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Chapter 285

Kein bounded back to us with a dead animal slung over his shoulder. We would eat it the way they enjoyed it tonight, roasted ona spit over the open flame. | watched curiously as my men prepared the carcass and set up the fire.

“lL only camped outside a couple of times when | was younger,” | told them as the fire started to gain momentum.

| remembered staying at a camp ground a couple of times with relatives. We'd stayed in a trailer, so we didn’t even really stayoutside. We brought canned food and cooked it over the electric stove inside. There were bugs outside, so we sat inside andwatched television. It was really like staying at home, only more cramped.

My men experienced my memories with me and grunted in amusement. The idea of a traveling lodging was funny to them.They'd never seen anything like that. The rest of it was just weird Earth culture. Sitting and talking around the fire was so muchmore enjoyable than what | described.

“This is much better,” Christof said coming to sit beside me.

| grinned at him and pushed at his shoulder with my own. Christof grinned and pushed back, bumping me against Bane. Thephysical contact was always reassuring. No matter what we were doing, we preferred to be together.

“You're missing the stars,” Bane Laughed pointing up.

He was right the sky was slowly darkening and the first glimmers were appearing in the night sky. Leaning back | watched as thefirst of the three moons rose.

“We won't see the ringed moon start it’s journey into the night sky Evan told me. “It happens beyond that mountain over there. Itwill appear in the sky above that ridge after a third of the night has passed,”

From their minds and memories | had a sudden knowledge of the moons. My men timed the night sky by them. When they keptwatch, they used the progress of the different moons to know how Late it was. It was the setting of the ringed moon that wokeEvan up every morning. They were so in tune with them, they felt them even when they couldn’t see them.

| thought about the moon on earth, it hadn’t been nearly as predictable. The sun was useful and we timed our days off of that.“Weird,” Kein commented wrinkling his nose.

The meat was cooked and we ate heartily. They told me about the patterns they watched in the speckled blackness. Evan knewit better than anyone and his mind guided mine. | watched with fascination as the night sky unfurled before me.

Eventually, we ended up on our backs. My men set up their sleeping pallets so our heads were all together in a circle. | watchedas they pointed out all the interesting things they knew about the glittering blackness.

The way the stars looked and the way they moved in the sky was predictable to my men. They told me all about it. Evan hadspent hours learning the sky.


“| wonder,” he said, “where my breeder came from, the slave many generations back?” he whispered.We all wondered and none of us knew. | wondered what had happened to her.

“Why do you think she tasted things?” he asked.novelbin

“What was the purpose of my gift where she was from?”

Evan's mind was full of questions. Hecouldn't imagine qe where they

a NLE .werevall ike hin he content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“You sound Like Ciara,” Bane teased Lightly, but he didn’t mind.The questions were valid and they all wished they knew more about their Brother.

| lay quietly watching the sky. Banehad stretched out on one side andChristof on the otheg. After Qohywhile, Wied ts eep. Vaguely, |was aware as the blankets werepulled over me and | was snugglywrapped. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

When we slept outside like thissomeone always kept a watch. Theyeach took a turn duyi eshenight!|T, roqghitte Ea my men as theyprotected their family, | saw everysubtle change in the shimmeringstars and changing moons. It waslike | watched the sky all night. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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