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Chapter 911

Mobius was often overlooked, so much so that everyone had forgotten about him in theirexcitement.

Suddenly, they all looked at him at the same time.

Mobius was lost in his thoughts. Feeling their stares, he looked up, confused. "Why are you allstaring at me?" he asked, puzzled by their attention during a simple dinner.novelbin

"It's nothing. Just noticed you're really into your meal," Hanzel said, teasing Mobius a bit.

"Yeah, but I'm not the one who just charmed a lovely lady," Mobius shot back at Hanzel, not thinkingtwice about his words.

"I get it, you're probably still hung up on Esther. But she decided to break up, so let's not dwell onher. The world's full of wonderful women. Why fixate on one? Makes sense, right?"

At first, Mobius was okay, but he lost his cool when Hanzel brought up Esther. He slammed his forkdown. "Stop mentioning her in front of me!"

Hanzel realized his attempt to cheer Mobius up wasn't helping, so he quickly tried to soothe him,"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was still a sore subject. I won't bring it up again."

"Fine, let's drop it." Mobius got up and headed to the back garden.

Pearl and Richard looked at each other, concerned.

"Should I go check on him?" Pearl suggested. She was Esther's closest friend here, so her wordsmight mean more. Maybe she could help Mobius feel better.

Richard agreed with her thought and nodded.

So, Pearl grabbed a coat and a scarf, then left the dining room.


Mobius was feeling down, his sadness growing as he sat by the pond, looking at the distortedreflection of the scenery on the water's surface.

"Why did she stop loving me—" he murmured to himself when suddenly someone patted hisshoulder. He turned sharply and saw Pearl smiling at him. "Pea... Oh, Pearl, why are you here?"

Even though he wasn't in the mood for talking, Pearl was his sister-in-law and Esther's best friend.He felt obliged to talk to her.

"I came to see how you're doing."

"What can I say? It's tough," Mobius said, managing a weak smile. He picked up a stone and threwit into the pond, watching it create ripples before sinking.

"Come on, don't be like that. Is it because you can't get over Esther?" Pearl understood his pain.They had been together for so long, so forgetting her wouldn't be easy.

"Yeah, I just don't understand how she could stop loving me when we were so in love."

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