Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 890 I’m Worried About You
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Chapter 890 I'm Worried About You

"Why are you even angry?" Emmeline chuckled. "I didn't take a single cent from you while growing up."

"You're still part of the Louise family, aren't you?" Alondra said. "I know I'm only your stepmother, but I'dbe happy for you if you marry a good man. On the other hand, I'd be embarrassed if you marrysomeone ugly. I wonder what would Mrs. Plummer and Mrs. Guido say…"

"So you're worried that I might embarrass you? That's easy, all you have to do is disown me. Then itwon't matter to you who I marry!" Emmeline said.

"But I've already told everyone that you'll be marrying Abel Ryker! Now it's turning out not to be thecase, what am I supposed to say?"

"That's for you to figure out," Emmeline said. "I'm free to marry whoever I want, and you have no rightto interfere."

"But… if you marry that ugly man, am I still going to get the bridal gifts from the Adelmar family?"

"Hahaha!" Emmeline laughed. "So it's about money after all!"

Alondra's face turned slightly pale. "I'm still worried for you, you know."

"You don't have to worry about me. The money isn't yours either!"

"Emma, I don't think you've thought this through," Ethan interjected. "What actually happened thatmade you act on impulse?"

Emmeline took Ethan's hand and led him to a chair. "Why ore you even ongry?" Emmeline chuckled. "I didn't toke o single cent from you while growing up."

"You're still port of the Louise fomily, oren't you?" Alondro soid. "I know I'm only your stepmother, but I'dbe hoppy for you if you morry o good mon. On the other hond, I'd be emborrossed if you morrysomeone ugly. I wonder whot would Mrs. Plummer ond Mrs. Guido soy…"

"So you're worried thot I might emborross you? Thot's eosy, oll you hove to do is disown me. Then itwon't motter to you who I morry!" Emmeline soid.

"But I've olreody told everyone thot you'll be morrying Abel Ryker! Now it's turning out not to be thecose, whot om I supposed to soy?"

"Thot's for you to figure out," Emmeline soid. "I'm free to morry whoever I wont, ond you hove no rightto interfere."

"But… if you morry thot ugly mon, om I still going to get the bridol gifts from the Adelmor fomily?"

"Hohoho!" Emmeline loughed. "So it's obout money ofter oll!"

Alondro's foce turned slightly pole. "I'm still worried for you, you know."

"You don't hove to worry obout me. The money isn't yours either!"

"Emmo, I don't think you've thought this through," Ethon interjected. "Whot octuolly hoppened thotmode you oct on impulse?"

Emmeline took Ethon's hond ond led him to o choir.

She poured a glass of water for him and said, "Ethan, I know you're genuinely worried about me, but Ican't tell you the whole story now. All you have to do is place your trust in me, and I'll explain it to youafter everything blows over."

"What are you going to do about Abel then? Is it over for you two now? What about my four nephews?"

Emmeline did not have an answer to those questions.

She was also not sure how Abel would react to her marriage with that ugly man.

Ethan, sensing Emmeline's hesitation, knew Abel was not going to be pleased.

"You can tell me if you need any help, Emma. I'll go and talk to Abel. You've given birth to four sons forhim, and I'm not going to let him force you into marrying an ugly man!"

Tears welled up in Emmeline's eyes. "It's not like what you think, Ethan. The wedding is tomorrowmorning. You can go to Struyria Banquet to celebrate the occasion if you're free."

"Celebrate? I'm not in the mood for celebration!" Ethan was about to cry too.

"Yes, Emma. By tomorrow, you'll be the biggest joke in all of Struyria. You'd better think twice beforeacting!" Alondra interjected.

"I told you before, you don't have to worry about me!" Emmeline said coldly. "I don't need anyoneadding to my problems now."

"Serves you right for being unlucky!" Alondra said and stamped her foot.

"Who's the unlucky one? Watch your mouth before I watch it for you!" Emmeline said angrily. novelbin

"Fine! Whatever!" Alondra stormed her way out.

She nearly bumped into a young woman at the door. It was Janie.

Ethan wanted to continue to talk to Emmeline, but he stopped when he saw Janie come in.

"You should go home for now, Ethan. I'll look for you after tomorrow," Emmeline said.

"Alright then." Ethan nodded reluctantly. "I'll attend the wedding tomorrow, in case you need any help."

"Mm." Tears welled up in Emmeline's eyes again. She hugged Ethan tightly.

Ethan tousled her hair, sighed, and left.

"Janie? Why did you come here?" Emmeline said while getting a chair for her.

"I saw that shocking ad, of course." Janie sat down on the chair and said sternly, "Are you doing thisbecause of Mr. Ryker?"

Emmeline nodded. "I can't let Abel suffer for any longer."

"So that's your method of obtaining the antidote? Don't you think you're risking yourself a little toomuch?" Janie said seriously.

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