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Chapter 938

Esther met a special young man when she was around seventeen, during a challenging time in herlife. He was like a ray of sunlight, unforgettable and always on her mind.

Under the moonlight, Mobius saw the sparkle in Esther's eyes and felt a surge of emotion,wondering if she had ever disliked him. But her smile reassured him, and he expressed his heartfeltsentiment, "Thank you. You'll always be the best girl I know." He thought of her as his girl.

Thinking their conversation was over, Esther stood up to leave. Mobius offered one last piece ofadvice, "I hope you shine even brighter after this."

"You too," Esther replied, feeling a sense of relief as she walked away.

Mobius added, "One more thing. If he ever bullies you, come back to me. I'll always welcome youback."novelbin

"He wouldn't dare," Esther responded confidently, her tone strong yet innocent.

"That would be great. I was just joking."

Back inside, Esther found James waiting for her. He noticed her and smiled. "Done chatting?"

"We said everything we wanted to," Esther assured him, choosing not to share details she knewJames wouldn't want to hear.

"Let's go home then." James took her hand gently. As they were about to get into the car, he leanedcloser to her.

"What?" Esther asked.

"Nothing. I just thought you look really beautiful today." If any other man said this to her, Estherwould have felt disgusted, but coming from James, the compliment made her heart flutter.

Esther, sensing where the conversation could lead and drawing from her dating experience, tried tokeep things light, "Alright, it's getting late. Let's go home."

"Why are you trying to get away?" James sensed her attempt to distance herself. Why was she soafraid that he was going to do anything? Did she think he was the devil?

"No, I just think something is off."

"Tell me what's off then," James playfully challenged her to explain, hoping to make her saysomething embarrassing.

Esther, realizing his intent, glared at him, but James remained unfazed.

"Go ahead, or we're not leaving."

"Why are you doing this, James?" Esther asked, her courage surprising even herself.

"I don't know what you're talking about." James, noticing her discomfort and blush, decided not totease her further. "Alright, I'll let you off this time. Get in. I'll drive you home."

Esther didn't think he would let her get away so easily, so she just got into the car.

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