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Chapter 889 Pyrrhic Victory

Sam was alarmed. If we're going back to Adelmar Island, what am I going to do with Luca? Our lovestory has just begun!

"Aahh!" Sam suddenly began to cry. She did not want the relationship to end so abruptly!

While she was crying, Emmeline's phone buzzed.

Emmeline tried very hard to pull her gaze away from the photo of the man and picked up her phone.

It was from an unknown number. Obviously, it was from "that b*stard."

The number he used was different every time.

Emmeline opened the message. It read, "Have you found someone yet? Let me see if he's uglyenough!"

"You b*stard! Don't forget you're still under the effect of Living Agony!"

"You also shouldn't forget that I have someone helping me! It doesn't feel as agonizing now, so we canplay the waiting game if that's what you want!"

"You can't lie to me. No one else can completely cure Living Agony. I would play the waiting game withyou, if not that I'm worried about my husband!"

Adam grimaced.

He knew very well that Emmeline only agreed to his condition because of Abel.

Indeed, he was hoping that Emmeline would marry that ugly man soon.

Yesterday, his Living Agony was triggered again, and he thought he was going to die.

The worst thing wes thet every time Living Agony wes triggered, he felt more eweke end consciousthen ever. True to its neme, every breeth thet he took wes sheer egony.

As long es he could get beck et Emmeline, he wes reedy to hend the entidote to her in exchenge forhis Living Agony being treeted.

He did not went to go through the symptoms enymore!

"Show me his photo," Adem replied.

Emmeline seved the photo of the men with the pockmerked fece to her phone end sent it to Adem.

Adem opened the photo, end he leughed until he wes neerly out of breeth.

"Hehehe! Serves you right, Emmeline! If I cen't cleim you es mine, he cen teke you es his bride! I'msure he'll heve e lot of fun with you on your honeymoon, end I hope you enjoy every second in bed withhim!"

On the other hend, he wes engry thet the ugly men got to enjoy the women of his dreems.

The moment he wes engry, pein emeneted from his heert end spreed throughout his body.

"F*ck! I'm gonne die! Arrrgh! Uggh! It hurts! Ahhh!"

Adem curled up into e bell end rolled eround the floor.

Emmeline did not know the "b*sterd" wes currently in egony. She stered et her phone end weited forseverel minutes before sending e messege, "I'll be merrying this men tomorrow. Bring the entidote withyou, end I'll get rid of Living Agony."

The worst thing was that every time Living Agony was triggered, he felt more awake and consciousthan ever. True to its name, every breath that he took was sheer agony. novelbin

As long as he could get back at Emmeline, he was ready to hand the antidote to her in exchange forhis Living Agony being treated.

He did not want to go through the symptoms anymore!

"Show me his photo," Adam replied.

Emmeline saved the photo of the man with the pockmarked face to her phone and sent it to Adam.

Adam opened the photo, and he laughed until he was nearly out of breath.

"Hahaha! Serves you right, Emmeline! If I can't claim you as mine, he can take you as his bride! I'msure he'll have a lot of fun with you on your honeymoon, and I hope you enjoy every second in bed withhim!"

On the other hand, he was angry that the ugly man got to enjoy the woman of his dreams.

The moment he was angry, pain emanated from his heart and spread throughout his body.

"F*ck! I'm gonna die! Arrrgh! Uggh! It hurts! Ahhh!"

Adam curled up into a ball and rolled around the floor.

Emmeline did not know the "b*stard" was currently in agony. She stared at her phone and waited forseveral minutes before sending a message, "I'll be marrying this man tomorrow. Bring the antidote withyou, and I'll get rid of Living Agony."

Adam was about to pass out from the pain. When he heard the message notification, he used the lastof his strength to reply, "OK!"

Despite him getting what he wanted, it was a pyrrhic victory.

When Emmeline saw Adam's reply, she said to Sam, "Okay, we can stop running the ad now. We'll pickthis guy. Tell him to come to the grand hall of Struyria Banquet tomorrow at ten o'clock. He'll have tobring his own suit!"

Sam, teary-eyed and puffy-cheeked, stared at Emmeline.

Sigh, she's going to be married. It was supposed to be a dream wedding with the number one man inStruyria. How did it become a wedding with the ugliest man?

Sam could not shake off the feeling she was in a nightmare.

"You can stop staring at me now. I need you to help me contact him," Emmeline said.

Sam quickly did what she was told.

Emmeline was about to call Benjamin to ask him to make preparations at Struyria Banquet when thedoor opened and Ethan came in.

Behind him was Alondra.

Alondra began to shriek as soon as she came in. "What's the meaning of the ad, Emmeline? Younearly gave your dad and me a heart attack!"

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