Abusive Wife

Chapter 285
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Abusive Wife Chapter 285

Chapter 285

“Are you really thinking that I was the one who asked Zeke to smash all those vases?” Madeline wouldnever raise her child like that.

She would not show any negative emotion in front of them too.

Or else, if she had told Thomas and Mackenzie again and again what Noah had done to her in the pastlike a naggy lady, there was no way Thomas would forgive Noah that quickly.

Back in Uranica, no matter how Trenton had abused her, she would not speak badly of him in front ofher children too.novelbin

Therefore, the kids only knew to avoid Trenton whenever they saw him. They would never think ofgetting revenge on him for Madeline’s sake.

“Naturally, I know that Mackenzie accidentally destroyed those vases, but when I saw that you havesuch a smile on your face, I reckon that you must have wanted this to happen for a long time.”

“I am just laughing at your dumbness, alright?” Madeline wanted to roll her eyes at him.

Noah who really thought that he had seen through Madeline was now confused.

How would he appear dumb just now?

Suddenly, with a loud shutter noise, Madeline took a photo of him using her phone.

She was ecstatic when she examined the photo, “This photo of you is such a rarity! Guess how muchthe media is willing to pay for this?”

“If it’s so rare, you should carefully keep it yourself.” Noah was mesmerized by Madeline’s brilliantsmile. He stopped thinking about how he must have appeared dumb just now.

At night, Madeline attended a fashion show organized jointly by La Merveille and Camelot and Hale.

“Maddie, here!” Elise sat down beside Dylan, and she was waving excitedly at Madeline.

From afar, Madeline saw that Rowan and Annalise had come to the show too. There were two youngguys seated next to them, and they somewhat resembled Rowan. However, they didn’t take afterAnnalise much.

When the two of them met Madeline’s gaze, they froze a little. They had dumb looks on their faces.

Madeline couldn’t help but laugh, but to her surprise, their eyes turned reddish as if they were about tocry.

Were they going to cry because they were so terrified of her ugly face? Or were they too awestruck byher beauty? It must be because of the latter.

“Maddie, what are you looking at?” Elise saw that Madeline was standing in one spot, and she walkedover and blocked Madeline’s line of sight.

Elise then whispered in her ear, “I didn’t invite Annalise to this show, you know. It was Mr. Lorren whohas sent an invitation to Rowan, and Annalise is just tagging along.”

Madeline wanted to investigate whether Annalise was connected to the culprit who had shut her in thatsuite and even attempted to poison her to death. She would not mind too much seeing Annalise herebecause of that.

She wanted to take this chance to get some information out of Annalise.

On the other hand, the two guys who kept staring at her were really acting weird.

“What kind of surprise were you talking about on the phone?” When Elise returned to her seat, Dylaninched closer to her, wanting to ask her something. However, he was rejected by her mercilessly.

Dylan glared at Madeline with a resentful expression. He sipped on his water to pretend that he wasnot awkward.

“You’ll know soon enough.”

“Then, sit tight right here and watch the show with me. Don’t go disappear somewhere else. Mr. Quincyhas called to remind me that if you’re missing from my sight, he will kill me.”

“Don’t worry, he wouldn’t dare to lift a finger at one of mine.” Madeline dismissed him.

Soon, the fashion show started. Everyone focused their attention on the runway.

The reason Madeline had organized this fashion show at this juncture was to build up some momentumfor the charity dinner that was going to happen tomorrow night. She wanted to restore the confidence ofthe people in the La Merveille brand.

Think about it, the garments that the models are wearing today are mind-blowing, and these pieceswould leave a huge impression on the attendees. The next day, they could wear these pieces andattend the dinner. Those buyers could thoroughly enjoy the admiration of others.

With that, they would no longer feel dissatisfied with those damaged dresses and suits. The LaMerveille brand could make its mark here too and increase its brand value.

“Wow! This dress is so pretty! I want it so much! I am willing to buy it no matter the cost!”

“If I can wear this to the charity dinner tomorrow, I will definitely be the center of attention!”

As expected, the show was pleasantly received by the attendees.

Elise pointed her thumb at Madeline as a way of saying “good job”. Even if they had taught Suzette andher goons a lesson, the business of the boutique would still get affected greatly if they hadn’t hired Mr.Lorren to lead this fashion show.

As the show reached its climax, everyone was won over by the dresses and suits of the La Merveillebrand. Some were even eager to book their orders through Elise on the spot.

At this moment, the crowd was stirring with excitement.

Everyone’s gaze fell on a tiny figure that was standing on the runway now.

“It’s Mackenzie! She’s that child star from Netherwood!”

“Oh god! She is even more adorable than how she appears on the big screen!”

“Is this her first appearance in the country? La Merveille is hitting it big nowadays!”

“That dress she is wearing is so marvelous! Words can’t even describe how pretty she is!”

“Our little princess is really too classy! Maddie, your surprise is really a good one! I am beyondsurprised!” When Elise saw Mackenzie, she couldn’t contain her delirium as she hugged Madelinewhile jumping up and down.

At that moment, Madeline saw that the two guys who were next to Rowan were staring blankly atMackenzie.

No, there was some weird passion and perversion in their eyes.

Was everyone from that family some kind of pervert?

Madeline frowned and she shot a glare at them at the same time. She also caught a glimpse ofAnnalise tugging at Rowan. She was seemingly complaining about something in his ears but she wasquickly reprimanded by him. Only then she would settle back to her seat with an annoyed look on herface.

Despite that, Annalise didn’t even plan to conceal her violent intentions. Madeline could see thatAnnalise was staring intently at Mackenzie as if she wanted to gobble her up here and now.

Madeline alerted the bodyguards to order them to keep an eye on the Solaces. Not even one of themcould get close to Mackenzie today.

The bodyguard received his order, and he also had something to report.

“Ms. Madeline, we spotted a suspicious-looking model acting strangely in our backstage, and we haveapprehended her to interrogate her. We found that she was sent there by Annalise, and she hadplanned to create an embarrassment on the stage to ruin this show. Mr. Wright proposed to letMackenzie take the stage ahead of schedule to prevent that from happening.”

Madeline nodded and understood why Annalise was fuming now. It turned out that her scheme hadfallen through.

“Is there anything else to report?” Madeline frowned and asked the bodyguard who was still standingthere. He had a torn look on his face.

The bodyguard confessed, “That model was first discovered by Bruno.”

“Bruno? What is he doing here?” It had been a while since Madeline had heard that name. She almostforgot about that father of hers who liked to create trouble.

“He claimed that he is here to watch your show. He won’t make any trouble this time. See, he’s justright there in that corner.”

Madeline followed the direction where the bodyguard had pointed, and sure enough, Bruno wasstanding next to a garbage can, and his arms were folded in front of his chest. He was dressed in all-black attire, so one would not notice him easily.

When he saw that Madeline had discovered him, he produced a rueful smile before retreating a littleback into the corner. It looked like he was afraid of Madeline getting angry at him.

Madeline knew that his father didn’t have it easy lately. He almost lost his life after getting retaliatedagainst by Suzette and James, and he even became a laughing stock in the eyes of others.

Madeline had underestimated how resilient his father was. Bruno had lost much of his weight, and heappeared much older compared to the last time she saw him.

“Keep an eye on him. Report to me who he comes into contact with no matter who that person is.”

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