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Chatper 2011

“Even Master Howler is here. It looks like we'll be leaving empty-handed."

"Plans don't always unfold the way we want."

"| thought we could forge ahead, but now it appears surrendering is our only option.”Everyone shook their heads and let out collective sighs.

Damien's reputation preceded him as one of the top elite in the southwest, and his status seemed unmatched. Despite Dustinbeing a young grandmaster, everyone thought he would be powerless in the presence of such top-tier individuals, consideringthe significant gap that exists between grandmasters.

Dustin raised an eyebrow. "The master of the Drakes Dominion Order, right? You're the top elite in the southwest, often referredto as the peak level of martial arts?"

While observing Damien's presence, Dustin sensed that he was likely in the late stages of being a grandmaster. Undoubtedly,Damien's strength positioned him as a regional overlord.

With his hands casually tucked behind his back, Damien downplayed his skills. "| wouldn't claim to be among the top elite, but sofar, no one has managed to last ten moves against me."

Despite his feigned modesty, pride gleamed in his eyes. As the leader of the top five ultimate grandmasters in the Southwest, hehadn't faced a worthy opponent in over a decade.

Dustin, giving a light applause, commented, "Impressive, indeed. | didn't expect Master Howler to engage in a match with thejuniors over some worldly possessions. It's a bit disappointing."

"Young man, your provocation doesn't faze me. Possessions like these naturally fall into the hands of the capable," Damienstated calmly.

Dustin squinted and asked, "So, no room for negotiation today?"

Damien's tone shifted as he flashed a smile. "If you're up for negotiating, it's definitely doable. I've always had an eye for talentand enjoy bringing in promising individuals."

He continued, "Join the Drakes Dominion Order, and not only will | make you the deputy master, but you'll also have the freedomto pick any treasures you fancy."

The declaration sent ripples of surprise through the crowd. Jackson and the others were caught off guard, and even themembers of the Frostwing Sect were left bewildered. Damien's unexpectedly generous offer took everyone by surprise.

The role of deputy master in the Drakes Dominion Order holds tremendous prestige, second only to the master. It commandedrespect, even from senior elders who typically wouldn't bow down.novelbin

Moreover, Damien's offer went beyond expectations by allowing Dustin to choose treasures freely. The level of favor extendedwas beyond anyone's anticipation.

“Master Howler! What are you doing? How can a kid like him become our deputy master?" Tobias objected.

"That's right! He's just a stranger with no notable achievements. We can't accept him as the deputy master."

As the leaders of the Drakes Dominion Order shared their dissatisfaction, the consensus emerged that appointing aninexperienced person was unacceptable.

“At the Drakes Dominion Order, we've always emphasized strength in our decisions. He is already a grandmaster martial artist,fully qualified for the role of deputy master," Damien asserted with a flat tone, yet his words resonated with unquestionableauthority.

His assessment of Dustin extended beyond his current strength to his remarkable potential. Seeing a grandmaster martial artistin his 20s was rare, and Damien was determined not to overlook such an extraordinary talent.

"Master Howler—" Tobias began, but Damien quickly raised his hand, cutting him off.“Enough! I've made my decision, and that's final," Damien declared sternly.

In the face of his decisiveness, no one dared to utter another word.

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