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Chapter 944

Chapter 944

In the speeding car, raindrops tapped against the window glass. The atmosphere inside was a bitstrange.

Jasper had read many guides on taking girlfriends out on dates, so he spoke calmly with aseasoned tone and asked Evie, "Shall we go see a movie first? Is there anything you want towatch?"

Evie's face turned red. Watch... a movie? Was this moving too fast?

Seeing her silence, Jasper glanced at the girl sitting in the passenger seat during a red light. Herporcelain white face was tinged with a faint blush and she looked particularly adorable.

His straight male heart suddenly softened. He waited until the car behind honked impatiently beforehe snapped out of his daze and realized that he had been staring.

He quickly released the brake and rushed through the intersection. His hoarse magnetic voicesounded again in the car, "Evie? Don't you want to go see a movie with me?"

A hint of panic and shyness flashed across Evie's eyes as she gazed outside at the scenerypassing by. Her voice also became somewhat hesitant - quite different from her usual carefreetomboyish image.

Looking at her cute appearance, Jasper couldn't help but curl his lips up into a smile.

Thinking about how strong she was when carrying rocks in disaster areas made him even morepleased.

"How long are you back for this time? Are you still going on business trips?" He didn't want topressure her too much so he changed topics instead.

He remembered Sylvia always liked sending her on business trips abroad - either Middle Evroya orAettosa.

"Not for now." Evie finally found her voice again but her face remained as red as an apple with aninexplicable honey-like hue shining through it.

"We're here." Jasper parked his car neatly then opened his door before helping Evie out of hers.They were now in an underground parking lot near their destination. the cinema.

Jasper naturally took hold of Evie's hand while walking towards elevator direction while pulling outhis phone to open up ticket purchasing software.

"Fast and Furious 9 is showing now; do you want to watch it together? There's also family film MyCousin Sisterand Mountain Cliff Upstairs," said Jasper as he scrolled through movies playing listwhile pressing elevator button simultaneously.

"Did Boss' The Beggarly Girl Is A Noble Lady get taken down yet?" Suddenly remembering this filmtitle, Evie curiously asked Jasper about it .

"I'll take a look," Jasper said, leading her into the elevator. "It's been out for a week now and theypromoted it heavily when it was released. I'm guessing Mr. Maskelyne has been busy with the pilotcompetition these past few days, so Mrs. Maskelyne hasn't mentioned it. If we had known it wasout, we would have definitely supported it by buying out the whole theater!"

As he spoke, he purchased two movie tickets.

Originally, he had planned to buy all of the empty seats for this showing but when he refreshed hisscreen almost all of them were sold out already! This was the most recent showing and there were

only twenty minutes left until showtime. The next showing and even the one after that were nearlysold out as well – clearly this movie was popular!

"Looks like Mrs. Maskelyne's film is doing pretty well," Jasper remarked as they retrieved theirtickets from the machine.

They made their way towards the theater entrance where a long line had formed with everyonewaiting to get in.

Evie took out her phone and scanned through an app on her phone. "My boss has some serioustalent – making movies is just child's play for him! This movie has only been in theaters for a weekand already ranked third at box office sales; I bet in just a few more days it will be number one."

"Judging by how much everyone seems to be looking forward to seeing this film, getting first placeis just inevitable." Jasper glanced at real-time box office rankings which showed that first placebelonged to some comedy series which had quite a following among die-hard fans.

However, looking at all of negative reviews below its ranking score revealed that many people whowent into watching with high expectations ended up disappointed because there wasn't muchsubstance or humor involved - overall feeling bored instead!

On contrast though 'The Beggarly Girl Is A Noble Lady' scored very highly with 8. 9 points alongwith numerous positive reviews flooding its page.

"It seems like audiences can tell whether or not someone put effort into making their films," Eviecommented before closing her app again and checking their time slot since ticket check-in hadbegun outside while people slowly moved forward towards entry doors ahead of them.

Soon enough they reached security check point then entered hallway leading directly towardsscreening room where they found their seats easily before settling down comfortably together

readying themselves for what promised to be an enjoyable evening spent watching quality cinema!

Jasper realized something at this moment, they had been so focused on discussing Sylvia's moviethat they forgot to buy snacks like popcorn and milk tea for their date. How could he forget such acrucial part of watching a movie? He felt embarrassed and said, "What do you want to drink? I'll gobuy it."

"I already had popcorn during the day. Let's just get some water from the vending machine overthere. I want iced red tea," Evie remembered seeing an automatic vending machine near the theaterentrance.

Besides, it wasn't appropriate to leave now that they've already checked their tickets.

Jasper nodded quickly and said, "Okay."

As he rushed out with his long legs, Evie couldn't help but smile silently at his embarrassment. Sheknew what was going through his mind.

But she felt warm inside like the spring sun shining down on her.

In no time at all, Jasper returned with two bottles of iced red tea in hand along with two bags ofchips from the vending machine.

He thought to himself as he walked back; thank goodness for automatic vending machines - iteased his embarrassment.

They sat down in their seats just as the advertisements ended and the opening credits began rollingon screen.

Everyone had heard about this movie's basic plot before its release but sitting inside a theaterwatching it was an entirely different experience altogether. The female lead was stunningly

beautiful; her vest kept falling off while she remained honest and kind-hearted throughouteverything. She always believed in punishing evil-doers while protecting her loved ones until sheachieved extraordinary success by herself.

The 90-minute film explained everything about her life clearly enough for everyone sitting in front oftheir screens to enjoy thoroughly.

After leaving the cinema hall upon finishing up with everything else there was still one thing left -dinner!

"It feels surreal after watching this movie," Evie said aloud as if talking more so towards herself thananyone else around them.

"This female lead is basically... a replica version of our boss!" Jasper laughed out loud since Sylviawrote this script herself based on personal experiences.

He looked at his watch realizing that it was already past eight o'clock pm now saying. "Let's go eat."

The cinema complex is located nearby many high-end restaurants and entertainment venues withinits commercial district surroundings.

Jasper took Evie into one such restaurant which served western cuisine where luxuriousdecorations adorned every corner imaginable including beautiful tassels hanging overhead fromchandeliers casting romantic lighting effects throughout every inch of space available within sight.

There were quite a few customers dining here too!

"Let's sit by the window," Evie pointed to the white Evodroupolian-style dining table with a pair ofwhite chairs on either side, facing each other.

Jasper agreed eagerly, "Sure."

He chivalrously pulled out a chair for Evie and gestured for her to sit down.

Evie graciously took her seat, and Jasper sat across from her.

The restaurant echoed with melodious music that was both elegant and moving.

This was Evie's first time having dinner alone with a man. She had been feeling shy and nervousbut hearing this beautiful music unconsciously dispelled her inner anxiety.

She turned her head to survey the surroundings of the restaurant and noticed a white piano in thecorner. A beautiful woman was playing it skillfully.

Although Evie didn't know much about music, she thought this piano piece sounded lovely.

Before long, two steaks were served on their table by a waiter. Jasper picked up his knife and forkgracefully cut into his steak. The meat looked juicy and appetizing as he sliced into it - making itlook very tempting indeed!

Evie didn't hesitate; after watching one movie earlier that day she had worked up an appetite! Shepicked up her own knife and fork to start cutting into hers too - soon slicing through it like butter!

As soon as she tasted the steak in her mouth, she closed her eyes blissfully. It was so delicious!Satisfying one's taste buds could be so pleasurable sometimes...

She continued eating while burying herself in food; although not particularly elegant or graceful attimes but still not unappealing either way...

Jasper simply watched quietly as he ate his own meal while looking at Evie lovingly all throughouttheir dinner date together...

However, this idyllic scene was suddenly interrupted by an unexpected voice behind them. "Evie? Isthat really you?"

A sharp female voice rang out from not far away behind them both...

Evie lost all interest in eating when she heard who it belonged too- Teun- what garbage of humanbeing.... How unlucky can one get?! Even going out for dinner can lead you to bumping into trashlike this?!!

Teun walked over wearing high heels clacking against the floorboards loudly as if trying hard tomake herself known before even speaking. "Long time no see," She scolded "Why didn't you comeback for my child's full moon banquet? You made our family lose face."

"It's your family event - not mine," replied Evie with fake politeness plastered across her face "I'mjust your estranged foster daughter, remember? So don't speak so intimately."

"I don't care, I finally ran into you. I shamelessly asked for it - what about the gift for my baby's one-month celebration? If you're not prepared, you can just transfer the money directly to me and I'llpass it on to Eudora."

Eudora sneered coldly and asked her for the money outright.

"Besides, the Anto family has raised you for so many years. You should repay them in some way."

Evie was somewhat convinced; this was truly a case of having no face or skin left.

"I'm sorry, but the baby belongs to Eudora, not me. It's not my obligation to give money. Or is it thatthe Anto family is so poor that they can't even afford to raise their own children?"novelbin

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