A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3188 Slaughter
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Chapter 3188 Slaughter

Suddenly, the area within the giant light walls began to spin. The troops trapped within the arcane array swiftly lost their sense of time and spaceThen, they started wobbling before toppling to the ground.

People began shouting and bumping into each other.As the situation escalated, many were stomped to death amidst the chaos because they couldn't react in time.Upon witnessing that, Lucian tried to command his army but failed.

The generals attempted to control their soldiers, too. However, no one was listening to any orders while the space within the arcane array continuedto spin.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"What is this, King Lucian? It seems to be a powerful arcane array instead of a defensive one,” commented Remus as he watched the warriorstrapped in the array stumbling around like drunks.

"What the heck is this arcane array? How can it trap so many people? I'm certain there isn't anyone this powerful in Imperial Beast City. Did Yuvenhire a high-level array master?” Lucian knitted his eyebrows. I'm absolutely positive that Imperial Beast City doesn't have anyone who can establishsuch a vast and powerful arcane array. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been so weak. The only possibility is that Yuven hired a mighty array master,but his city has long been encircled. There's no way he could've done that.

Aside fram Lucian's army, lvasha was similarly flabbergasted by the sight before her.

The troops from Imperial Beast City all gazed at the arcane array in disbelief, their jaws dropping to the ground.“W-What is this?" Stunned, lvasha turned to Jared.

“ told you. Be ready for a slaughter.” Jared smiled.

Bewildered, lvasha gazed at Jared. How much resources did he spend on casting such a colossal arcane array?

Meanwhile, those above the city wall were also staring at the scene ahead of them. Yuven was only somewhat surprised because he was aware ofhow powerful Jared was. Nonetheless, it was still his first time seeing an arcane array capable of trapping an army of tens of thousands.

For one, an arcane array of that size must've been extremely complex. Even a high-level array master might not have been able to pull it off.

Meanwhile, Jared was watching the scene before him unfold quietly. The soldiers enclosed within the formation struggled and stepped on theircomrades while cursing.

Regardless of their efforts, they simply couldn't escape the arcane array.

From an outsider's perspective, the troops from Norwal City seemed to be drunk. They couldn't even stand up straight.

Seeing thatthe time was finally right,Jared wraed to lvasha. “It's your.”cha nceto annihilate your enemies,Princess Ivasha. Do you even needto hesitate to face these easypickings?’ Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

lvasha shot a grateful glance at Jared. Then, she raised her weapon and roared, "Men, charge with me!"

The army of Imperial Beast City bellowed as they advanced toward their foes.

Though they were only one ENthousand-men strong, their moralewas high. Additionally, their enemieswere utterly defenseless, unable toeven tell which way was up. “Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ~~

A one-sided bloodshed was launched. Lucian's eyes were burning with fury as he watched his soldiers be annihilated.

A dozen minutes later, the massacre slowly reached its end.

Tens of thousands of Norwal City troops had been turned into corpses.

In fact, their bodies had piled up into a mound.

The ground was soaked in blood as Jared stared at Lucian with a mocking smirk.Upon seeing that, Lucian was even more irked.

Remus leaned toward Lucian and whispered, “King Lucian, I believe we should fall back and readjust our strategy—"

“Like hell, {willl Today, I will cut ~~down this’ brat and conquer ImperialBeast City! Lucian roared and Cleaped forward, crossing hun dredsof. f ireters in the blink of an Lye.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

As he did, he aimed his fist at Jared's head, eager to kill the latter.

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