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Chapter 769

Celine felt an inexplicable unease. She realized that her livelihood in the entertainment industrycould be jeopardized if this newcomer managed to steal her spotlight in the future.

Pearl, seemingly lost in thought, approached Rosalie and placed a hand on her shoulder. Sheasked coldly, "Is what she's saying true?"

Rosalie shook her head calmly and firmly. "I didn't say that."

Everyone was aware of Celine's status in the company and chose to remain silent during thisconfrontation.

"You're the experienced one here. You should show patience to newcomers. Why did you arguewith her?"

Celine had anticipated that Pearl would pressure the newcomer into backing down, allowing her toescalate the situation and drive the newcomer away. However, Pearl insisted that Celine should notquarrel with a newcomer.novelbin

"Miss Pearl!" Celine protested, pouting in dissatisfaction. "But she insulted me. You should punishher."

Rosalie had an urge to retaliate against Celine's overbearing attitude, but she restrained herselfafter glancing at Pearl. For some inexplicable reason, Rosalie trusted Pearl and believed that shewould handle the situation fairly.

"Celine, we need evidence. You made unfounded accusations against her. If you want me to takeaction, you must provide concrete evidence." Pearl extended her hand, requesting proof.

Of course, Celine had no evidence. She had assumed that she could easily get rid of the newcomerwithout any issues, but things had taken an unexpected turn.

Realizing this, she attempted to maintain her usual innocent image, biting her lip and offering ahelpless smile. "Alright, Miss Pearl. I think you're correct. I shouldn't have argued with a newcomer.It's just that no one has ever treated me this way. I felt a bit uncomfortable when someone with ashort temper suddenly appeared."

She subtly hinted that getting along with Rosalie was hard.

Pearl narrowed her eyes as Celine casually labeled Rosalie unfairly. She warned, "Everyone isdifferent and unique, which is a good thing. But if you can't accept that, it might be better to limityour interactions with her."

Pearl's words enlightened the others, who began to understand the situation. She had openlydefended the newcomer.

The staff members started to voice their support. "That's correct. The company encouragesindividual development, and there's nothing wrong with that."

One person spoke up initially, and others followed suit, echoing the sentiment. Celine would have toreconsider if she wished to antagonize Rosalie.

Her smile twisted, and she struggled to suppress her anger. She lowered her head to regaincomposure, feigning fragility. "Understood, Miss Pearl. I'll never do this again."

Despite her initial scheme to hinder Rosalie's progress, she now found herself apologizing. Now,she was more determined than ever to drive Rosalie out of the company.

With the issue resolved, Pearl planned to return to her office, but Wayne intercepted her.

"Someone's waiting for you outside."

"It's almost time to clock out. Who could it be at this hour?" Pearl wondered.

Wayne hesitated briefly before responding cautiously, "It's Richard."

Pearl was stunned. She knew that Richard hated her, so why was he waiting for her outside?

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