A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3189 Physical Strength
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Chapter 3189 Physical Strength

Lucian's movements were speedy and totally unpredictable.

This thoroughly frightened Yuven and Quinley, who were on the city tower.

“Mr. Chance!”


They leaped into the air and jumped down from the city tower, preparing to assist Jared.

After all, Lucian was already a Fourth Level Tribulator cultivator, making him slightly stronger than Yuven.

Yet, Jared was merely an Eighth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator now. Even if he could battle against someone stronger than him, it was stillchallenging for him to fight a Fourth Level Tribulater cultivator.

Facing Lucian's attack, Jared remained calm while instructing Yuven and the others, “None of you are allowed to assist!"

If Jared didn't have Divine Bow, it would be difficult for him to fight a Fourth Level Tribulator cultivator alone. However, now that he had it, he was fullyconfident

Yuven and the others froze. But since Jared had prohibited them from making a move, they could only stand aside and watch

“You're too arrogant, brat!” Seeing that Jared, who was a mere Eighth Level Body Fusion Realm cultivator, was stopping the others from helping himLucian was furious.

He's clearly looking down on me!Lucian's body kept expanding mid-air. In the end, he grew into a giant over three meters tall, and his fists also became enormous.

As his punch struck through the air, a surge of shockwave resonated throughout the sky and land. An immense power erupted like a tsunami, and thebeastly power within him flared as well.

Jared kept away his Dragonslayer Sword before letting out a cold shout. Then, he lept up and swung his fist toward Lucian.Though Jared's body seemed utterly puny in front of the gigantic Lucian, the former was not afraid at all.Divine Bow was his source of confidence.

Jared knew all along the reason Lucian used Divine Bow as an exchange was because Lucian couldn't pull it at all and assumed Jared couldn'teither!

That was exactly why Jared wanted to take advantage of this point and kill Lucian with Divine Bow unexpectedly at the very last moment.As long as Lucian died, his army would also naturally fall apart


A deafening sound echoed as Jared's fist collided with Lucian’s.

The loud explosion caused everyone's expression to change drastically. In a flash, an invisible aura started to spread out rapidly.

Seeing that, Yuven hollered, "Fall back! Quick, fall back!”

Many people began retreating desperately.

Nonetheless, some soldiers were too slow and were hit by the residual shockwave, causing them to spit out mouthfuls of blood.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

Jared pressed his fist against Lucian's. The vast size difference between their bodies made the former seem extremely feeble

However, it was such a vulnerable-looking Jared who blocked Lucian's attack.

The two hgvered mid-air while two.streams sf intimidating powercontinued to emanate from betweentheir fists, warping the surroundingspace. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

“No wonder you could defeat Mr. Quayle, brat. Seems like you're really something!”

A slight logk of astonishment crept.onto Lucian's face. He was appalledby Jared's ability to block his punch,but is gaze was still filled witharrogance. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org a

Even if Jared could fight someone -.stronger than him, he was ultimatelyan Eighth Level Body Fusion Realmcul ivator. As such, Lucian didn'tbelieve Jared could defeat him at all.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Moreover, Lucian had total confidence in his robust physique

It had to be said that the beast race inherently possessed the purest physical strength unmatched by the human race.Sadly. unbeknownst to Lucian, the physical strength he was so proud of was something Jared would never lack.

If they were to fight each other exclusively using physical strength, Jared could certainly beat Lucian to a pulp.

Jared was a Draconian—and a Golden Dragon, no less. When it came to pure physical strength, no one could be his match

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