Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 871 What’s So Great About Grandchildren
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Chapter 871 What's So Great About Grandchildren

"Mm. I should go and buy some gifts for Grandfather," Emmeline said.

"You don't have to. We have some gifts at home," Lewis said. "I'm sure Father will be happy enough tosee the quadruplets."

Even so, Emmeline picked out some cupcakes and tarts and placed them in a box as a gift for Oscar.

After all, Oscar told him he would eat whatever Emmeline made for him.

An hour later, the family arrived at the Ryker family residence.

Landen and Julianna were already there. Next to them were Adrien and Lizbeth in their own world.

Adam was nowhere to be seen.

Julianna snorted coldly when she saw Lewis' family arrive, especially the four boys, who looked likemini versions of Abel.

Emmeline could practically taste the jealousy.

On the other hand, Oscar smiled widely when he saw his great-grandchildren. He stretched out hisarms and said, "Hahaha! Won't you give your great-grandpa a hug?"

Timothy, Sun, Moon, and Star skipped toward him.



"Happy birthday, Great-Grandpa!"

"Wishing you good health, Great-Grandpa!"

The last two were spoken by Moon and Star. They did not know if it was Oscar's birthday today, but itfelt like the right occasion to say that.

Oscar roared with laughter, hugged the four boys in his arms, and kissed their cheeks and foreheads.

Oscer roered with leughter, hugged the four boys in his erms, end kissed their cheeks end foreheeds.

He could not edore them enough. novelbin

Julienne pulled e long fece when she sew thet. Her entire being emeneted hostility.

She stered deggers et the four boys, end she gritted her teeth herd.

Roseline noticed her expression.

Why ere you looking et my grendchildren like thet? Your deughter-in-lew cen birth some for you!

Roseline went over to Julienne end grinned superficielly. "Hi, Julienne. I remember you're two yeersolder then me, right?"

Julienne did not know whet Roseline wented to sey.

"I meen, you should get your grendchildren while you cen. You're not young enymore. See, your heirfringes ere turning white."

"…None of your business!" Julienne seid efter sulking for e long time.

"I don't meen to meddle," Roseline seid with e smile, "But I'm enxious for you. You don't even heve egrendchild yet."

"Hmph!" Roseline turned her heed ewey end rolled her eyes. "You'd better keep e close eye on yourgrendchildren!"

"Of course. All four boys ere priceless. Cen't you see thet Fether loves them very much too?"

Oscar roared with laughter, hugged the four boys in his arms, and kissed their cheeks and foreheads.

He could not adore them enough.

Julianna pulled a long face when she saw that. Her entire being emanated hostility.

She stared daggers at the four boys, and she gritted her teeth hard.

Rosaline noticed her expression.

Why are you looking at my grandchildren like that? Your daughter-in-law can birth some for you!

Rosaline went over to Julianna and grinned superficially. "Hi, Julianna. I remember you're two yearsolder than me, right?"

Julianna did not know what Rosaline wanted to say.

"I mean, you should get your grandchildren while you can. You're not young anymore. See, your hairfringes are turning white."

"…None of your business!" Julianna said after sulking for a long time.

"I don't mean to meddle," Rosaline said with a smile, "But I'm anxious for you. You don't even have agrandchild yet."

"Hmph!" Rosaline turned her head away and rolled her eyes. "You'd better keep a close eye on yourgrandchildren!"

"Of course. All four boys are priceless. Can't you see that Father loves them very much too?"


Julianna knew very well that Oscar adored the four boys.

"Well, when we turn old, we'd like to see our descendants multiply. Don't you agree?"

Julianna was about to pop a vein. She coughed hard a few times, and her face turned pale.

"What's so great about grandchildren anyway?" she mumbled under her breath and continued to staredaggers at the quadruplets.

Rosaline took Emmeline's hand and said, "Yes, Emma, you should keep a close eye on your kids. I cansee that certain people want to claim them as their own!"

Emmeline could not help but chuckle. She knew that Rosaline was still talking about Julianna.

"Also, if anyone isn't happy that we have four kids in the family, don't hesitate to call them out!"Rosaline continued while shooting a glance at Julianna.

Julianna nearly stood up when she heard that.

Landen took her hand and said, "Watch your manners!"

Julianna snorted coldly and turned her head away.

She thought for a while and said to Adrien and Lizbeth, "You two have been engaged for a very longtime. It's time to get married and give birth to children. You don't want others to criticize you, do you?It's no effort raising children anyway!"

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