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Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Mr. Ritter felt like he had just been drenched in ice-cold water, his eyes fixed on his phone in disbelief. What was he going to do?Endless panic and fear swept over him.

Jasper watched Mr. Ritter's reaction closely, a cold smirk on his face. "What's wrong? Did your backer abandon you?" Mr. Ritterwas surprised - how did Jasper know about that?

But he refused to admit it and tried to sound confident as he replied, "What are you talking about? | don't understand."Jasper rolled his eyes impatiently. "Who is behind you? My boss knows everything. Do you really think we're clueless?"

He continued with a threatening tone, "You better take down all of your articles slandering Mr. Maskelyne and Miss Andrewsimmediately! And those videos too! Then publicly apologize for everything and say it was all a misunderstanding."

Mr. Ritter shook his head frantically, "No way!"He knew if he helped Franklin with this scheme, Mrs. Ritter would be furious with him; the consequences would be dire."Impossible?" Jasper chuckled softly before signaling for several black-clad men to surround Mr. Ritter.

One man held a knife against his neck while another pressed one against his face; they pinned him tightly against the wall likean insect specimen mounted for display.

“How about we try something else then?" Jasper pulled out a knife from nowhere as well.

Just then, one of the black-clad men picked up an orange from the fruit tray on the office table and placed it on top of Mr. Ritter'shead.

Jasper grinned mischievously at him, "Let's see if | can hit this orange!"

Mr. Ritter turned pale as sweat dripped down from every pore; fear consumed him completely when Jasper threw the knifetowards him!

"No! No!" He screamed hysterically with closed eyes while covering himself up but suddenly heard a loud thud instead of feelingany pain or blood gushing out!

The blade had pierced through the orange cleanly without harming even one hair strand of poor trembling man standing therepetrified!

A few drops of juice splattered onto Mr. Ritters' face, making it look even more pathetic than before...He looked like he had just been pulled out of a pond, drenched in sweat.He gasped for air, still alive... he hadn't died.

His eyes were unfocused as he looked at Jasper. When Jasper raised the knife again to throw it at him, he weakly cried out,“Whatever you say is true..."

"I'll clarify everything soon. Don't throw the knife again, I'm scared..." He was so scared that he almost wet his pants and his legswere shaking uncontrollably. He couldn't bear this mental torture any longer.

"If you had just listened to me earlier and behaved yourself, you wouldn't have suffered like this." Jasper elegantly handed theknife to a man in black beside him and wiped his hands with a handkerchief.

He sneered at Mr. Ritter with disdainful eyes. "Also, don't try to get back that hundred thousand dollars from their parents; they'vealready suffered enough."

"What?" Mr. Ritter was stunned. "I can't get it back? They didn't help me achieve anything... why should I..."

“Because | can take your life anytime," Jasper smiled gently but menacingly at him. "It's either your life or the money; choose


“My life! My life! Don't worry; | won't ask them for that hundred thousand dollars anymore!" Mr. Ritter felt like he had beentortured beyond words.novelbin

The clarification tweet was quickly sent out by Morningbreeze website official Twitter account. It was all a misunderstandingcaused by overzealous parents who spoke too harshly about Franklin and Sylvia's reputation damage issue; apologies areoffered on behalf of everyone involved.

After this tweet went viral on social media platforms such as Starchaser Daily News and Starchaser Evening News also sharedit.

The scandalous 18 hikers incident came to an end immediately after that tweet went online.

The most confused people were the parents. "Is it over now? We don't have to memorize our lines anymore?""| guess not."

“What about our remaining hundred thousand dollars? Will we still get them?"

"| don't know!"

Just as they were feeling lost and bewildered, Mr. Ritter rushed towards them with an assistant carrying a bag in tow beforestopping right in front of these parents’ group.

They stared at Mr. Ritter incredulously because normally speaking, Mr. Ritter would be dressed up impeccably wearing designersuits while sporting expensive watches without even having dust on his shoes but now... Mr. Ritter looked disheveled from head-to-toe with sweat pouring down his face .

"This is the remaining one hundred thousand dollars, each person gets a share. After you receive it, | hope that everyone will notmention anything about what happened these past few days. This matter is over."

Mr. Ritter's assistant began handing out the money to everyone and once he finished, Mr. Ritter had a serious look on his face."| hope that everyone keeps their mouths shut from now on. We are even and have no further obligations to each other."

He didn't want anything more to do with this situation or else Franklin would send people after him again and make his lifemiserable.

Especially after this incident, he realized that it was better for him to cut ties early and run away than be Mrs. Ritter's lackey.

Mrs. Ritter would definitely not let him go easily; he had already settled all of his assets and called his wife and children tellingthem to meet him at the airport as soon as possible.

After giving out the money, he immediately got on a plane and left H Rovirsa behind.Anyway, with all the money he earned from this job, he wouldn't have any worries about food or drink for the rest of his life.

As for managing Morningbreeze website, whoever wanted to manage it could manage it because Mr. Ritter was done with it allnow.

Nothing was more important than staying alive.

They should leave without going against their conscience by working for Franklin or Sylvia anymore; parents would be happyalmost enough to cheer when they heard about it.

As they were leaving through the door, Mr. Ritter stopped them in their tracks. "And don't tell your children either! Mr. Maskelynesaid that since this world is so ugly, we should leave some beauty behind for our kids!"

The parents turned around in shock while Mauricio's mother asked confusedly, "What does this have to do with Franklin?"

“If it wasn't for Franklin, why would | publicly apologize?" Mr. Ritter felt like since he was leaving anyway might as well tell themeverything, "Franklin didn't want me exposing you guys being bought off by me, which isn't good publicity, so as not to affect yourchildren's future prospects.”

The parents looked at each other in disbelief, "Is this true?"

“We treated him like that but he didn't revenge on us?"


The parents lowered their heads feeling deeply ashamed; they regretted what they did.

They felt too shameless selling themselves out along with their sons' futures just because of some money.

“Alright, you guys better leave now. | have powerful connections behind me and | can't afford to mess with them. We'll meetagain someday." Mr. Ritter said before quickly walking towards the door.

However, as soon as he reached the doorway, a group of men in black rushed towards him and started punching and kicking himrelentlessly until he lay on the ground holding his head tightly.

But this time, he didn’t scream out in pain.

Because he heard the distinct soundof high heels clicking on the floor andsaw a pair of whitgbigh eels appearberareninn a voice full of disdainspoke from above him. "This isoutrageous! How dare you betraymel!" Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Blood dripped from Mr. Ritter's forehead into his eyes but instead of getting angry, he laughed.

"My dear sister-in-law, you're so good to me! When Franklin came after me, you abandoned me but now you blame me forbetraying you? We're just using each other.”

Mrs. Ritter slapped him across his face with a loud smack. "You useless piece of trash! What do we have to fear from someonelike Franklin?"

"If there's nothing to fear, then whydidn't you come earlier? Why did ittake my leaving for yeulig shows?Arg your thébats Shly effective whensomeone has my back?" Mr. Rittersneered at her sarcastically whilewiping blood off his hand which wascovered in red stains. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

The parents who had been hiding near the door all along couldn't help but watch this terrifying scene unfold before their eyes.

Mauricio's mother whispered softly. "Although Mr. Ritter threatened us earlier on, we can't just stand by idly after receiving twohundred thousand dollars."

“I'll call the police.""I'll record video evidence."Mrs. Ritter overheard their whispers at the door but couldn't make out what they were saying clearly.

"Who are these people?" She asked coldly while her henchmen charged forward like madmen and dragged these parentsoutside one by one.

Looking at them, Mrs. Ritter sneered. "Look at these losers - they're all poor as dirt and disgusting to look at; get lost!"

The parents heard her words andquickly ran towards the elevatorbutton, trying desperately to escapethis situation; however fight weit |t PSSSS ea itopan, a elevatordoors opened, revealing policeofficers stationed next door who hadreceived a phone call alerting themabout something happening upstairs.They rushed up immediately only tofind Mr. Ritter beaten bloody lyinghelpless on the ground. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Mrs. Ritter, please come with us," said the lead police officer. He and Mr. Ritter were neighbors and had a bit of a relationship.

Upon seeing Mr. Ritter covered in blood from being beaten, the officer became angry. "According to regulations, those whoengage in group fights will be punished. Let's go!"

"Do you know who | am? How dare you come over here and arrest me?" Mrs. Ritter was so angry that smoke seemed to becoming out of her head.

"You broke the law, so it's necessary for you to come with me," replied the police officer with a smile on his face."Do you want your subordinates to attack the police?"

Mrs. Ritter's face turned as red as liver when she heard this remark; she was furious and gritted her teeth tightly.“Fine! You all just wait for me!" She stormed off in frustration while stomping on her high heels.

The police helped Mr. Ritter up and walked towards the elevator together."

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