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She's almost speechless. Arianne looked at Deandra, confused and amused at the same time.

"You know what, Deandra, as I observe you looking at Andrew, it's like you're seeing a ghost. Whathappened?"

"Well, don't mingle with guys. The reason is that, I am too shy to even look at any male availablearound me."

"Oh I see. Don't worry. Andrew is nice and friendly. He's popular here among girls because he's reallystudious." She giggled as she tapped my arm with his hand.

'Oh, so his name is Andrew...' I kept these words to myself.

I nodded in awe as I listened to Arianne.

"Well, I don't see you as a threat," Arianne added while looking at me from head to toe while grinning.What was she even thinking about?

"...so I allow you to talk to him. Please get used to his presence."

"What do you mean, 'get used to his presence?"

"Well, he's a daily visitor here in the school library. He loves studying more than anything, you know."

"Oh, that's why."

"That is one of the reasons why I wanted to be assigned here because he's only mine and mine alone."She said as she winked.

"The reason I also recommended you, well, aside from you, being a trustworthy friend, I don't thinkyou'll be his type so I agreed. I recommended you instead of those trying-hard girls."

"What? Gosh, you're crazy!" I exclaimed and she laughed at my reaction.

"Please? Take good care of him. Don't worry, he's harmless." She chuckled and winked at me as well.Somehow, I am hurt because of how she looked at me as if I am not desirable at all.

"Are you both in a relationship?" I whispered near her ears that she chuckled right away.

"Well, not as of the moment but don't you worry. It will be sooner than you expect." She replied as shewinked at me.

Arianne is beautiful and petite. She's fashionable and I am not wondering anymore. As a tourismstudent, she can handle herself very well.

"Do you still have questions, my dear?"

"Nope. I guess that's all for today."

"Okay. If you don't have questions, I will leave you here. Please go home by 7:00 PM. Kelly will stillhave her duty until the end of this week at 7:00-9:00PM. I nodded and smiled in a very awkward way. Iam still thankful that Arianne is a bit friendly to me. I noticed she's comfortable with people whom shethought isn't a threat to her.

I looked at her as her hair swayed following how she walked. I sighed as I stood on my post. I am nowassigned at the library baggage counter.

It's a bit lonely but I have to endure it for my siblings and for our mom as well.

"Miss, here."

I smiled as I looked at the number 65 printed in number tags. I lifted my head to see who it was, Iturned my back right away.

"Miss? Can you give me my backpack now? I am in a hurry." I glanced at him and I can see himlooking at his wristwatch. I can feel that he's getting impatient.

I grabbed the number tag as I avoided my gaze on him as much as possible. I found the 65th slot boxand placed his heavy backpack on the counter table.

"H-Here." I let my hair down to the bigger part of my face as I look at the other direction.

"Thanks." He grabbed it and put it on his shoulders and started to walk away as he whistled. I can stillsmell his scent that seemed to stick on my clothes.

I sighed with relief after I am sure that he's gone already. I am happy that somehow he's not interestedin looking at my face.

So his name is Andrew. It's just sad that I haven't gotten his family name. I want to search him onfacebook. At least, stalking him there won't make me accountable for a crime.

I put my hands on my cheek as I put my elbows on the counter table as I am waiting for the otherstudents to get their things or to put it here for a while as they go inside the library.

I think I have a problem now. How long could I hide from him when he's a regular student here? I feellike having an unwanted shadow whenever our paths will cross. Can I avoid him forever?

Minutes turned into hours and it is already 7:00PM. I got ready to go to my last part-time job for today,as one of those part-time waitresses in a popular fast-food chain. I am thankful that somehow they areaccepting students as their waiters or waitresses that could work for them at least a minimum of twohours per day.

I changed my uniform into the restaurant's standard collared-shirt uniform and brown khaki pants. I alsowore a hairnet and a visor too.

"Wow, girl, are you still okay until 9:00 PM?"

"Yes, Kylie. I am still up," I smiled at her in a cheerful manner, and even showed my two thumbs up toher but my eyes wanted to close already.novelbin

"I really admire you so much. You're a tough cookie dear. Eat this first before you wait tables." Shehanded me a clubhouse sandwich and a glass of cold soda.

"Wow, thank you so much Kylie!" I opened it and munched it right away. I never felt hunger until sheoffered me some food and it felt really good.

When I finished my snack and dinner at the same time, I started to go to the isle of tables as I tendedother people's orders.

I started to scribble the name of orders and even the table number when someone caught my attention.

It's a beautiful girl wearing a floral tie-waist flounce dress that emphasized bohemian fashion. Thedress blended her fair skin effortlessly. She also matched it with a pair of brown low-cut cuban heels.She seemed to be waiting for someone. She roamed her head around the room in a very gracefulmanner.

I am not a man but I feel like I am being a tomboy for five minutes straight by just staring at herphysique.

"Deandra, many are calling you now, what are you doing? You're not even moving there." Kylie said asshe came rushing to me while carrying a tray full of burgers and pastas.

"S-Sorry. I will go to other tables now." I nodded as I replied to my co-worker. When that woman noticedme staring at her for long, she smiled at me as she raised her hand. I walked near her as I took the fastfood's order form.

"Hi, I wanted to order a piece of cheese burger and one bottled water, please. Thank you."

"Okay, ma'am. Coming right up." I scribbled her order on the order form that made her chuckle as ifshe's feeling amused.

"Honey, sorry I'm late." When I turned my back to the woman, I was able to hit on something. I felt itwas the chest of a man. When I looked up, I felt like not moving at all, that I wanted to evaporate intothe thin air...

It's Andrew again, for the third time!

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