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Chapter 286

The memories of my men spoke to me. | saw the countless nights they had sat and watched the beautiful vista. By morning |understood the way they tracked time and what subtle changes in the moons would mean.

Evan woke me with his enthusiasm. As the ringed moon disappeared and the sun rose he was filled with the usual boundlessenergy.

“Aswim this morning?” he asked stripping.

My breath misted in front of me and | looked warily at him. The water would be freezing and the air wasn’t much better. I'd be anice cube.

Angela’s LibraryThe collective mind had me, though. We loved a morning swim. It was refreshing.Before | realized it | was on my feet and stripping out of my warm cover. My men raced to get out of their clothes.

The air bit my nipples and the rocky ground dug into the soles of my feet. | was too happy to notice, though. This was a treat toget to do this. My family hadn’t been able to swim here since we lived in the compound.

We plunged as a group off a small rocky Ledge into the water. It was so cold | screamed when | came up for air. | grabbed at theedge and tried to pull myself out.

Kein was behind me laughing a second later.“Hold onto my shoulders,” he commanded turning away from me. “I want to show you something.”

Kein wasn’t too cold, neither was anyone else. | concentrated on how they felt and ignored my own sensations. It madeswimming Like this fun.

| grabbed onto Kein‘s back and he took off under the water. Fish swam by us as we darted through the reeds at the bottom. |watched the underwater scenery with wonder. Kein didn’t surface until he needed air.

Each of my men took a turn showing me the lake. It was amazing and | forgot about the cold. They could swim so fast and sodeep, we went to places I’d never have reached on my own.

By the time they were done, | felt a Little sluggish and sleepy. Damien looked strangely at me and pressed against my back.Quite suddenly he grabbed me and sprang from the water. | watched with detached amusement as my men stoked a roaring fire.

“Wha’s the hurry?” slurred out of my mouth.

They seemed to be in a big rush as Evan pulled the water out of my hair with one of those magical cloths and Kein brisklyrubbed my body. Bane lay me down on a pallet and then pulled my back tight to his chest. Damien lay in front of me and pressedsolidly against my protruding belly, wrapping around it.

“Ciara,” Damien said seriously, “you can’t just ignore what you are feeling. That isn’t how this is supposed to work. It is a sharedconsciousness, but each individual is still responsible for their own part of it.”

| looked up at him and realized | was shaking.

“W-w-why am I-I-I moving like t-t-this?” | asked them Looking around. “You are cold, Ciara, much too cold,” Evan chided takingmy shivering hand in his and rubbing it.

Christof pulled a blanket out and laid it over the three of us while looking worriedly at me.Nobody else was cold. This didn’t make any sense and then | stopped focusing on them.

It hit me like a freight train. | was so

cold, so very Paeae Te \rm bodies dire ér side of mere the only good thing | felt. The

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Moaning softly, | felt them presscloser to me. Greedy for heenthey prayided | didn’ erentfaeling of almost being smothered as| snuggled closer to them. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“| 1-1-like the w-w-water,” | said softly.“| didn’t want to h toyetort 'WewereallRaving fan.” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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