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Chapter 916

The gossip about Pearl and Richard's kiss had everyone talking, causing Pearl to feel embarrassed.But the mood changed when Wayne stepped in to divert the attention.

"Miss Pearl, there's something important I need to discuss with you," Wayne said, coming to herrescue.

Pearl, feeling the eyes of her colleagues on her, put on a brave face. "I'm quite busy. And everyoneelse should focus on their work. Idle gossip can cost you, remember that. I won't hesitate to deducta month's pay from anyone caught spreading rumors."

Her stern warning worked like a charm. The office quickly returned to its usual state of business,with everyone burying themselves in their work to avoid Pearl's wrath.

With a glare, Pearl dismissed the gossiping colleague and followed Wayne to her office.

Once seated, Wayne laid out a contract on her desk. "This is the agreement we had with StewardGroup regarding the streaming company. They're now looking to back out and seem to think the 7million compensation for breach of contract is trivial. They're adamant about terminating theagreement."

Pearl frowned, understanding the gravity of the situation. The collaboration with Steward Group wasexpected to be highly profitable for Cerubleu, especially in the booming online industry.

"Why do they want to cancel?" she asked, trying to grasp the sudden change of heart.

Wayne paused, considering his words carefully. "I'm not completely sure, but our inside sourcementioned Steward Group has been in close contact with Hugo recently. They even had dinnertogether. It looks like they're close."

"So, you believe Hugo is behind this?" Pearl asked, piecing things together.

"It seems like it. I can't fathom what he's promised or lied about to make them willing to break thecontract and pay the penalty. Hugo always seems to target us," Wayne expressed, unaware of thedeeper animosity between Pearl and Hugo. He merely assumed that Hugo was being a b*stard asusual.

Pearl, however, knew all too well that Hugo's actions were aimed at suppressing Cerubleu to forceher hand or gain control over what mattered to her. In the past, such a move by Hugo might haveled her to seek a compromise. But things were different now.

With a light laugh, she said, "Don't worry, I've got this."novelbin

"Miss Pearl, just be careful. Hugo is cunning and might set traps for you," Wayne warned.

Pearl wasn't worried about Hugo's potential traps. She had faced him alone before and came outunscathed. Now, she had the support of her friends, the Jordan Group shares, and Richard.

Stunned, Pearl realized she had regarded Richard as her support at some point. It felt good.

"It's okay, Wayne. I appreciate your concern. Just let me know how I can help or when you needme," she assured him, feeling a surge of warmth from his loyalty and support.

Wayne's dedication was a constant reminder of their strong bond.

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