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Chapter 775

Pearl managed to maintain her composure and offered a smile. "It's alright, it doesn't bother me."

While Pearl remained calm, Esther was clearly agitated. She stood up and shouted angrily, "Hey,what's that supposed to mean? She can't speak? Just eat your dinner. Why do you care?"novelbin

It was a declaration of war.

Richard coolly responded, "People should respect the owners of the house and stay in their lane.That should be something everyone understands." His words were an obvious condemnation ofEsther's actions.

In the past, when Richard and Pearl were still a couple, Esther might have accepted his reprimand,but now that they were separated, his comment came across as rude. "Sure, this is your home, andyou have your rules here. I don't think someone lowly like me should stay here. Pearl, let's go."

She grabbed Pearl's wrist and prepared to leave, but Pearl didn't budge. "Why aren't you moving?He was attacking you. Are you going to keep quiet and stay here?"

Pearl forced a smile. "It's fine, let's leave after the party."

Pearl had her reasons for not wanting to leave. First, she didn't want to strain Esther and Mobius'srelationship further. Second, it was Susan's birthday, and she didn't want to spoil the celebration.

Esther's anger flared as she said, "They're bullying you, and you're still trying to be nice. I knowwhat you're worried about. You're worried about Mobius and me."

Pearl had a sinking feeling.

Esther continued, "I'm just someone who didn't understand the rules. If the Waldorfs have strictrules, I don't think I'm good enough to be a part of it."

Mobius, typically cheerful, suddenly turned cold like Richard. "What are you saying, Esther?"

Esther locked eyes with Mobius and stated, "I want to break up with you."

The word "break up" shocked everyone, including Mobius. Even Hugo, who had been uninterestedin the situation, turned his attention to them.

Pearl put aside her emotions and said in a serious tone, "You shouldn't make such a decision solightly."

Esther's emotions welled up, and the sadness she had been feeling over the past few days reachedits peak. "I've been thinking about it for a while now. He has been distant toward me for the past fewdays, and I've been contemplating a breakup."

Nobody could easily endure days of neglect, especially someone as sensitive as Esther. Shecontinued, "I'm busy with work and don't have time to worry about anything else, but that doesn'tmean I don't have feelings. My work performance has suffered because of this, and after carefulconsideration, I've made up my mind. Don't try to convince me otherwise."

Pearl felt anxious and wanted to explain, but she hesitated because Mobius had prepared asurprise proposal. She didn't want to ruin his efforts.

Esther wiped her tears away and declared, "I can't stand seeing you being treated like this… I'll lovethe person the Waldorfs couldn't. You're my best friend. I won't let anyone bully you!"

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