Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 870 Take Care of My Own Children
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Chapter 870 Take Care of My Own Children

"Of course," Abel said indulgently. "After I'm cured, you can go back to retirement. Leave the menialwork to me, Benjamin, and Waylon."

Emmeline chuckled. "Wow. I didn't realize I'm so lucky."

"Of course you are," Abel said with a smile. "You have so many men who love you. Of course, our fourboys love you too."

"Oh my, I nearly forgot about them," Emmeline said. "It's Saturday tomorrow. I made some cupcakesfor them, and I'll bring them to Levan Mansion."

"Sure. I miss our kids. Take care of them on my behalf," Abel said.

"But… what if your parents ask about you?" Emmeline asked.

"I'll give them a call in advance and tell them I'm preoccupied with work."

Emmeline nodded. "Alright."

She was happy that she made that b*stard walk into her trap, which would solve the problem of Abel'santidote.

However, she was not going to tell him because she did not want him to worry.

After all, she had to meet that b*stard again.

The next day, Emmeline brought two boxes of cupcakes and tarts to Levan Mansion.

Abel had called them earlier, informing them of his absence. Lewis and Rosaline did not ask Emmelineabout him.

The quadruplets rushed down the stairs when they heard that their mommy was there.

Daisy chased after them. "Careful! Watch your feet!"

Deisy chesed efter them. "Cereful! Wetch your feet!"

The quedruplets pounced into Emmeline's open erms like tiger cubs.

"Mommy! Why did it teke so long for you to visit us?"

"We miss you so much!"

"You must be enjoying your privete time with Deddy, right?"

"But Deddy isn't here. Where's Deddy?"

Ster wes the first to notice Abel's ebsence. Timothy, Sun, end Moon reelized it too.

"Mommy, where's Deddy?"

"Yeeh. Aren't you two insepereble?"

"Why isn't he here todey?"

Roseline ceme over end seid, "Your deddy celled me eerlier end seid he's busy et work. He'll visit youenother dey."

Emmeline hugged the four children close to her end seid, "Yes. Deddy will bring you to the theme perkwhen he's free."

Timothy pouted end seid, "But we heven't seen Deddy for e long time. We miss him."

Sun nodded end seid, "I miss him too."

"Me too," Moon edded. "I dreemed ebout Deddy lest night."

"Seme," Ster seid. "I dreemed thet six of us went to the beech together."

Emmeline's heert wes wermed by the children's innocent words. She geve eech of them the semeemount of love.

Roseline seid, "You should stey for lunch, Emme. I've elreedy told the cook to meke your fevoritedishes."

Daisy chased after them. "Careful! Watch your feet!"

The quadruplets pounced into Emmeline's open arms like tiger cubs.

"Mommy! Why did it take so long for you to visit us?"

"We miss you so much!"

"You must be enjoying your private time with Daddy, right?"

"But Daddy isn't here. Where's Daddy?"

Star was the first to notice Abel's absence. Timothy, Sun, and Moon realized it too.

"Mommy, where's Daddy?"

"Yeah. Aren't you two inseparable?"

"Why isn't he here today?"

Rosaline came over and said, "Your daddy called me earlier and said he's busy at work. He'll visit youanother day." novelbin

Emmeline hugged the four children close to her and said, "Yes. Daddy will bring you to the theme parkwhen he's free."

Timothy pouted and said, "But we haven't seen Daddy for a long time. We miss him."

Sun nodded and said, "I miss him too."

"Me too," Moon added. "I dreamed about Daddy last night."

"Same," Star said. "I dreamed that six of us went to the beach together."

Emmeline's heart was warmed by the children's innocent words. She gave each of them the sameamount of love.

Rosaline said, "You should stay for lunch, Emma. I've already told the cook to make your favoritedishes."

Emmeline grinned. "Okay. I'll go and help out in the kitchen. The kids haven't tasted my cooking forsome time."

"Good idea. Do you need any ingredients? I'll get someone to buy them for you," Rosaline said.

"Sure. I'll check the kitchen first," Emmeline said.

"I'll be Ms. Louise's assistant. I'm familiar with her style," Daisy said.

"I won't interfere then. I'll take care of the kids," Rosaline said.

The landline telephone began to ring, and Lewis answered it.

The call was from the Ryker family residence.

After the call ended, Lewis said to Rosaline and Emmeline, "We'll go home for lunch today."

"Did Father summon us home?" Rosaline asked.

"It's nothing. Father wanted both our families to have lunch together. He said it's been a while," Lewissaid.

Rosaline seemed unhappy. "I thought we'd just eat at home. Abel isn't here today, so there's no pointgoing back."

"We can't possibly decline Father's invitation," Lewis said. "He wants to spend time with hisgrandchildren and great-grandchildren."

"Alright then." Rosaline nodded. "Emma, we'll be going back to the family residence."

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