All Her Secrets

Chapter 347
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Chapter 347

Chapter 347 You Wanna Die?

The assistant was about to report to Korbin when Korbin asked about it.

“Mr. Swann, the government has acquired the chips we developed together with Mr. David. The stockprices of the Swann Corporation are climbing fast. They are probably waiting for a good opportunity topump up the stock prices.”

“Pump up the stock prices?” Korbin smirked. There was keen shrewdness in his old eyes. Catherine wasclever and had the Duncan Corporation behind her, but so what? She was still the young girl under histhumb.

Korbin had succeeded in cooperating with the Winfreds. After he had transferred the assets of theSwann Corporation to Oceanvile, he would see what Catherine would do with the empty shell of thecompany.

It was all Vicente’s fault to leave the Swann Corporation to that jinx, Catherine. Vicente must have beenout of his mind. How was Catherine qualified to have the Swann Corporation?

Instead of letting others talk behind his back that he was fighting for the family property with his daughter,Korbin might as well build his business empire based on the Swanns’ huge assets. He wanted the worldto know what he was capable of.

“Tell the others to sell all the stocks when the price rises by two more percent.”

The assistant understood what Korbin meant and promised, “As you say, Mr. Swann. I’m on it.”

Half an hour later.

Catherine was still sleeping during class when she got a mysterious call.novelbin

“Boss, the Swanns plan to sell the stocks.”

“Great.” Catherine sneered. The matter was more interesting than she had thought. “Buy the stocks. Nomatter how many.”

“Yes, Boss.”

Catherine ended the call and continued sleeping. The Swanns in Casier would never change. She hadpromised Vicente that she would not let the Swanns suffer any loss at her hands and would keep herword.

At the Winfreds’ place.

The Swanns visited in the morning and sent the Winfreds a big surprise. Jeremy was lashing Erick hardwith a whip in the basement of the Winfreds’ house.

Erick was tied to a pillar. Iron chains cuffed his hands and legs tight, and he could not move. Jeremywaved the whip in his hand like crazy and hit Erick repeatedly.

Every lash caused a deep purple, bloody mark on Erick’s body. Erick did not even knit his brows slightly.He just let Jeremy vent his rage. It was only when Jeremy was tired that he slammed the whip to theground.

He squinted at Erick, who was tied to the pillar and was in an awful state, and said sarcastically, “What amean bastard. You are not afraid of being hit, huh? You are just a lowlife.”

Erick raised his eyes coldly. On his gloomy face, his eyes that were locked on Jeremy’s face looked likehe wanted to eat Jeremy alive. The lashes were nothing to Erick. After all, he had suffered so muchbeating in the black market.

He got beaten after losing a match. He got beaten if he was disobedient. He also got beaten when hisboss was in a bad mood. He grew up under fists, whips, and bats. In his eyes, what Jeremy did to himwas nothing.

Jeremy instantly flared up under Erick’s gaze. He raised his leg and kicked Erick. Meanwhile, he saidnastily, “What? Still defiant? Well, aren’t you capable and great at escaping? Come on. Hit me!

Erick did not feel much pain from Jeremy’s attack. He undertook Jeremy’s beating up with a cold smileand talked back.

“Jeremy, who do you think you are without Xavier?”

Everyone knew that the eldest son of the Winfreds was a loser, and Xavier was the one supporting thefamily.

Only Jeremy did not realize that. He always thought that his father had done too much and gotten in hisway so that people did not know what he could do.

Erick’s words were like sharp scissors that cut the fig leaf Jeremy had. How could the proud Jeremy bearthat his father’s illegitimate son looked down on him?

Jeremy could no longer control his madness and roared, “Erick, you filthy lowlife. Do you wanna die?”

“Screw you.” Erick spat bitterly at Jeremy’s face. “Boy. If you have the guts, kill me, or you will die in myhands one day.”

Erick was emotionless when he spoke. His voice was extremely chill and was like a dagger that could killone instantly.

Jeremy could stand it no more. He picked a crowbar and thrashed Erick madly. The butler at the side feltsick to watch it. He walked forward to stop Jeremy.

“Sir, let him be. Don’t kill him and ruin your father’s plan.”

Jeremy regained his composure. He panted and glared at Erick. “Brat, you are still useful, and I willspare your life for now. After you have no use for us, I will feed you to the dogs.”

The Winfreds had intended to take only one of Erick’s kidneys. If Erick refused to obey, Jeremy wouldtake his life. The butler persuaded Jeremy to leave, leaving only Erick in the basement dungeon.

Erick said nothing. He raised his eyes at the dark ceiling, and the song Catherine sang echoed in hishead repeatedly. Soft footsteps sounded in his ears. Erick lowered his head slowly and looked ahead.

Xavier walked toward Erick. His stern face was somewhat ashen because of his sickness. Only his eyeswere still ruthless. Their eyes met, but neither of them spoke.

Xavier stared at his face, which bore a distinct likeness to his. He showed no emotions. Only by then didhe admit that Erick’s character resembled him most among all his children.

Erick was cruel and merciless, sharp- eyed, and very clever. If Xavier’s wife had given birth to Erick,Xavier would have chosen Erick as his successor.

It was a pity that Erick had been out there all those years. Besides, Erick was as stubborn as his motherand was ungrateful.

Xavier could not take his family as a wager on such an ingrate. His eldest son was a good-for-nothing,but Xavier still had his second son. If Xavier kept a healthy body and held on for another ten years, hissecond son could be the successor after he grew up.

He opened his mouth and spoke slowly, his voice vicious.

“Erick, remember. You are only a tool for our family.

“Since your mother and I had a past, I will let you live if you are obedient enough.”

Afterward, Xavier disappeared from the dungeon. The basement returned to its original quietness again.Erick gazed bleakly at the front, and his mouth curved into an evil smile.

There was still a hint of childishness on his face. The former handsome look turned ferocious. The evilsmile on his face gradually widened and became more terrifying.

He laughed out loud coldly.

If one listened to his laughter carefully, they would tremble and feel scared.

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