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Chatper 1836

“What? Abandon West Lucozia? That’s like handing the throne to Julius!” Austin’s expression turned grim.

“As long as we're alive, there’s still a chance. We need to stay resilient. There are opportunities, and we must not lose hope,”Lincon said with heartfelt sincerity.

“The throne is stolen, the military insignia is taken, and 50 thousand Black Dragon Army soldiers are all following Julius’ orders.In this situation, where do we have a chance?” Tyrus shook his head.

If he had known it would come to this, he wouldn’t have been so greedy by forming an alliance through marriage with the Rhysfamily. Now, he didn’t gain any advantage and only managed to entangle himself in a difficult situation.

“| think Sir Blaze is right. We must prepare for the worst in case of unforeseen events.” Eloise nodded. Though reluctant to admitit, the current situation was highly unfavorable for them.

If the military insignia truly fell into Julius’s hands, they would lose any chance of turning the tide. Leaving West Lucozia seemedinevitable.

With the esteemed title of the eldest princess of Dragonmarsh, even if she departed West Lucozia for Oakvale, she wouldundoubtedly find a place of honor. It would spare her son from any undue hardship.

“Of course, don’t be too pessimistic. General Steele’s strength is no less than Elijah’s. If he manages to retrieve the militaryinsignia, we still have hope, “Lincon encouraged.

“You're right. Nothing is absolute in this world. We haven't lost yet, so don’t look so gloomy. Cheer up!” Wyatt declared.“Everyone, I'll excuse myself for now.” Austin nodded toward the group and walked out of the hall.At that moment, he was overwhelmed, and his first thought was of his elder brother, Logan.

To avoid exposing Dustin's identity, Austin called his brother, who was disguised as a guard, into his room. He then instructedthose around him to secure the courtyard and prevent anyone from approaching.

Once confirming it was safe, Dustin was the first to speak up. “Austin, did something happen? | saw a figure flash across therooftop earlier.”

“Yes, something did happen.” Austin nodded, saying solemnly, “Elijah is a traitor. He had taken the Marshal’s military insignia andescaped.”

“What? The military insignia was stolen? How did this happen?” Dustin furrowed his brow.

“It's my fault. | was too careless.” Austin didn’t hide anything and briefly recounted the events. After hearing that, Dustin noddedthoughtfully. “So, Elijah was a pawn planted by Julius. We've all miscalculated.’

“Logan, what do we do now? Suppose we can’t retrieve the military insignia. In that case, the position of the Prince of WestLucozia might fall into Julius’s hands,” Austin said gravely.

“Julius won't easily become the prince. “Dustin shook his head.He continued, “Let's wait and see. If General Steele can’t retrieve the military insignia, I'll personally deal with Julius.”

“How will you deal with Julius?” Austin asked cautiously.novelbin

“| can’t reveal the entire plan. You'll know when the time comes.” Dustin patted Austin’s shoulder with a smile.

He added, “Alright, stop overthinking. These past few days have been exhausting for you. Get some rest and recover. We'll facethis challenge together as brothers.”

“Yeah.” Austin nodded heavily, seeming to regain some confidence.After a few more words of advice, Dustin left the room.

Those words were meant to console Austin, hoping he wouldn't feel too disheartened. As for the plan, Dustin had yet to figure itout.

The unexpected loss of the military insignia had caught them off guard. Even Dustin hadn't anticipated that Elijah would colludewith Julius.

When they went to the Marquis Silvercrest residence, Elijah voluntarily confessed without hiding anything, even killing Julius’senvoy to show his determination.

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