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Chapter 148

Chapter 148 Hearing that an ear piercing scream of Lilac, Hunter immediately opened the door and went toscoop his woman from the floor. Lilac was crying her heart out when he came. From the look of it,Kellan managed to get on her nerves and caused more trauma on her. Hunter filled with rage and had this urge to end Kellan’s life right there and then. He shouldn’t havetold Lilac about Kellan and let the secret died with him. What was the point of having Lilac to learnabout her relationship with this nasty man? More so, how could this imb ecile have a daughter likeher? “What is it? The alpha is here to save his little mate?” Kellan asked, he couldn’t see, but he was stillable to recognize Hunter’s scent. “How sweet you are Hunter, to have my daughter as the luna ofthe pack. You should have my other daughter too, you know. After all, they are sibling!” “Talk again and I will rip your tongue!” Hunter growled, but Kellan actually laughed at his threat,thinking the alpha wouldn’t have done that, since he had said the same thing a few weeks ago, buthe didn’t go with that. “Do it! Do it! Do it! I want to know if you had the guts to do it!” Kellan provoked him, thinking withLilac was crying and knowing he was the father of the woman he chose, the alpha wouldn’t be ableto do anything with him. This must be the true reason why Hunter was still alive. Why he had not been killed yet, becauseHunter saw him as the father of the woman he loved. He wouldn’t want to hurt Lilac, right? Yet, Kellan was very wrong. This time, he miscalculated it big time, where he thought Hunterwouldn’t do it, he heard the sound of clanking steel, which indicating the cell was being unlockedand danger filled this small, wretched room. Hunter went inside, he left Lilac for a while and went through with what he promised him. “H- Hunter!?” Kellan felt his head was being thrown back, forced him to open his mouth and oncehe did. The excruciating pain he had never felt before flew into his system. This pain was the samelike when they turned him blind. This severe pain was like he was being killed once again, but henovelbin

couldn’t die, because it was not a fatal attack, just a hellish torture one. In the next second, the gurgling sound echoed in this small cell when Kellan was gagged by his ownblood and Hunter threw the small thing in his hand to the floor 111 10:52 Mon, 18 Mar Chapter 148 and squeeze it with the heel of his feet. “Do you really think I will not do it?” Hunter asked darkly. “You are going to be blind, mute and deaf Iwill make sure of it.” +5 However, when he was going to do something with Kellan’s hearing, Lilac’s voice pierced throughhis craziness. Her small whimper brought him back to reality and when he turned around, he couldsee fear in his woman’s eyes. It was understandable, seeing the state of Hunter right now would be very mortifying. He had bloodin his hand and the killing intent in his eyes. He looked like someone, who was going to annihilateyou at any given moment. He was someone that you don’t want to mess with. “Lilac…” Hunter called her name when she was having a hard time to breath, she was trembling,but right now, the alpha realized that Lilac was shaking because of him. Because she was scared ofhim. “Lilac!” Hunter immediately rushed toward his mate when Lilac’s body fell on the floor, she lost herconsciousness due to stress and shock. The alpha gritted his teeth when he cradled Lilac in his arms and took her out of this wretchedplace, leaving Kellan, screaming in weird noise because he lost his tongue. This was the reason why the lycan was being called as the barbarous creature and what Lilac sawright now was only a little bit of it. She only saw a small part of how barbaric a lycan could be andthey were indeed the cruelest creature when it came to violent. Hunter asked for the healer urgently to check on Lilac. He had this scary

expression on his face. His presence was very overbearing. It made the healer felt so muchpressure, but she couldn’t complain. However, she gasped in surprise when she figured something out. She blinked her eyes rapidly anddouble checked what she just found out. Of course, this gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Hunter. “What is it? What happened?!” Hunter didn’t ask, but he demanded an answer from her. He grittedhis teeth, cursing himself for taking Lilac there or even let her knew about the secret. He shouldn’thave offered that option because Lilac herself didn’t think about the matter. If something happened to her, he was the one, who should be blamed for his recklessness and ofcourse, Kellan would die miserably. 10:52 Mon, 18 Mar Chapter 148 0/% +5 The healer sighed deeply before she faced the alpha. “She will be fine, alpha, but…’ “But?!” Hunter growled, he didn’t need for this suspense, he wanted to know what was going onwith his mate. “But, I think I have a good news for you.” The healer was already a little bit old, she was a mother oftwo and this smile on her face was very warm when she looked at the scary lycan alpha. “She ispregnant, alpha. She is in early stage of pregnancy. Congratulation!” Hunter was stunned, for a moment, he didn’t give any reaction, he only stared at Lilac and thehealer, which made the latter felt like she had said the wrong thing. “Alpha… this is a good news, right?” She second guessed her own statement. She thought, thealpha would be overjoyed with this news, but why his reaction was like this?“” 色 SEND GIFT

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