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Chapter 945

Chapter 945

Teun didn't expect Evie to retort back at her. She took a deep breath, her face covered in foundationalmost crumbling with anger. "You're the baby's aunt, and if you don't give a full moon gift, it meansyou look down on the baby and Eudora. You're going too far! Don't you want to go back andaccompany the baby every day as she grows up? You can't even give the most basic full moon gift,you..."

"Shut your mouth full of righteousness!" Evie impatiently rolled her eyes at Teun. "Who's lookingdown on who? I've raised Eudora so well that she can have a child now. Can you stay away fromme? When I see some people appear in front of me, it's like seeing one fly after another buzzingaround my ears."

"Evie, do you have any shame?" Teun got angry just thinking about it. "Did you talk badly aboutEudora in front of Isaac all this time? So that's why Isaac has been dragging his feet on gettingmarried?"

Evie really didn't want to say another word to Teun.

She glanced irritably at the other person and said. "Eudora has already had a child; if her mandoesn't want to marry or get certified for marriage with her then what does that have anything to dowith me? I won't ever be able to meet someone like Isaac."

"The Anto family knows how shameless you are; when we were only seventeen years old, but stillwent into Isaac's bed," Teun seemed proud as she found an opportunity to attack Evie again."Unfortunately ah! The Carr family doesn't even look at fake heiresses like yourself."

"I told you it was a misunderstanding! It was Eudora who told me that guest room was mine; Iwalked in there not knowing it was Isaac's room!" A hint of embarrassment flashed across Evie'sface quickly as she looked around nervously towards Jasper sitting opposite from her.

Would he get angry or believe what Teun said?

Will their first date be ruined by Teun?

She felt slightly upset inside.

Her gaze towards Teun became angrier and more irritable.

Teun continued talking non-stop. "Do you still think about Isaac? Oh my god! You're trying too hardfor something out of your league - The Carr family is not someone who would take notice ofsomeone like yourself! Don't think just because Jasper Howlett likes being with someone likeyourself means they genuinely love being with somebody like yourself – Mr. Howlett is probably justplaying around with somebody below his level."

"Whether we match or not, it's not up to you," Jasper's low and icy voice suddenly sounded. Hiscold gaze fell on Teun. "She is my girlfriend and will become my wife in the future. How dare youslander her here? I advise you to leave now, otherwise, I don't know what I might do."

Jasper looked at Teun as if he was looking at a dead person. He held a tall glass made oftransparent glass with his long and powerful hand. "Crash!" The glass in his hand shattered but didnot pierce his palm; he was unharmed.

The red liquid kept spreading on the smooth tabletop and falling onto the ground as more pieces ofbroken glass followed suit.

Teun stared at him in shock, her face turning pale. Who is this barbarian?

She couldn't say anything.

Jasper wiped off the red wine stain on the table with a napkin nonchalantly while saying, "If Miss

Teun Anto wants to be like this glass cup, feel free to continue provoking me. I am not a gentlemanwho won't hit women."

He spoke calmly yet terrifyingly.

Teun had never seen such an attitude before; she took two steps back in shock while her lipstwitched uncontrollably. "You..."

This man... is so scary!

Jasper raised an eyebrow, "Still not leaving?"

Teun turned around and ran away without eating or ordering any food.novelbin

Evie didn't relax though; she bit her lip subconsciously explaining, "Isaac and I have nothing goingon between us; don't misunderstand me please! At that time, it was just me walking into the wrongroom by accident because Eudora set me up..."

However, Jasper grabbed Evie's hand firmly while speaking with determination, "Don't worry aboutit! Since I like you, I believe you. Irrespective of whatever happened between Isaac and you, it's allin past. Moreover, you guys didn't even do anything, did you?"

Evie stared blankly at Jasper's calm face for a moment before taking a deep breath. Her panickedheart calmed down immediately. "Thank you!"

"Why?" Jasper smiled slightly, then waved over one of their waiters to clean up all broken glassesfrom their table.

The waiter came over trembling but still broke all glasses directly... Barbaric yet handsome!

That woman has been chattering non-stop inside the restaurant which really annoyed everyonethere.

Teun left without hesitation after being humiliated.

She sat inside her white BMW car without moving, a trembling mess due to anger.

She remembered seeing Jasper and Evie arrive in a Bentley, and then she glanced back at thearguing couple inside the restaurant before getting out of the car.

As she circled around the parking lot outside of the restaurant, she saw a black Bentley parkedamong other cars that were not Bentleys. She sneered and kicked it several times, still feeling angryfrom earlier.

Looking around, Teun spotted some bricks piled up in a nearby flower bed. Her eyes lit up with anidea as she picked up a large brick and hurled it at the Bentley's window with all her might.Watching as glass shattered everywhere, Teun felt satisfied for having avenged herself againstJasper for breaking her glass earlier.

Feeling triumphant, Teun walked away from the scene to return to her own BMW when suddenlyshe froze in shock. Jasper and Evie were standing behind her with calm expressions on their faces.

"Teun," said Evie holding up her phone. "I've called the police. They'll come tell you what crueltymeans."

"I didn't expect you to have such a hobby of destroying other people's cars," added Jaspernonchalantly. "It only hurts people's wallets."

Teun couldn't believe that they had caught her red-handed doing something so foolishly recklesslike this! She lifted her chin defiantly saying. "I was just venting my anger! I smashed your car; I canpay for it!"

"Our car? Who told you it was ours?" laughed Evie incredulously while looking at Teun like she wascrazy. "Are you insane or something?"

For one moment, there was silence as Teun tried to process what they were saying before lettingout an almost hysterical scream. "What are you talking about? This isn't Jasper's car?"

Evie pointed towards another vehicle parked nearby. "That Lamborghini over there is ours."

Jasper had driven his own personal vehicle today instead of using Franklin's shared Bentley whichmeant...

Teun felt completely dumbfounded by this revelation!

She saw a middle-aged man with a big belly rushing out of the restaurant with a young woman. Thewoman had long, sharp nails and immediately greeted her face with them.

"You slut! How dare you break my car's glass? I'll fight you!" she screamed.

Teun was caught off guard and was hit directly by the woman, leaving two shocking blood marks onher face.

"Ahh! You dared to ruin my face!" she yelled as she grabbed the woman's long hair and they startedfighting each other.

The middle-aged man with the big belly was also furious. He had just bought his new car not toolong ago! He brought his new mistress out to eat, wanting to have some fun and show off. But whathappened? They were smashed by this vulgar shrew who came from nowhere!

He picked up a brick from near the flower bed and fiercely threw it at Teun's back. She felt anintense pain in her back as if blood gushed out of her wound.

Her eyes turned red as she grabbed the woman's hair and slapped her several times while saying,"Slut, even if I smashed your car today, so what?"

"You're still so tough!" The man became angry again and hit Teun once more with all his strengthdue to his size advantage. She fell down instantly in pain while he kicked her again on top of that!

The scene became chaotic immediately; even the restaurant manager didn't dare intervenebecause it was too violent!

At that moment, a police car quickly stopped at the entrance of the restaurant; several policemenjumped out upon seeing this scene without hesitation or delay.

Customers inside couldn't care less about their meals anymore; they all crowded around outsidewatching this bizarre spectacle unfold before their eyes.

The fat man angrily told police officers. "We don't even know her! She suddenly broke my carwindow with bricks! Look at my newly purchased vehicle!"

"This girl is crazy; I think she hates rich people!"

"Honey, she must be jealous of our new car!" The young woman also told police officers. "Sheattacked me first when we just arrived here."

"Damn it, Yehuda, you trash! You actually cheated on me with a mistress behind my back!"Suddenly, a middle-aged woman ran towards the man and without saying a word, gave him twoslaps.

The sound was loud and clear.

Everyone was shocked again.

So this young woman was the mistress?

This... is really turning into a series of events!

"Honey, let me explain... she's just my subordinate, my assistant..." The middle-aged man trembledin fear and begged for forgiveness.

But the middle-aged woman didn't give up. She directly grabbed his ear and said. "If you don'texplain clearly to me, don't even think about coming home!"

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