All Her Secrets

Chapter 466 The Bullets
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Chapter 466 The Bullets

Catherine moved swiftly. The weapon that had been tightly held by the scarred man was suddenly inCatherine’s hand.

The scarred man was genuinely shocked this time. He instinctively examined his palm. He flipped itback and forth comically and ludicrously.

Before he could see how Catherine managed to touch his hand, Catherine had already snatched theweapon away from him. He thought Catherine must not be ordinary.

Her speed was beyond human capabilities.

As the scarred man stared at Catherine, his pupils dilated. His eyes were filled with not just fear butalso confusion and bewilderment.

Catherine toyed with the scarred man’s weapon in her hand for a moment.

Then she sneered.

It was just an outdated relic from the last century, and this man had the audacity to play with it. He wasnot even afraid of being ridiculed.

Catherine suddenly pulled the trigger.

The scarred man’s eyes widened, and his face instantly turned pale. He had a hunch that his life wasabout to end at that very moment.

His focus was entirely on Catherine, and he had even forgotten how to call for help. However, whathappened next left the scarred man even more surprised. It was just like how he initially wanted to toywith Catherine. Catherine didn’t immediately harm him.

The scarred man’s gun was rotated twice in Catherine’s hand and then completely disassembled intoindividual components.

That was truly impressive.

The scarred man had seen skilled marksmen, even experts who could disassemble and reassembleguns blindfolded.

But someone like Catherine, who disassembled the weapon with one hand while rapidly spinning it,was something he had never witnessed before.novelbin

At that moment, the scarred man suddenly realized he had provoked someone extraordinary.

Catherine held seven bullets she had disassembled from the firearm and waved them in front of thescarred man.

Her eyes shifted, and she cast a cold, disdainful glance at the scarred man before uttering three wordsin a chilling tone.

“Where is she?”

The scarred man had been in this game for many years and had grown indifferent to life and death.While he was fearful, he didn’t reveal his boss’s secrets.

Their boss had leverage over them. Their own life was expendable, but they couldn’t jeopardize theirfamilies.

“If you want to kill me, then do it, but you’ll never find out where she is.

“With my lowly life, I’ll kill a rich young lady. I’ve won…”

Catherine sneered. She couldn’t help but admire the scarred man. Even in such a dire situation, hedared to talk tough.

She asked only once and wouldn’t ask again if there was no response.

The scarred man observed the eerie smile on Catherine’s face. She didn’t press him further, nor didshe threaten him with any harsh words. He couldn’t help but feel a shiver down his spine.

The more silent she became, the more it indicated trouble. As he watched Catherine approach with thedisassembled bullets in her hand, he felt an inexplicable sense of danger.

He panicked and stared at Catherine. He involuntarily tried to step back.

“What are you going to do?”

Catherine held a bullet between her fingers. She spun it before pressing it against the scarred man’scheek.

With astonishing force, Catherine embedded the bullet into his cheek. It caused blood to spray directlyonto Catherine’s fair face.

It was such a gruesome sight, and she didn’t even blink.

The scarred man writhed in agony and screamed wildly, but it was futile. To prevent him fromstruggling, Catherine had tied his hands and feet, rendering any movement a luxury.

Catherine had no intention of stopping.

With bullets one after one, the torment continued.

The pain was unbearable. It was worse than death.

The scarred man would rather she had put him out of his misery with a single shot. Catherine picked upanother bullet. This time, it was aiming for the scarred man’s eye.

This time, the scarred man’s lifeless eyes came to life. His instincts kicked in, and he could no longerendure the excruciating pain. He began to beg Catherine, and his voice was hoarse and desperate.

“I was wrong. It was my mistake. I should never have offended you. Please…”

Due to the continuous splattering of blood, Catherine’s once cold and elegant face was now stainedwith blood. It created a stark contrast to her fair skin.

With her aloof demeanor, the blood added a hint of bewitching charm and made her presence evenmore formidable.

The scarred man’s plea didn’t make Catherine stop.

She continued to approach with the bullet aimed at the scarred man’s eye. Seeing that she was aboutto drive the bullet into his eye, the scarred man couldn’t bear it any longer.

He surrendered.

“I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you! Just please give me a quick death!”

Catherine halted her actions and gave the scarred man a cold, piercing look. The scarred man didn’thesitate and quickly pointed toward a small room upstairs.

“She’s up there. We haven’t laid a finger on her. You can trust us.”

Catherine roughly dropped the scarred man to the ground and ascended the rickety stairs to thesecond-floor room.

The room was dimly lit, with only a small window providing a faint light source. Catherine, with herexceptional eyesight, immediately spotted Audrey in a corner.

Audrey’s hands and feet were bound. She leaned weakly to one side with her head drooping, whichsuggested she had been drugged.

Catherine approached Audrey and untied her. Then she gave Audrey a sharp pinch on the philtrum.

The intense stimulation made Audrey regain consciousness slowly. She opened her eyes and sawCatherine crouching in front of her. Her eyes widened instantly. She opened her mouth and shouted,“Kathy, run! I’ll cover you. Hurry…”

Catherine was momentarily puzzled by Audrey’s strange behavior, but then she realized and smiledslightly.

“Audrey, why are you still smiling? Don’t you realize we’re in trouble?” Midway through her sentence,Audrey suddenly noticed something and rushed forward. “Kathy, what happened to your face? Why is itcovered in blood? Did those kidnappers hurt you?”

Her voice choked as she spoke, and tears welled in her eyes. Facing such an endearing sister,Catherine couldn’t help but feel a little helpless. She casually wiped the blood off her face with herhand.

“Look closely. This is someone else’s blood, not mine.”

Even though Catherine explained, Audrey still couldn’t relax. She rushed forward and gently touchedCatherine’s cheek to make sure there were no wounds. After that, she couldn’t hold back her tears anylonger.

She cried out, “You scared me. I thought they disfigured you!”

Catherine was so beautiful. It would have been a shame if anything had happened to her face.Catherine pulled Audrey to her feet. ” Let’s go. We’ll talk later.”

Audrey was surprised. She asked, ” Kathy, are we just leaving like this? What about those kidnappers?What if they catch us again?”

Her words were overflowing, and if Audrey wasn’t her sister, Catherine might have silenced her forgood.

Then Catherine dragged Audrey downstairs. Audrey couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw thechaotic scene below. “Kathy, look at this!”

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