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Chapter 866

Richard just assumed that Hugo was saying nonsensical stuff, but he stopped in his tracks. Hewanted to hear what ridiculous things Hugo could say. "Don't go crazy here."

Hugo, accustomed to Richard's cold tone, simply smiled and replied, "That's all I have to say. If youwant to know more, ask her." With that, he left, leaving Richard to mull over his cryptic words.

Watching Hugo's back disdainfully, Richard felt hatred beneath his icy exterior.

Heading to a nearby restaurant, Richard spotted Pearl waiting outside, accompanied by Esther andJames. Esther was engaging in light banter with Pearl, while James seemed content by Esther'sside.

Pearl's face lit up when she saw Richard. "There you are. I'm starving."

Richard, his mind still occupied by Hugo's words, apologized. "I'm sorry I'm late."

Pearl sensed his somber mood and urged him, "It's okay. Let's go inside."

Meanwhile, Esther sensed trouble brewing from their affectionate exchange. She feared the worst,questioning whether Richard might silently hold a grudge or even seek retribution. She evenwondered if it was too late to try and please Richard now.

Lost in her anxious speculations, she realized Richard was approaching her. With no escape, shefaced Richard with determination, adopting an innocent look and a genuine smile. "Richard, I don'tremember what I did before. I hope you won't take it to heart if I offended you."


Nearly choking on her own spit, Pearl couldn't believe Esther's boldness. She had always knownthat Esther was straightforward, but she didn't expect it would be to this extent.

"Oh?" Richard arched an eyebrow, contemplating Esther's words. "Are you referring to the time youcalled me a liar?"

Esther broke out in a cold sweat.

"Or a beast?"

Terrified, Esther felt a pang of regret.


"Oh, stop. I've made a mistake, okay?" Esther sobbed, feigning grievance.

Witnessing Richard's behavior, James stepped forward to defend Esther, criticizing him. "I didn'texpect you to be so mean as to tease young women, Mister Richard."

Intrigued by James's unexpected defense, Richard retorted, "I didn't expect the stern lawyer to beso protective."

Their exchange grew heated until Pearl and Esther intervened, ushering them into the restaurant todiffuse the tension.

Seated at the table, Pearl poured wine to celebrate their victory.

"Pearl, were those reporters your subordinates? Did they come here intentionally?" Esther asked,admiring Pearl's strategic prowess. She hadn't anticipated Richard and Pearl crafting such aflawless strategy, one that even led the devious Winona to call off the wedding.

"Yeah, and there's more. I even hired the man in that room."

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