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Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Hunter was stunned to hear this news. For a moment, he was at lost, he was not sure how to reactto this and was very quiet, until it worried the healer, thinking she had said the wrong thing. Why the alpha didn’t look happy to hear this news? Abigail then just noticed something. The blood had blood on his hand and there was a lot of it. As ifhe just went to kill someone. What was going on? However, she was sure Lilac was unscathed. Shewas not hurt at all. Only shock. “Alpha?” The healer gathered her courage to ask the alpha. “Do you think, this is a good news?”People thought the alpha fancied this woman so much, but it was not a small amount of people,who doubted that, thinking the alpha was only in a phase where he liked a certain woman. Ithappened in the past. “Why I can’t smell my child?” A shifter should be able to smell their own pup, but he couldn’t. “It’s because the pregnancy is very early. I can’t detect it either if I didn’t run a thorough check onher.” Abigail glanced at Hunter’s b loody hands, but tried to keep opinion for herself. “Leave.” Hunter didn’t change his expression and the healer didn’t need to be told twice toimmediately leave the room, though there were thousand of question in her mind, especially withthe alpha’s reaction upon knowing his woman’s pregnancy. However, when Abigail was out of the door, she met with Raya. “What happened? I heard Lilac is unconscious after her visit to the dungeon? Is there somethingwrong?” Raya frowned. She saw the look on the healer’s face and knew immediately somethingwas not right. “Some people saw the alpha was bleeding, is he alright?” The healer looked at her for a while, but then she shook her head. “Both of them fine, there isnothing to be worried about.” The alpha didn’t say that she couldn’t tell anyone about Lilac’s pregnancy, but it was not her placeto announce this news first before the alpha and Lilac did. More so, she was clueless about theblood on the alpha’s hands, so it was safe to not say anything and create a false assumption among

the other pack member. Yet, Raya was not convinced. “You can tell me anything, you know. I swear, I will O +5 Mon, 18 Mar Chapter 149 66%i +5 not breath a word about it? She h ooked her arm with hers and then took her away from the alpha’sbedroom. Raya had known the healer for so long and they were actually pretty close. “No. There is nothing, why are you very persistence?” The healer pouted her lip, trying to act asnormal as she could. “Because I am worried,” Raya said. “So, tell me what is it?” she asked playfully, as she leaned herbody to hear what she was going to say. “Nothing.” The healer laughed, but Raya could tell that was because she was really nervous. Shedidn’t use to lie to her. “Abigail…” Raya cooed her name. She was like an older sister for her. “There is nothing, Raya,” Abigail said, she grimaced. And along the way, Raya kept pestering her. She was very curious because it was very unusual forAbigail to keep a secret from her, more so people were talking about Lilac and the reason why shewent to the dungeon, let alone the fact she was unconscious now, of course, this gathered manyspeculations and assumption and Raya wanted to confirm the truth. It was a pity that Rye was not here, or else, she would ask him about what was going on. She saw the alpha few times and the way he looked at Lilac was very different from any women hehad been with. It seemed, Lilac indeed would be the future luna of the pack. On the other hand, Hunter was still in the same position, he tried to register the news that Abigail,the healer just said. novelbin

Only after a while, he started to sigh deeply and approach the bed, where Lilac was still sleeping.There was still stream of tears on her cheeks. Her brows still furrowed, as if she would rememberthe fear of what happened in the dungeon forever. Hunter blamed himself for instilling that kind of trauma on his woman. He knelt down beside the bed and held her hand gently. “I am sorry,” he said softly and then kissedher knuckles. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” After that, Hunter cleaned himself because he didn’t want Lilac to see this scary side of him. Healso cleaned her body and wiped the remaining blood on her, ။။ O 10:53 Mon, 18 Mar Chapter 149. because he touched her with his bl oody hands. 66% +5 Abigail came later that night and gave the concoction for Lilac, but she didn’t stay, neither she saidanything to the alpha, because she knew questions were the last thing Hunter wanted. Hunter cradled Lilac’s body in his arms when he gave the concoction for her, her body was rathercold, thus he lit up th the fireplace. “Don’t be sick, please. I am sorry.” Hunter was shock because Lilac was pregnant, but then he was flooded with happiness to learn hewas going to be a father, yet it didn’t last for long, since he learned an early stage of pregnancy wasvery critical and in no way being fainted could be counted as a good thing. He should have thoughttrice before he tortured Kellan in front of Lilac. JE If something happened to their baby, it would be his fault for not protecting her right. “I am sorry, baby…” Hunter said softly, as he caressed Lilac’s flat stomach.

Hunter stayed awake for the whole night and it was only when the sky turned slightly brighter,indicating the dawn was finally here, Lilac whimpered softly and she wriggled her body fromHunter’s arms. “Love…” Hunter whispered softly to her ear, as he tucked strands of her hair and kissed her cheek.“Are you awake?” He didn’t want her to be scared of him, therefore, he treated her like a fragileglass. He was worried with her first reaction. “Hunter…?” Lilac rubbed her sleepy face. “I am thirsty…” She seemed not yet remembered what had happened. “Okay, for a while, I will get you some water.” Hunter went to pour a glass of warm water for Lilacand then helped her to drink it. The water moistened her parched lips and her dry throat, making her felt better, as the memoriesfrom the previous night flooded her mind. The look of horror in her eyes when she remembered the reason why she fell unconscious. Thesight of Hunter ripped Kellan’s tongue and crushed it under his heel was the most horrifying sightshe had ever seen. All of sudden, she pushed him away out of instinct. 111 0 Chapter 149 66%1 Hunter looked so hurt when Lilac did that, but he could understand. “I am sorry, Lilac. I didn’t mean to show you that side of me,” Hunter said. People might talk abouthow barbaric lycan was, but watching it firsthand was a whole different thing. “I didn’t meano scareyou, love…” SEND GIFT た 111 O

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