Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 278
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Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Kirk was very mysterious, and no one even knew his name, but as a genius doctor, Sean was different.

He often had to attend medical conventions and didn’t hide that he was friends with Kirk, which attracte

d many people’s attention.

Both Jane and Daphne knew his name. Jane knew it because the Collins family was already one of the

big four families, so she kept tabs on families more prominent than hers.

Daphne knew Sean’s name because she hadn’t been able to find any information about Kirk, except th

at he was good friends with Sean. Hence, his name had left an impression on her.

“That’s me.” Sean turned around to face the man who had rushed over.

The man hurriedly approached Sean, nodded solemnly, and said, “I’m really sorry! I’m the person in ch

arge of this store. I’ll compensate for my subordinates‘ incompetence. We’ll do whatever

you want!” The man’s tone showed his sincerity.

Sean pointed at Jane and Daphne and ordered, “Ban these two from your store for life.”

When the man saw who he was pointing at, he was hesitant.

“What’s wrong? Didn’t you say you would do anything?” Sean sat down on the couch and crossed his l


He smiled very gently, but an imperceptible coldness was hidden in that gentle smile.

“But The man walked up to Sean and glanced at Daphne. “Ms. Dawson is married to Mr. Eddy’s secon

d uncle. II can’t ban her.”

Banning Daphne was equivalent to getting killed. Eddy’s second uncle was a respectable man. He didn

’t dare to offend him either.

Right now, the bridal boutique was silent, so Daphne heard his words clearly.

As if someone was supporting her back, she straightened up. “So, you’re Sean. My husband has talked

about you.”

She said with a smile. “Since you’re my husband’s friend, you’re my friend as well” As she spoke, she s

tretched her hand to him as a show

of goodwill

Sean didn’t even look at her. Disgust appeared on his bookish face as he said, “Really? But Ki–

he never told me he was married.”

Daphne’s expression changed slightly. Kirk definitely wouldn’t tell Sean that she was pretending to be h

is wife.

But as his friend, if Sean said he didn’t know about her in front of everyone, it would only make them thi

nk she was insignificant to Kirk Sure enough, everyone began looking at her differently.

Her face turned pale. She said, “Oh, maybe it’s because we just got married, so

Sean waved his hand and interrupted Daphne, “I want them banned from this place. If you can’t do evenovelbin

n a simple thing like this, I tell Eddy about it and let him handle it himself!”

Sean smiled again. “I find it troublesome to make two phone calls in a row for something so trivial”

Speaking of this, the store manager had just finished packing her things and walked out. When she sa

w the person in charge, her eyes

were red.

The person in charge gritted his teeth and ordered, “Someone escort these two ladies out and ban the

m from this store!”

“How dare you?” Jane was furious.

She said, “I’m Howard Collins‘ wife.”

The person in charge smiled in response. “I don’t have a choice, Mrs. Collins. Please leave.”

Seeing that using her status didn’t work, Jane hurriedly said, “She’s married to Mr. Eddy’s second uncle

, you know!”

The person in charge couldn’t bring himself to keep smiling. If he had to offend Daphne or Sean, he wo

uld choose the former.

A rich man’s spouse

could go away at any time, but if Sean could mingle with the likes of Eddy, it meant that Sean was also

from the upper class. Things wouldn’t end

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