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Deandra's POV

I am still tired when I wake up the next day. Sleeping at ten in the evening last night and waking up atfour in the morning is not enough for me.

I am up and about as I slowly prepared my cup of coffee. I went back to the room and Dahlia is stillshowing me her awkward sleeping position. Her feet on the headboard of the bed while her head onthe foot of the bed. I can't help but giggle in a softer tone of my voice. I am amused at her but I don'twant to wake her up at the same time.

I tapped her head and kissed her forehead. I also lift her up to put her in a correct sleeping position. Ilay her down with her head on the pillow near the headboard of the bed; the right way of sleeping thistime.

I exited our house without them even knowing it. I don't want to disturb them as much as possible. I amsure most of them are still sleeping including my mom. As a result, I just cooked rice in the rice cookerand topped it with eggs and sausages I had bought yesterday. I know as I do this stuff everyday, theyare getting used to it.

I opened our entrance door and slowly closed it for me to not create any noise. I know they are stillsleeping. If ever they will wake up, I am confident that their breakfast is prepared now.

I get on the bus, still not in my full mood because I am sleepy and tired at the same time. I sat next tothe window of the bus and closed my eyes to have a little nap. When the bus stopped on the West Hillstation, I felt quick steps coming to where I am sitting right now. When somebody sat next to me, Icouldn't help but open my eyes to take a peek of who that person is out of curiosity.

My heart started to race wild as soon as I saw him...it was the guy whom I thought stole my two-hundred peso bills! I covered my face with the books I am holding right now. What is he doing here in

our school? Is he trying to follow me?

I looked over my book and he seemed to not care about me because he's wearing his headset whilebobbing his head. I think he's enjoying his music. He doesn't mind who is beside him. I swallowed as Iclosed my eyes. I bit my lower lip as I continued covering my face with my books.

Gosh I really hope I am only dreaming. I have a feeling that we are attending the same University. I amreally thankful that I am wearing my uniform this time around, and not looking so ragged. I guess that'sthe reason why I'm not being familiar to him. I really hope so.

As soon as the bus stopped in front of our University gate, he got off right away. I breathed out a sigh ofrelief as I also got off the bus just minutes after him. I noticed him coming to the CAS building in ahurried manner.

Wow, I think he's really cool. I know students from that building are very intellectual. Is he a lawyer inthe making? I know most of the students who study that course will eventually take law.

I went to our building to attend some of my units. I am taking up a business administration course sothat I will be knowledgeable to run a business someday.

Hours passed by swiftly. I am so excited for my fourth part time job that I never noticed how the timeflies fast. I am happy that I have a friend who gave up her duty slot in the library. As one of the studentassistants, I was given the chance to take over her place. She recommended me to the librarian rightaway.

I was deeply humbled because she described me as hardworking and dedicated to any form of work,regardless of how difficult or easy the nature of work is.

"Ma'am, thank you. I will do my best." I even bowed down in front of the senior librarian that shecouldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh this silly girl, you must be. I don't need promises. I am looking at how you work. I will give you aweek as a probationary for this part-time job. If you do the job well, you'll be the student assistantassigned here up until your final year here in the University."

"Wow! Thank you so much, ma'am. Thank you!" I bowed many times that she can't help but laughbecause I think she's amused with what I did.novelbin

"Alright. Please ask Arianne for additional questions. I will be busy for the next two hours."

"Okay, ma'am. Thank you." I smiled as I stood up, bowed a little again and went out of her mini-officeinside the library.

In my every step, I feel like I am on cloud nine.

"Ari, I talked to Mrs. Libby Seo already."

"Welcome to the family then!" She grinned as we did the high five.

"Why did you prefer the library among others? I think the medicine lab pays more than the library."

"I wanted here the most because this place is quieter, plus I can study if there will be less students."

"I will not agree entirely with you. It is always busy here, especially during exams. You have to braceyourself."

"Really? Thank you for informing me ahead of time." I shrugged as I showed her my weak smile.

I went with Arianne, one of my library colleagues. She introduced the different aisles to me wheredifferent bookshelves stood. There were thousands of books and I have to familiarize myself to everygenre of books she's introducing me.

The left side were academic books while fiction and non-fiction books dominated the right side. Whilewe're walking on one of the aisles when somebody caught my attention. I panicked and moved fast thatI was able to hide myself from behind Arianne when that guy passed in front of us.

"Huh?" Arianne turned her back and looked at me while I covered my face with a book entitled,"Keeping up with the nerds".

"I'm okay, don't worry." I grinned in a very awkward manner.

"Are you hiding from that guy?" Arianne referred to the guy using her thumb while closing the rest ofher fingers from her left hand as she raised one of her eyebrows.

"Do you know him?" I asked her back that made her chuckle.

"Well, who doesn't know him? He's even my crush!" Arianne said while giggling. What shall I do?Wherever I will go, our paths always cross. It's a small world after all!

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