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Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Aria couldn’t sense Lilac’s scent, because the pain that she had to endure was very great, shecouldn’t even feel the tip of her fingers. “Li- Lilac… sorry.. I am truly sorry.” Aria’s voice was trembling so fiercely, as tears. streamed downher cheeks. She looked so miserable and pitiful, which made Lilac faltered with her decision todemand the answer from her. Lilac wanted to scream at Aria and curse her, but seeing her like this, there was no way she woulddo such thing. For a moment, Lilac didn’t say anything, as she listened to the way Aria apologized. to her over andover again, till the point where her words were incoherent, because she was crying so hard. She waited for her to calm down, trying to think what else she wanted to know. Hunter was rightwhen he told her she wouldn’t get anything from this meeting and seeing Aria like this would makeher felt even worse. He was right about that and she couldn’t deny the heavy feeling that settled inher chest to see Aria’s condition. Her friend was a victim too, she was a victim of the failed plan from the luna. What else Aria-coulddo? It was not like she could deny the order from the luna. Once the order was issued, there wasonly one option for Aria. She needed to oblige to the order that was it. “Did you really want to drug me, Aria?” Lilac finally asked when Aria was a little bit. calm enough tohold a conversation with her. Aria shook her head vigorously. “There is no way I want to harm you, Lilac… I don’t want you to be hurt… you are my friend, myonly friend…” Aria said between her tears and then she cried again. “I am sorry…. Lilac nodded. She forgave her. Maybe this was so easy for her to forgive Aria for betraying her, butthen, she was not in the position to have a choice of what she wanted to do or not. “I forgave you. I hope when we met again, we will have moved on from this matter.” Lilac didn’tknow when they would meet again, there was a high chance this would be the last time they saweach other.

“I am sorry,” Aria said once again when Lilac stood up from her seat and walked Chapter 47 out of the bedroom, she held back her own tears. She wanted to part way with Aria. in a happyoccasion, that was why she insisted to meet with her that night, but who would have thought theirlast meeting would be like this. “Are you done?” Hunter asked, bored to his mind. “Yes….” Lilac nodded. Her emotions were all over the places. “Let’s go o then. I am suffocated in this place.” Hunter took her hand, but Lilac tried to shake it off,unfortunately she was not strong enough to do so. “Let go of my hand.” Lilac narrowed her eyes when Hunter tightened his grip, since she struggled tofree herself from him. “Be nice. I only hold your hand. This is a cheap compensation for making me waiting for so long.” “I only stayed inside less than twenty minutes.” “Do you really think an alpha deserved to wait for that long, especially for a price woman like you?”Hunter raised his brows and he could see the sadness in her eyes vanished, replaced by a fleetingof anger, because of what he said. That was great. He would prefer for her to be mad than sad. At the very least, anger could make you less gloomy than sadness. However, Hunter didn’t expect he would be the one, who would look gloomy a minute later, becausewhen the two since the lvcan wanted to annoy the were arguing for such trivial thing, his mate, Ruby. next to him, they met with Aiden and Because of the way her hair was styled and how she wore low cut dress that exposed her n*eck,Lilac and Hunter could see the mark on her n*eck. Yes, that was right. Aiden had marked her as hismate, which made it official. novelbin

The mark was no there last night and it still looked very fresh, which meant, she was just markedrecently. This time, Lilac didn’t struggle to get away from Hunter’s grip, instead, she held his hand back andwalked calmly passed the two of them. Rubby stared at her, she didn’t even try to hide it, while Aiden did the same, but his eyes traveleddown to Lilac and Hunter’s hand together, as they walked hand in hand Chapter 47 When Lilac thought Aiden wouldn’t make a scene because of what just happened, the man provedher wrong. “Lilac, I want to talk.” Aiden stood in front of Lilac, blocked her way from leaving. “I don’t want to talk with you,” Lilac said, she didn’t even spare him a glance. Hunter had enough with Aiden’s antic, he even tried to show his nasty side in front of his own mate.“Are you deaf? She said, she didn’t want to talk with you,” Hunter stood in front of Lilac to cover herbehind his back. “I am not talking with you!” Aiden hissed viciously. He was ready for a battle. “I will kill you if youdon’t move away from my sight! Scram!” He looked like a mad man. Hunter chuckled when he heard that. “Do you really think you can kill me?” Rubby stepped away from the two of them, she was afraid, they could fight in any time and Aidenwouldn’t care less about her. “I killed your father! Do you really think I can’t kill you!?” Aiden roared angrily, but Hunter actuallylaughed at what he said. A”You don’t kill him, Aiden. Be honest. You found him death in the room. He had died when youarrived in his tent.” 1.8

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