carolione some cutlery. After settling the roiling emotions within him, he asked, “How’s it g

oing with Evans Group?”

Caroline replied, “I’ve decided to head there tomorrow.”

“What about Thorne Corp?”

“I’ve already handed in my resignation, but Mr. Hawkins hasn’t approved it. I’ve been so busy with Evan

s Group’s affairs lately, I don’t think I’ll have much time to go back to Thorne Corp.”

Caroline felt really bad. “Thorne Corp has been very good to me. By leaving so suddenly, I feel like I’m l

etting Mr. Hawkins down.”

“People have to strive for better things. There’s nothing to feel bad about when it comes to your career.”

Caroline hummed in acknowledgement.

“What plans do you have after taking over Evans Group?”

Caroline was stunned for a moment. Then, she chuckled.

“How do you know I’ll definitely be able to take over the company?” She really wasn’t completely sure s

he could do it.

Of the three shareholders, one was famous for sitting on the fence. His name was Sloan Mackey. It wa

sn’t going to be easy to convince him to support her.

Kirk didn’t hesitate for a moment before saying. “I trust you, of course.”

Caroline laughed. “Are you comforting me by saying that?”

Kirk smiled as he looked over at Caroline seriously. “No, I’m simply stating a fact.”

Looking into Kirk’s eyes, Caroline found that they held some sort of power. The more she looked, the m

ore she believed she could take control of Evans Group.

After dinner, Kirk stayed

downstairs to do the dishes while Caroline went upstairs to do more research on Sloan.

Besides being a shareholder of Evans Group, he also had several companies under his name. He was

like a player when it came to investing in businesses. He invested in them according to his whims and

didn’t even care if they made money.

This behavior was mainly thanks to his father, who used to be very wealthy. However, after his younges

t son started investing in businesses, the old man’s net worth dropped from the

top 100 to below the top 500.

Luckily, they still had a lot of money, so they could still survive for a few more years.


That meant that it would be nearly impossible to convince him to take her side using the accounts, bas

ed on the current situation.

Caroline rubbed her forehead. She really didn’t know how to make a move when dealing with someone

who didn’t care about making

Right then, her phone rang. Quentin was calling her.

Ms. Evans, I’ve found something. The person called Winsome is your company’s assistant design direc

tor, Vivian Patterson. As for how her design won first place…

After saying all this, Quentin paused before continuing, “I also found out that she bought this prize.”

“She bought it? Isn’t the Rosebow Contest a revered prize in the design industry?”

“Indeed it is. But money makes the world go round.” Quentine smiled.

“Guess who put in the money to make the design get first place?”

For some reason, Caroline thought of Layla.

Is it Layla Evans?

Quentin got a shock. “How did you know that? Or is it possible that

you knew it from the start?”

“I guessed.” Caroline chuckled. She should have guessed it from the start.

Last time, when Sarah and Dan had accused her, Vivian was the one who had brought Layla

to the company. They had probably been working together for a long time.

“By the way, how’s the investigation into Mr. Jack going?”

Quentin’s tone changed immediately. “Er I haven’t found anything. For some reason, I can’t find his info

rmation, either within the country or beyond. But don’t worry, Ms. Evans, give me some more time.”

“How about you stop investigating him further?”

Once Caroline said this, she quickly added, “But I’ll still pay you!”

Quentin replied, “It’s not a matter of money anymore, Ms. Evans. I made a bold promise to Mr. Sorkin t

hat day. I said I would help you look into it. Now that I’ve failed, it’s very embarrassing. Could you give

me another chance?”

Caroline was at a loss when she heard Quentin’s feigned pitiful voice.

“Alright then. You can keep investigating if you want to.”

Caroline didn’t want to keep investigating it because she would leave Thorne Corp soon. It didn’t matter

if the investigation went on. Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but chuckle.

When had she become as confident in herself as Kirk?

“What are you laughing about? Kirk said as he hugged Caroline from behind.

Caroline jumped from the fright. “When did you come upstairs?”

“I just did.”

Kirk caressed Caroline’s waist and took a look at the computer screen. “Sloan Mackey? One of the sha

reholders of Evans Group?”

“You know him too? Caroline put her phone to one side.

The phone screen was still lit, so Kirk couldn’t avoid seeing Quentin’s phone number and what the cont

act was saved as–Private Investigator.

Kirk’s expression didn’t change.

“Yes,” he answered. He had memorized all the information about the Evans Group.

Caroline put her chin on her palm in frustration. “Among the three of them, he’s the one who cares the l

east about money. But if I don’t


“Do you want to know how to convince him?” Kirk closed Caroline’s laptop as he smiled deviously.

“Of course.” Caroline didn’t know what Kirk meant by his.

She held onto Kirk’s collar, her eyes shining brightly. “Do you have a plan?”

Kirk leaned closer and pressed his lips against Caroline’s. Lowly and seductively, he said, “Take care of

me first.”

Caroline was speechless. How could Kirk say such a thing without being affected by it at all?

As Kirk embraced her, Caroline forgot all about Sloan.

She pressed a hand against Kirk’s abs, the other supporting herself on a soft pillow. Looking at Kirk, sh

e asked, “Now can you tell me?”

Kirk lowered his gaze and smiled. “I think I’m still not done?”


Before Caroline could finish speaking, she was embroiled in more hot passion.novelbin

Today’s Bonus Offer

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