All Her Secrets

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118

Catherine looked up, immediately recognizing Ronin standing on the podium. Her eyebrows furrowedslightly, making everyone think that she would teach Ronin a lesson.

However, she was just secretly complaining that Ronin’s costume was so ugly. She wondered whatRonin was thinking. Why would he dress up like that at school? Did he think he was cosplaying orsomething?

Ronin looked at Catherine as she looked over, and his eyebrows furrowed. He felt uneasy, unsure ifCatherine was angry because he acted without permission. Catherine’s rosy lips slightly parted as shespoke in a cold voice.

“Sit down!”

She pointed to the seat next to her in the adiacent aisle. Ronin glanced at it. Although it wasn’tCatherine’s desk, the distance wasn’t that far, so it could be considered sitting next to her. Out ofrespect for Catherine, he decided not to argue with Bryan. Ronin happily said, “Okay!”

Then, he slung his backpack and happily skipped over to the seat. The crisis was averted. Thehomeroom teacher breathed a sigh of relief, intensely appreciating Catherine’s initiative to speak upand help maintain class unity.

Although Catherine appeared to have a cold personality, she had a warm heart. She just lent a hand atthe right time.

Bryan looked at Ronin, smiling at Catherine. For some reason, he felt uncomfortable. He had a feelingthat Ronin was trying to steal his throne, and his position was insecure.

Ever since Ronin appeared, Bryan had inexplicably developed a sense of hostility towards him. Therewere no accidents during class. But as soon as the dismissal bell rang and the homeroom teacher left,

the atmosphere in Class 8 changed.

The originally quiet Class 8 became even quieter during dismissal. Suddenly, Bryan stood up. Studentspresent could all feel the atmosphere was thick with tension. The few people who usually followedBryan gathered around him.

To avoid disturbing Catherine’s rest, Bryan circled around and walked to the middle of the aisle,lowering his head to scrutinize Ronin.

Ronin, who had always been obedient and studious stood un directly With one hand in his pocket, helooked at Bryan contemptuously. There was a hint of provocation in Ronin’s eyes behind the black-frame glasses. Ronin did have the guts to provoke Bryan, which was truly admirable to everyone.

As their eyes met, Bryan felt a strong sense of aggression emanating from Ronin. A mischievous smilecurled on Bryan’s face. He realized that Ronin was not as ordinary as he seemed.

After exchanging glances, they reached a consensus. Bryan said first, “My boss is sleeping. Let’s gooutside and talk!”

The meaning behind the word “talk” was profound. When Ronin heard Bryan refer to Catherine as hisboss, his mocking smile instantly faded.

By trying to compete for Catherine’s favor, Bryan’s ignorant attitude obviously crossed Ronin’s bottomline. Ronin clenched his teeth and coldly responded, “I was thinking the same thing!”

Then, Ronin followed Bryan out of the classroom. Before leaving, Bryan instructed David and theothers not to follow.

David and other students expressed concern about potential trouble. They weren’t worried about Bryangetting into trouble; they knew his skills well.

However, they thought the newcomer, Ronin, was dangerous. He was so academically talented that hemust be the principal’s favorite. What if he got injured?novelbin

After much hesitation, David summoned his courage and approached Catherine.

“Catherine, wake up!”

Catherine heard the voice and slowly raised her head, her eyelids slightly lifted. A cold light gleamed inher drowsy eyes as she looked in David’s direction.

That gaze nearly scared David to death. He quickly explained, “Catherine, please don’t get angry withme. I have something important to report.”

“Go on!” These two cold words clearly showed Catherine’s attitude. David briefly explained whathappened to Bryan and Ronin, along with his concerns. Catherine glanced at Ronin’s seat, which wasempty. She nodded and replied with a single word. “Okay!”

Then she lowered her head again. It wasn’t that Catherine didn’t care about Ronin. He had beentrained for a long time under her guidance, likely on par with Bryan.

Young people had hot tempers and good physical strength, so occasional venting could be helpful.Seeing that Catherine didn’t intervene, David and the others dared not ask further. Everyone waitedanxiously for the two to return.

The two people who had just stepped out for a “talk” returned the moment the bell rang. All eyes wereon them. Seeing that Bryan and Ronin were dressed neatly, everyone was even more confused.

David carefully observed Ronin and felt conflicted. Could it be that Bryan was really just talking toRonin? When had Bryan become so gentle?

After the two returned, Catherine woke up. Her cold gaze swept over both of them, and she came to aconclusion. It seemed that the two were indeed evenly matched in strength. However, from Bryan’sseating posture, it was evident that Ronin had a slight advantage.

Ronin had been fighting on the streets since he was young. Although his strength and skills werelacking, he was cunning enough. An ordinary person couldn’t take advantage of him.

After Ronin sat down, he noticed that Catherine was awake and quickly smiled at her in an attempt toplease her.

“Boss!” Everyone was shocked, wondering if Ronin had a close relationship with Catherine. Catherineglanced at him and coldly said, “It’s time for class!”

Ronin wasn’t upset by Catherine’s coldness. On the contrary, he felt happy that she spoke to him.

“Okay, Boss, don’t worry. I’ll pay attention in class!” Bryan secretly rubbed his leg in pain, venting hisfrustration internally. He felt particularly annoyed after seeing Ronin trying to please Catherine. “Youlittle brat,” he thought, “I’ll never let you take advantage of my boss!”

Bryan looked at Catherine with a pitiful expression and asked, “Boss, do you know this guy?” Catherinenodded but didn’t speak.

Upon hearing Bryan’s question, Ronin raised an eyebrow at him. Then, he flashed a provocative smilethat could drive Bryan crazy. “Boss has known me for much longer, you know!”

“You goddamn…” Bryan couldn’t stand it, and they were about to argue. Hearing footstepsapproaching, Catherine knew that the teacher was about to arrive. Her face immediately darkened asshe coldly said, “Time for class, understood?”

Bryan and Ronin immediately shut up, knowing personal grievances could be resolved anytime. Thetop priority at the moment was not to anger their boss.

Bryan and Ronin were about to fight to the death. However, their anger instantly subsided with just afew simple words from Catherine.

The classmates who were ready to watch the show were left dumbfounded. Indeed, Catherine wasformidable. She was the true boss here!

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