All Her Secrets

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

As Catherine entered the school, she was met with numerous curious gazes. That reality show wastop-rated now. So a lot of people knew that Catherine had participated in the show. Their impression ofher had changed quite a bit. It turned out that Catherine was like this in private and was really good atplaying games.

With her confident demeanor and charming big-sister vibe, Catherine was a hit among the girls.

Initially, everyone thought Catherine had a problematic personality. In their view, she was cold andeven a bit pretentious. But after seeing Catherine on the show, they realized she was not what theythought. She was just genuinely not interested in socializing. And it was not an act.

As for the attention from those around her, Catherine didn’t pay it any mind. After entering theclassroom, Catherine kept a composed face. She took confident strides and looked straight ahead asshe walked to her seat.

But as soon as she sat down, Bryan rushed over. His face was full of excitement as he looked at her.“Boss, how did you decide to join the reality show without even telling me?” he exclaimed. Bryansounded a bit aggrieved.

Catherine remained calm. She raised an eyebrow and gave him a sidelong glance. “You found out onyour own, didn’t you?”

Bryan retorted. “That’s not the point!”

Bryan thought inwardly, “How can that be the same?” For Bryan, hearing about it directly fromCatherine was completely different from discovering it on his own or receiving a report from David.

If Catherine had told him herself, it would authenticate Bryan’s status in her eyes. Naturally, it would bedifferent.

Catherine couldn’t be bothered with Bryan. She felt a bit tired because she had helped with a projectfor Ronin the previous night. And it kept her up late. Now she was a little weary. “Fine. I’ll let you knownext time.”

With that, Catherine laid her head down on the table to sleep. Though her response was somewhatdismissive, it was quite satisfying for Bryan. At least Catherine talked to him.

That was enough. Seeing Bryan’s contented smile, David and the others felt slightly disdainful. Eversince the arrival of Catherine, Bryan had changed.

The current Bryan wasn’t the same as before. Bryan had become Catherine’s lackey. Bryan turnedaround and coincidentally caught David and the others’ gaze. He witnessed the thick mockery theydidn’t manage to conceal in time.

Bryan sneered with a disdainful look, 11 Well. You’re just jealous of me. Got it?” David and the othersfelt indignant and couldn’t help but retort, “Jealous of you for what?”

“Then let me ask you. Can you guys get any attention from Boss when you talk to her?

With a triumphantly raised eyebrow, Bryan looked at them. After David and the others thought for amoment, they conceded defeat. Seeing their initially confident demeanor crumble, Bryan secretlyrelished the moment.

The joy of basking in Catherine’s protection and relaxing was truly remarkable for Bryan. WithCatherine around, Bryan’s days were indeed happy.

Seeing the satisfied smile on Bryan’s face, David and the others felt a mix of mockery and envy. Butthey had no way to compete. They were not as handsome as Bryan, and their ability to please was notas strong as his. It was a tragic situation. When the bell rang, all the students returned to their seats.

The homeroom teacher taught the first class. As soon as the homeroom teacher entered the room andstood at the front, she announced something to the class. She said, “Class, we have a new studentjoining us today. Let’s welcome him with applause.”

The entire class was surprised. Catherine had just transferred not long ago, and now there was anothernew student. They thought inwardly, “Is Class 8 really that easy to get into?”

In the next moment, their attention was drawn. Guided by the principal, a boy wearing a black T-shirtentered the classroom.

The students thought inwardly, “What a background! The principal personally brought him in.” With acheerful smile, the principal led the boy in and said, “Ronin, introduce yourself to everyone.”

The boy had been keeping his head down. He slowly raised his head upon hearing the principal’sinstruction. He was fair-skinned, even fairer than some girls. He had great skin that seemed translucentenough to see veins underneath.

Unfortunately, his face wasn’t that impressive. He had a big bowl hairdo with thick, heavy bangs.Although his face wasn’t big, those oversized black glasses covered a significant portion.

His overall appearance was quite plain. And he had a typical nerd look. He looked up and introducedhimself in a low voice, “Hello, everyone. I’m Ronin Oconnor, the new transfer student.”

With that, he lowered his head again. He appeared quite shy. But this kind of student was very muchfavored by the principal. The principal had come out to introduce him personally.

The principal said, “Ronin is this year’s national math competition champion. He is an outstandingstudent. His ability to join and become a part of our school is remarkable. Let’s give him a round ofapplause!”

No wonder the principal personally welcomed him. It turned out he was a top student. Now everyonewas no longer in doubt.

Although their school was private, this institution placed great emphasis on academic performance.Truly exceptional students with excellent grades could easily get in, but they must be among the top.

The principal finished his introduction and left. The homeroom teacher was exceptionally courteoussince Ronin was a student the principal personally brought in. “Ronin, where would you like to sit?”

Ronin looked up suddenly. He extended his hand and pointed to an empty seat without hesitation. Heasked the homeroom teacher, “Can I sit there?”

Once it was confirmed where Ronin wanted to sit, everyone was stunned. No one had expected thatRonin would want to sit in Bryan’s seat, and even the homeroom teacher was momentarily takenaback.

Initially, Bryan had no interest in the new arrival. But now that everyone’s attention was on Bryan, helifted his head and looked toward Ronin.

Bryan’s fierce gaze carried a challenging dominance. Despite Bryan evolving into a lackey, he was stillimmensely intimidating when he got angry.novelbin

The moment Bryan lifted his head, the entire class felt a shift in the atmosphere. The others remainedsilent and watched the intense gaze lock between the two. Even the homeroom teacher found it a bitstrange. She thought inwardly, 11 Ronin seems gentle. But why does he choose Bryan’s seat?”

She tried to persuade Ronin. She said, ” Ronin, that seat is already taken by another student. Howabout you choose a different seat?”

However, Ronin remained firm and looked at Bryan’s seat without saying a word. Bryan raised aneyebrow and looked at him with confidence and dominance, Bryan couldn’t believe that this newcomerdared to challenge him.

Bryan thought inwardly, “Who does he think I am?

“Does he think I am an easy target to be bullied?

“If he has the guts, he should try it.” As tensions escalated, the situation quickly turned into a deadlock.Even the homeroom teacher found it hard to mediate now.

On one side was Bryan, and on the other side was the new top student. It wouldn’t be wise to offendeither. Just as everyone held their breaths, Catherine, who had been in a doze, suddenly woke up.

She slowly lifted her head and propped her chin on her hand. Then she looked toward the front of theclass. As everyone knew, Bryan was now Catherine’s lackey. The others thought inwardly, “Since herlackey is being bullied, Catherine shouldn’t just stand by and do nothing.”

All eyes were on Catherine. They were waiting to see how Catherine would handle the new topstudent.

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