All Her Secrets

Chapter 346
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Chapter 346

Chapter 346 Listening to Catherine

The National Literary and Art League qualifier held the day before was over. Half of the teams wereeliminated, while the other half made it into the semi-finals. Two of the three teams from LoyaltyAcademy had entered the semi-finals, and they were all students of Class 8.

The homeroom teacher of Class 8, Myra Joyce, received many compliments from her colleagues whenshe entered the office.

“Miss Joyce, you have amazing students. They always perform well in their studies and are good at artsand sports. It seems you will get a promotion soon.”

Myra smiled humbly. As the homeroom teacher of Class 8, she did feel proud of her students. However,Myra did not show her joy in front of other people.

“I’m proud of them too. They do well in every aspect.”

Speaking of that, the Theisian teacher aside could not help but sigh. “The sisters of the Swanns are sodifferent. I heard they are biological sisters. Liana is perfect in everything, but you know what? MissJoyce, Catherine got a zero this time.”

Myra was somewhat awkward, but she still liked Catherine a lot. She replied, ” Maybe Catherine doesn’twant to take the SAT and focuses on the arts. Her test results last time proved that she was quite good atstudying, right?”

The Theisian teacher had mixed feelings.

If Catherine had not had the best grades last time, she would still think that the Swanns had sent an idiotto their school. What would one be if not an idiot when they had zero in every subject?

The Theisian teacher sighed again and said indignantly, “It just comes easy for Catherine. Perhaps Godloves her. She sleeps during class but could be the year’s top student easily. Liana is always well-behaved and hardworking. Yet, she is still no match for Catherine. It seems like Liana’s failure ispredestined.”

It was improper to talk about the students behind their backs. Myra persuaded the Theisian teacher, andthey both stopped talking.

No one had noticed that a pink figure had suddenly disappeared from the office door.

Standing on the rooftop of the teaching building, Liana stared at the blue sky and white clouds, and tearsgradually welled up in her eyes.

Everything had been going right in her life before Catherine showed up. After that, Liana’s life hadchanged thoroughly.

The fortune-teller was right. Catherine was a jinx. She brought bad luck to the Swanns and would ruintheir lives one after another.

“Liana is always well-behaved and hardworking. Yet, she is still no match for Catherine. It seems likeLiana’s failure is predestined.”

What the Theisian teacher had said was like a curse constantly replaying in Liana’s mind. Liana was sotortured that she punched the wall beside her in fury.

The rough wall caused her tender hand to be bloody and bruised, but she could not feel the pain. It wasthe hand that she used to play the piano. It was her pride.

At that moment, there was only resentment in Liana’s eyes. No matter what price she had to pay, shewould make Catherine disappear.

She wanted the world to see she would tread Catherine underfoot and that Catherine would never be asgood as her. She said to herself, “Catherine, you jinx. We will see.”

Ronin handed the phone to Catherine after receiving the latest news.

“Catherine, the organizing committee just sent an email saying that the rules have changed again, andwe will have on-the-spot performances this time. The themes will be announced when the semi-finalsbegin, and the judges will give marks based on our instant reactions.”

Ronin had learned his lesson since he was set up the last time, so he informed Catherine as soon as hereceived the email.

Catherine did not react after hearing what Ronin said. But Bryan’s face was full of anxiety. What if theperformance theme we get is to dance? What should we do?”

Ronin was also worried about the same thing. The two fixed their eyes on Catherine. Catherine had nointention of replying to them at first.

Seeing how much they cared about it, she said lazily, “I won’t think too much about it. You’ll know what todo when the time comes.”

It was still a week before the semi- finals. Since Catherine said so, Ronin’s worries disappeared in notime.

“You are right! Why should we worry about it so much now? We can do anything under your leadership.We should not waste our time worrying. How about we think of what to eat for dinner?”

Bryan’s teammates were not anxious, so he set aside his anxiety, too. They had participated in thecompetition as a makeweight. It did not matter to them whether they were the champions or not.

They would be happy with whatever they did as long as they did it together with Catherine. Another thingsuddenly occurred to Ronin, and he reported to Catherine hurriedly.

“Catherine, there’s something else. The competition next week will be held in Oceanvile instead ofCasier.’

It was a national league, and many other schools participated in it in Oceanvile. The qualifier was held inCasier, and Oceanvile won the bid to host the semi- finals.

Catherine had no objection to it. She had planned to go to Oceanvile next month. She would finish whatshe needed to do in Oceanvile when she had the semi- finals there. At the Swann Corporation, Korbin’sassistant went to Korbin’s office with the newest contract.

“Mr. Swann, the Winfred Group has signed it.”

There was a faint smile and rare complacency on Korbin’s face.

“Did you send Erick there?”

His assistant nodded. “We sent him to the Winfreds’ house this morning, and Xavier has signed thecontract and given it to us.”

“Did you find out why the Winfreds wanted the illegitimate son?” asked Korbin.

Korbin did not believe in family ties. Erick was Xavier’s illegitimate son, and the Winfreds would notwaste so much of their time and energy on him. There must be some secrets.

Korbin’s assistant admired Korbin’s wisdom. He could not understand why Vicente would hand a bigcorporation like the Swann Corporation to a girl rather than a great businessman like Korbin.

“Mr. Swann, what you guessed was correct. The reason the Winfreds wanted Erick was not that theywanted Erick to return to the family. It turns out that Xavier was sick and needed Erick’s kidney. That’s allI have found out. The details are not clear yet.”

It was not easy to dig that out. It was a secret for the Winfreds. If it were not for the fact that it had gottenbig, the Winfreds would never let any other soul know about it.novelbin

Korbin had a shrewd and calculating look. He needed the news to know his partner better. Now that theywere partners, the Winfreds’ influence in Oceanvile was something the Swanns needed to enterOceanvile.

Korbin would not turn against Xavier so soon. Everything was negotiable as long as Xavier could providewhat the Swanns needed.

Korbin already got the information he wanted about the Winfreds. Now, what he needed to deal with wasCatherine.

“I heard Leonel and Linda take action recently. Tell me what they have done.”

Since he had taught Leonel a lesson last time, Leonel did nothing for quite a while. Lately, Leonel beganto make his moves again. It seemed he did not learn much in the last lesson.

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