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Chatper 2012

Judging by the expressions on the faces of the members of the Drakes Dominion Order, they were dissatisfied with the decision.Damien turned, fixing his gaze on Dustin. "Young man, what do you think?"Contrary to the majority, Damien had granted Dustin the position of deputy master, a gesture of significant respect.

Dustin bluntly rejected the offer, stating, "I'm not interested in being a deputy master. | definitely don't want to be involved with theDrakes Dominion Order.”

Damien's smile froze. His words carried a deeper meaning as he responded, "Hmm? Young man, opportunities come only once.Are you certain you want to decline my invitation?"novelbin

Dustin nodded confidently. "Yeah."

Damien's expression turned cold. "If that's the case, then | have nothing more to say." He felt a bit embarrassed, havingextended an olive branch only to be rejected.

"Tch! Shameless!" Tobias sneered, his expression fierce. "Master Howler extended an invitation to you, and this is how you repayit? | order you to hand over all your valuables now. Don't blame us if things turn nasty."

Yonah joined in, shouting, "Hand over your treasures, and I'll spare your lives!"“Enough talk. Let's fight. Besides, nothing here today will leave with you," Dustin calmly declared.“Arrogant brat! You have no idea about the vastness of the world!" Tobias fumed, unable to suppress his anger.

Tobias glanced at the elderly man in a green robe and suggested, "Elder Greene, what do you say we team up and teach this kida lesson? Let's showcase the might of our Drakes Dominion Order!"

He knew that challenging Dustin solo might shake his confidence, but with Elder Greene's assistance, the odds would tip in theirfavor. After all, Elder Greene's strength far exceeded Tobias's.

Even though Tobias hadn't officially reached the grandmaster level, his solid foundation made facing an ordinary martial artistgrandmaster seem effortless. Together, they believed overcoming Dustin was within reach.

“Alright! Today, I'll stand by your side to handle this kid," Elder Greene promptly agreed.“Hey, kid! Check this out!"

Tobias and Elder Greene exchanged glances before taking charge. They unsheathed their swords and made a simultaneousmove toward Dustin.

Tobias wielded his sword with remarkable speed, leaving only a fleeting shadow in its wake.On the contrary, Elder Greene showcased his prowess, propelling himself into the air.

From a distance, he delivered a powerful strike with his palm, creating a substantial white shadow that expanded like a doorpanel, bearing down heavily on Dustin.

As the imposing palm shadow descended, Tobias's swift sword found its mark on Dustin's chest. Their coordination was flawless.It left Dustin with no chance to defend or dodge the combined assault.

"Hmph!" Dustin scoffed, showing his disdain, too indifferent to draw his sword. Instead, he lazily raised his hand and delivered aswift slap.

His forceful palm wind burst forth like a collapsing mountain and a surging tsunami, sweeping ahead with unstoppable power.

Elder Greene's silhouette exploded instantly. He was sent flying more than 30 feet away, blood spraying from his mouth andnose, his face drained of color.

Tobias fared even worse.

Upon the impact of Dustin's palm wind, not only did his cherished sword disintegrate piece by piece, but his entire armtransformed into a mist of blood. His internal organs, including the circulatory pathways, suffered severe damage.

It was as if he had collided with a speeding truck, hurtling him several yards before crashing into the wall with a resounding thud.Most of his bones were now shattered.

Tobias clung to the wall. His body resembled mush, and his life hung in the balance.

The shocking scene left everyone in stunned silence.

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