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Chapter 908

Chapter 908

"| don't know if Jasper's got it done," Sylvia stood by the window and casually pulled the curtains closed before turning to look atFranklin on the bed. She had a feeling things wouldn't go so smoothly.

"If he can't even handle this small thing, then he doesn't deserve to work for me for so many years." Franklin's deep eyesnarrowed slightly, like a lazy male lion emitting a strong sense of drowsiness. "Go to sleep."

Sylvia didn’t say anything but sat directly on the bed and lay down beside him. The man reached out his arm and embraced herinto his arms. She lay on top of him, listening to his powerful heartbeat like a special melody until she gradually fell asleep.

The Morningbreeze Website.novelbin

Several parents were still performing various acts in the conference room while some Morningbreeze reporters were thereguiding them on how to brew emotions. "Yes, that's it! You have to show extreme sadness; otherwise, how could you possiblyarouse public sympathy?”

"You're crying too fake; you have to cry painfully!"

“And you don't need to keep looking miserable; hurry up! It's already 9. 30 pm; finish quickly and go back home tired!"“Hurry up and cooperate more!"

Several parents were already exhausted as they weren't professional actors.

The video effects produced always left something wanting for the website's standards.

Except for Mauricio's mother and Tyshawn's father who passed through with their videos uploaded online, all other parents’videos either looked stiff or unnatural or couldn't even cry properly.

One cameraman was so angry that he almost broke down after carrying around his camera all day long. "Do you want money ornot? If yes, then cooperate well!"

"Don't be angry."“We will definitely do better.”

Several parents nodded obediently before going back into their respective corners again brewing emotions while memorizingwhat they would say when recording their videos later.

Just then came a loud bang!

Someone kicked open the door of the conference room followed by an urgent voice from reception asking who they were andwhy they barged into their company.

"I'm calling security!""Get lost!" A cold male voice sounded offThen came screams from reception. "They're hitting people! They're hitting people!"

Several reporters looked shocked towards where noise was coming from, only seeing one tall man bringing in several mendressed in black clothes, breaking inside. One black-clothed man immediately took out his phone, starting recording videofootage.

Several parents were reciting their manuscripts and trying to muster up emotions, all of which were recorded by the other party'sphone.

The journalists were frightened and quickly stood in front of the parents, staring at Jasper with a look of vigilance. "What are youtrying to do?" one journalist asked.

Jasper looked coldly at them. "We're not doing anything, we just want to take away your jobs.""You have some nerve! Who do you think you are?" The head journalist was about to start yelling when Jasper interrupted him.

Aman in black stepped forward and grabbed his hand, twisting it back, causing him to scream in pain. "Where is Mr. Ritter?"Jasper asked coldly as if he hadn't heard the man's screams.

"He's in the CEO's office!" The head journalist stuttered out an answer as soon as he could speak again. As soon as he spoke,the man let go of his fingers.

He took several steps backwards before hiding behind everyone else; they were too scary! In his eyes, these people were likeruthless murderers; he just wanted to stay far away from them.

Jasper ignored them and turned around walking towards Mr. Ritter's office where there was noise coming from outside but Mr.Ritter hadn't left yet; he was still on the phone with Mrs. Ritter. "Don't worry, my sister-in-law," He said reassuringly into hisphone, "I'll handle Franklin and Sylvia."

"Okay," She replied, "You don't have to worry about anything either."

“I'll talk to you later, sis." He hung up right before hearing loud banging on his door followed by Jasper bursting into his officealong with several men dressed in black suits

Mr. Ritter jumped out of fright but quickly regained composure while holding onto his cellphone tightly, frowning at them. "Whatdo you want? Do you even know who | am?"

“Aren't you just a lapdog for ‘the Ritter family’." Jasper sneered mockingly, "And yet this lapdog thinks it deserves any sort oftreatment?"

"You!" Mr. Ritter never expected that Jasper would attack him so viciously right off the bat which made him turn red-faced whileclenching onto his cellphone tightly. "Remember you're in my territory, so | suggest that you should leave now, or else I'll call forpolice backup."

He raised up his cellphone threateningly, "I will report everything that has happened here today.”

"Call the police? Sure, | was just about to hand over this thing in my hand to them. Saves me from making another phone call."Jasper reached out and immediately a black-clad person handed him a file folder.

He slowly opened the seal of the file folder and casually glanced at Mr. Ritter. "| believe you'll be very interested in what's insidethis."

Mr. Ritter's heart skipped a beat as he stared at Jasper with suspicion. "Don't play games with me, do you think I'm easilyscared?"

"| suggest you take a closer look before speaking," Jasper pulled out a printed receipt of transfer records and held it up in front ofMr. Ritter's face, "open your eyes wide and see what this is."

"No!" Mr. Ritter involuntarily took several steps back when he saw the receipt, his face turned pale without his previousarrogance, "how... how did you get this?"

"If you want something badly enough, it will naturally come to you," Jasper sneered at him disdainfully, "Mr. Ritter, | advise you tobe sensible and go to the police station by yourself; admit that everything was orchestrated by yourself; falsely accusing our Mr.Franklin and Miss Andrews . Otherwise... | will expose all of these..."

Mr. Ritter took a deep breath, "Are you Franklin's man?"

"lam Jasper." His voice carried an icy chill.

But for Mr. Ritter, it sounded like death knell.

Cold sweat began seeping through his forehead, and his back became drenched with sweat too.

Jasper! It turned out that he was Franklin's most trusted assistant!

It was rumored that Franklin had an iron fist, and his assistants also learned from him, having no mercy when they acted.Mrs. Ritter said that Franklin wasn't as terrible as people made him out to be?

But such thunderous means - coming straight up with evidence against him - wasn't it terrifying enough?

And now he was going to turn everything over to the police?

Asense of panic washed over Mr. Ritter, but he stubbornly refused showing any weakness.

Mrs. Ritter would find some way or another, to keep him safe. He was still part of the Ritters family after all. Although only fromone branch, and managing only one small news website, but...

If the Ritters family really abandoned him, it wouldn't be worth it!As soon as he thought so, his heart felt much better.

"| didn't make this transfer myself; it was done by an employee. | guess there must have been some shady dealings betweenthem and their parents. And besides, this employee resigned yesterday."

He spoke with great conviction, directly pushing all the responsibility onto his employees."You're trying to push everything off on him. Do you think I'm easily fooled? Just because you said it, I'm supposed to believe it?"

Jasper waved his hand. "Bring him in here!"

Mr. Ritter looked at Jasper in surprise and confusion. He was unsure of what was going to happen.He pretended to be calm as he watched the door, wanting to know what Jasper was planning.Suddenly, two men dressed in black dragged a man into the office.

One of them pushed the man towards Mr. Ritter with force.

When Mr. Ritter saw that familiar face and figure, he froze for a moment and showed signs of panic and shock. "Dalton? Whatare you doing here? Didn't you go back home?"

"Don't continue pretending like youdon't know anything," Jasper colinterrupted hi rHelscalibady-Oconfessed everything - all that moneycame from you! You even had himtransfer funds for you! Do you haveanything else to say?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

If it weren't for Franklin's concern about their future lives, he would have thrown Mr. Ritter straight into jail right now.

"False accusations! He's makingfalse accusations!" Mr. Ritter pointedat Dalton and cursed him. outloud! |

se coylechelBé 88 heartless? |treate

d him so well; when he said hewanted to resign, | gave him travelexpenses plus an extra month'ssalary! How could he accuse me likethis?" Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Dalton felt wronged almost crying."Mr. Ritter, | had no choice but mconfessing; they ireatdhed me)sayinethe\Awould break my legs if |didn't tell them everything; they weregoing take me down town too."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"You... you ungrateful wretch!" Mr. Ritter fumed with anger. "I can't stand this anymore!"

While Mr. Ritter was furiously typing on his phone sending messages through Facebook asking Mrs. Ritter for help, Jasperwatched coldly from aside waiting for this exact moment.

Mr. Ritter thought himself clever after sending those messages but then half a minute passed by without any response from Mrs.Ritter.

A full minute went by without any response either.Now feeling anxious but unable make phone calls while facing Jasper, he paced around inside his office like an ant on hot bricks.

In desperation against Jasper's group who were watching over there, he shouted angrily. "If it wasn't done by me then it wasn'tdone by me!

You guys should leave quickly since bringing Dalton here is useless anyway..."

Just as things seemed hopeless... his Facebook suddenly rang out loud!

Quickly opening up his phone screen hoping beyond hope...

When he saw Mrs. Ritter's response, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. All hope was shattered in an instant.

"You can figure it out yourself. You can't even handle such a small matter? This is all your doing and has nothing to do with me.Take care of yourself."

He was abandoned?Mrs. Ritter could be so heartless?This woman had no shame at all! He did everything for her, but in the end, he got nothing and was left as a discarded pawn.

He felt cold all over, as if he had fallen into an abyss of ice-cold darkness.

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