All Her Secrets

Chapter 467 Catherine Got Hurt
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Chapter 467 Catherine Got Hurt

Audrey was so shocked when she saw the kidnappers below, who were lying in all sorts of posturesand occasionally screaming in pain, that her eyes were almost popping out of her sockets.

She had intended to pull Catherine to watch it together but found that Catherine had already headedtoward the kidnappers. Worried that Catherine might encounter any mishap, Audrey quickly caught upwith her.

“Be careful, Kathy!”

Catherine didn’t pay attention to Audrey babbling behind her. Her gaze accurately fell on the tableahead. The papers on the table were exactly the ones the kidnappers used to threaten Audrey intosigning.

Catherine casually picked up the document and glanced at it. When she saw the huge title on thedocument cover, a smug smile appeared in her eyes.

Seeing her expression so weird, Audrey felt really strange.

“Kathy, what do you have in your hand?

Catherine casually waved her hand and smoothly placed the document into Audrey’s hands. She thennodded and gestured for Audrey to look at it herself.

With a heart full of doubts, Audrey flipped through the document. The moment she opened it, she wasblown away by the contents of the file.

The title was Share Transfer Agreement.

The contents of the document surprisingly requested that Catherine give up her current shares in theSwann Corporation, with the beneficiary being their father, Korbin Swann.

Audrey immediately grasped what had happened here, even though she might have seemed foolish.After she received a phone call from her family, she was kidnapped and taken away shortly afterleaving the film set.

Then Catherine appeared in this abandoned factory and managed to rescue her in front of so manykidnappers.

Audrey’s eyes instantly turned red as she looked at the document in her hand. Although she knew thetruth in her heart, she still refused to believe it. She lifted her head and fixed her bright red eyes onCatherine, wanting to figure everything out.

“Kathy, how could he do this? We’re both his daughters. As the saying goes, the most ferocious animalwouldn’t eat its own cubs. How could he do such a thing?”

Audrey never imagined she would be kidnapped by her father one day. The most terrible thing was thather father’s kidnapping of her was actually to use her as a threat to her sister to achieve his selfishgoals.

When faced with Audrey’s painful questioning, Catherine didn’t utter a single word. A thin layer ofcoldness was increasingly covering her exquisite and stunning face, and the indifference in herbeautiful eyes was also becoming deeper.

For money and power, many people were even willing to sell their own souls. Nothing was surprisingabout this. Catherine had seen the darkest side of humanity and had long turned a blind eye to it.Audrey was still trapped in her father’s selfishness and couldn’t accept everything she knew.

Catherine also got lost in her memories because of the questioning from Audrey. Neither noticed thatthe scarred man behind had quietly gotten up and was now holding a short knife, waiting for hischance.

Seeing Catherine with her back facing him, the scarred man felt that it was a once-in-a-lifetimeopportunity.novelbin

He hated Catherine! He had never been treated this way by anyone in his whole life. Whenever he gotthe chance, he would definitely make Catherine suffer. Seizing the opportunity, the scarred man lungedforward brutally, aiming to deliver a single decisive blow.

When the opponent approached, Catherine sensed something was wrong, so she looked back andfound that the scarred man was counterattacking.

The distance between the two was too close for Catherine to react, so she could only take a step backto create some space before striking the scarred man fiercely.

Seeing that he didn’t manage to harm Catherine on the first attempt, the scarred man desperatelyswung his knife again to stab her without hesitation.

Catherine calmly waited for the scarred man’s approach. She was already prepared and on guard. Thescarred man’s intentions to harm her were simply a delusion.

However, none had anticipated that Audrey would also come to her senses at the same time. As shesaw the scarred man intending to harm Catherine, all in her mind was a single thought.

“Kathy must not be harmed. I absolutely cannot let her get hurt,” she said inwardly.

“Kathy, run now!”

Audrey lunged forward directly as if she was going to push Catherine away. This unexpected turn ofevents caught Catherine off guard.

She had been used to being alone for many years. Even if special tasks required her to take peopleout, those people were all high-level experts in combat. Usually, everyone minded their own business

and had no habit of helping others.

Initially, she didn’t give a damn about the scarred man because she knew he couldn’t lay a finger onher. But then, she didn’t expect to run into a wild card like Audrey.

When the scarred man saw Audrey rush toward him, he pointed the tip of his knife toward her andstabbed it fiercely.

“Anyway, between the two sisters, one must inevitably be hurt in order to break even,” he thought. AsCatherine watched Audrey about to be injured, she swiftly reached out and pulled Audrey back withone hand.

To prevent the knife from cutting Audrey’s face, Catherine instinctively shielded it with her hand. Therazor-sharp blade sliced Catherine’s arm, leaving a large wound with blood splattering.

Catherine’s reaction was extremely quick. After saving Audrey, she swiftly turned around and delivereda powerful kick, sending the scarred man flying.

The scarred man was kicked away by Catherine and fell hard to the ground, unable to stand up again.Audrey was so scared that she didn’t have time to think much. Catherine’s blood had splattered on herface just now. She knew that Catherine must have been hurt.

When she lowered her head, she noticed the huge gash on Catherine’s arm. She was so scared thather whole body trembled, and her voice choked up as she spoke.

“Kathy, you got hurt! There’s so much blood.

“How am I supposed to deal with this?”

Audrey was freaking out, and her mind was a mess. She instinctively reached out to cover the woundon Catherine’s arm with her hands.

The wound was too severe, and the blood couldn’t be stopped. Fresh blood kept flowing non-stop,driving Audrey to the brink of panic.

However, Catherine remained calm as if nothing had happened, prompting Audrey to yell at her infrustration.

“Kathy, what’s the deal with you? If you’re in pain, just cry out. If that doesn’t work, shout a little. I’m soscared to see you like this.”

Catherine stood motionless, her gaze icy cold. This demeanor left Audrey uncertain about what to do.

“Cry?” thought Catherine.

In her memory, she never cried.

She slowly lifted her gaze, and her cold eyes fell on Audrey’s panicked and distorted face.

“What’s the point of making a fuss about such a minor injury?”

Catherine’s plain tone was like a needle poking into Audrey’s heart, making it so painful that shecouldn’t even breathe.

She recalled when Johnathan accidentally tripped at the stairway and scraped his knee.

That brat was crying in such an exaggerated way, like he wanted the whole world to know how badlyhe had fallen. Finally, Korbin had to personally intervene and coax the little brat into calming down.

Rachael was so upset that she fired the two maids caring for Johnathan. Plus, she went ahead andchanged the entire building’s staircase and even got an all- wool carpet custom-made from abroad tocover all of the stairs.

It was ridiculous how much effort Rachael put into for just a little skin scrape while Catherine barelybatted an eye at such a severe injury.

Thinking of all this, Audrey felt even more heartbroken for Catherine.

“Kathy, we’re going to the hospital. I will take you to the hospital!”

Audrey was anxiously dragging Catherine to leave.

With a cold look in her eyes, Catherine casually glanced at her arm and watched as the fresh bloodcontinued to flow. Without much thought, she tore her T-shirt and used it as a makeshift bandage towrap around her arm.

The blood stopped gushing as if on cue, but the wound still looked pretty creepy with the mix of red andwhite.

Catherine planned on ignoring it, but Audrey kept insisting.

When Catherine saw Audrey’s swollen eyes, which were as big as two walnuts, she silently decidednot to argue anymore and let Audrey make all the decisions.

“Just go to the hospital already,” she said inwardly.

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