Abusive Wife

Chapter 284
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Abusive Wife Chapter 284

Chapter 284

After going back to the Quincy residence, Madeline suddenly had the urge to ask Noah about hisfeelings five years ago when he first learned about her death. However, after giving it some thought,she decided not to venture into this topic for now.

Not only she wanted to bid farewell to her old self from five years ago, but she also wanted to start anew life that was different from her messy life in that five years.

She could only fully be reborn that way.

“You’ve drugged Lone Wolf?” Madeline changed the topic.

Noah nodded, “I know that he is more than capable of escaping my grasp, but since he dared to kidnapmy wife right in front of my eyes, he needs to pay a price for it.”

“I have to commend you for your good job this time!” Madeline raised her thumb in approval.

Lone Wolf was someone whose whereabouts were always a mystery. It would be almost impossible forthem to get ahold of him. However, he would appear in their life from time to time just to cause trouble.

They would be at a disadvantage if they were the ones waiting for his every move. This was why theydecided to make the first move.

Actually, Madeline had planted something on him back when they were having a scuffle. She hadplanted a tracking bug on him, but too bad, he discovered that bug very quickly.

He even transferred the bug to a food delivery guy, which caused Albert to follow this false lead aroundImperia for close to an hour.

“Thanks. So, what kind of reward am I getting?” Noah suddenly got very close to Madeline, and he alsopulled her in by her waist.

Madeline noticed that he had been liking this intimate skinship lately, with how smooth his moves were.It was as if they couldn’t have a proper conversation if they were not practically breathing into eachother’s faces.

“Mr. Quincy, you have everything in the world. There is nothing that I can reward you.”

“You are the only person who has something that I always wanted. This shall be my reward.” Noahmurmured before planting a kiss on her lips.

It was a quick one, as he quickly retreated and walked away like he was feeling guilty.

Madeline was left fuming on the spot, yet she didn’t know how to vent her frustration.

“Mommy, do you love him?” Mackenzie suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and she was asking thisquestion with her cheeks all puffed up.

Mackenzie saw that her precious mother and brother were all fond of Noah, which she felt unhappyabout.

It felt like she was going to lose her mommy and brother to Noah.

Madeline squatted down and faced her, “Are you against that, Zeke?”

Mackenzie’s eyes were reddish, yet she was feigning stubbornness as she looked away, “As long asyou are happy, I will be happy too.”

“Zeke, you have nothing to worry about. Your mommy and brothers will always be your closest family.No one can separate us or take away our lovely relationship.” Madeline scooped Mackenzie into her

arms and pecked at her chubby cheeks.

Mackenzie’s cold expression instantly transformed into a smiley face.

“I love you the most, mommy.”

As expected, her mommy understood her the most. Madeline was totally unlike Noah, who only knewto call her “baby” repeatedly and buy her useless toys.

Mackenzie didn’t think that she was such a shallow person who could be bribed with just some toys.

“Zeke, lend me your drone.” Thomas’ head popped out of the room for just a moment as he said that.

Mackenzie immediately clambered down from Madeline’s arms. She chased after him while shouting,“Thomas, you will be dead meat if you dare to touch any of my stuff!”

“Didn’t you say that you hate all these toys that daddy bought for you? It’s such a waste to not usethem!”

“Who said that…” Mackenzie immediately clammed up the moment she saw Noah standing not faraway. She tossed something at Thomas’ legs.

Thomas slipped and crashed into an antique vase.

There was a huge sound. The vase was in pieces now.

“Th–That vase was a treasure made in ancient times…” Dylan cupped his head and he looked like hewas in deep anguish.

Immediately following that, a series of loud noises filled the room. The drone that Thomas wascontrolling had crashed through a cupboard that was home to a plethora of antique vases. Those vaseswere all smashing onto the floor and breaking into a million pieces.

“Two million dollars, ten million dollars, eight million dollars, six hundred million dollars…” Dylan waspatting his own chest and secretly feeling relieved that he didn’t insist on bringing Madeline back to hislaboratory on the 87th floor.

Or else, his collection would be the one splattered and splintered all over the floor now.

When Noah came in following the sound, he saw the floor that was now covered with pieces andshards of vases. His face immediately froze.

“Daddy, it’s not me, it’s Zeke, she…” Although Thomas was all friendly with Noah now and Noah wasvery nice toward him usually, he still had to be punished when he committed any mistake.

Noah loved punishing him by sending him to kindergarten and making him sit through lesson afterlesson. He would then be forced to do some homework which he thought was an utter waste of time.

He initially wanted to take the drone and had some fun out there, but for some reason, the drone wasturned on even if he was still indoors. Mackenzie must be the culprit behind this.

However, when he met Mackenzie’s teary eyes, he immediately changed his argument, “Daddy, this ismy fault!”

“You must admit your own mistakes. Why are you blaming it on your sister? Don’t you even stop tothink that Zeke will feel so sad if you’re framing her for something she hasn’t done?” Noah scoldedThomas with a stern voice.

Thomas couldn’t say anything to refute that. He decided to hand over his fate to his dad.

It was only natural that he couldn’t do anything. Anyone would have believed his sister once they laideyes on her.

Back in Uranica, even the all-encompassing and terrifying Trenton would give in to Mackenzie onceshe started to pull her tricks.

“I will go do my homework now.” Thomas left the remote control with a dejected expression andreturned to his room to finish his homework.

“Zeke, don’t worry. I don’t blame you at all.” Noah turned around and consoled Mackenzie.

Mackenzie sniffed hard and then abruptly turned around to walk away. She was ignoring him.

It just so happened that she had overheard from the maids that these antiques were bought by Angie.Noah was keeping these as keepsakes, but when she thought about how Angie used to abuseMadeline in the past, this prompted her to destroy these antiques as a way to vent her anger.

Despite that, she never thought to destroy every last one of them. After all, there were many maidsworking in this residence. Mackenzie had overestimated these maids. Not even one of those maidswould come up here to stop the rampage of the drone.

Dylan was secretly overjoyed at such a sight that he had just witnessed. He couldn’t believe how Noahwas treated today.

Not only Noah had no way to deal with Madeline, but he also couldn’t deal with the little ones too!

“What is so funny?” Noah’s sharp gaze was directed at Dylan all of a sudden.

Dylan immediately waved his hands, “I have nothing to do with this! Wait for me, Princess Zeke!”

Noah rubbed his forehead helplessly, and when he raised his head again, he saw that Madeline wasleaning against a door frame. A vague smile was playing on her lips.novelbin

“What puts that smile on your face?” He approached her.

Madeline burst out laughing, but it was a marvelous and dazzling sight as if she was a blossomingrose.

“I never thought that I could witness with my own eyes your forlorn and helpless look.”

Madeline had seen everything that happened just now. It was obvious Mackenzie had caused thatfiasco with pure intention.

“These antiques used to belong to Angie, and they slipped my mind for the longest time. I didn’t intendto showcase them here forever. It seems that my wife is someone who’s easily jealous, but I can’t denythat I like it.”

Noah placed his arm right above her head and onto the wall behind her. He was facing her with adominant yet romantic stance.

Lately, he had been staying in the Maple Forest villa. He rarely visited the Quincy residence, so thingslike those vases had slipped his mind for some time.

However, when he realized that Madeline was jealous because of such things, he felt an unspeakablecomfort in his heart.

Madeline squeezed out of his domineering stance and said with a blushed face, “I’ll wire you thecompensation later on. I hope that you don’t mind me spending some money to make my daughterhappy.”

“If such a trivial matter is enough to make my daughter happy, I wouldn’t mind even one bit.”

As Noah said that, he also ordered the maids to take away everything old and replace them anew.

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