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Chapter 742

"What's the matter? It's just an act, not real. The main issue is that my grandpa is determined tomeet my girlfriend. How am I supposed to find a girlfriend who will satisfy him at this point?" Silasexplained, his eyes assessing Pearl from top to bottom, seemingly approving of her appearance. "Ithink you're pretty good. Besides, my grandpa kind of likes you."

"Why would your grandpa like me?" Pearl was puzzled.

Silas struggled to hold back his smile as he replied, "Everyone in Enswood knows that the presidentof Cerubleu is a woman with both beauty and brains. I bet there's a line of suitors wrapping aroundthe city, eager to marry you."

"Really now?" Pearl knew she had her share of admirers, but she didn't think it was as exaggeratedas he described.

Unbeknownst to her, before she got together with Richard, Wayne had effectively discouraged hersuitors. After her relationship with Richard, no man dared to challenge his authority, furthersolidifying her belief that men didn't particularly like her.

"Of course. After I told my grandpa that I liked you, he was so happy that he insisted on meetingyou," Silas replied, pouting slightly. "If you don't help me this time, my grandpa will lock me up athome when I go back. Are you willing to let go of a cash cow like me?"

Pearl sighed at Silas's antics. His words seemed exaggerated, but there was some truth to them.Silas was incredibly popular in the company, and his departure would be a significant loss.

Taking a moment to weigh the pros and cons, Pearl finally relented, nodding. "Okay, I'll help youout."

Silas visibly relaxed and reached out to tousle her hair playfully. "In that case, I'll let you handle thePR and say that the girl in the photo was Celine."

Pearl slapped his hand away. "It's not that easy. Even if I handle the PR, we need to make sure thatCeline is willing to go along with it.

Silas chuckled, recalling Celine's behavior around him. As far as he knew, she practically wanted tobe with him all the time. "Don't worry, there's no way she wouldn't agree."

"Alright, enough stalling. Let's go to the office now." Pearl got into Silas's car.

Silas was pleased to see her finally willing to sit in his car. "Yes, ma'am!"

With that resolved, Pearl and Silas hurried to the office. Celine, however, burst into the room, tearsstreaming down her face.

Seeing Celine in tears, Silas felt annoyed deep down. He turned away, refusing to look at her.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Pearl asked, concerned.

Celine sobbed as she explained, "Someone commented on my video, saying I'm meddling insomeone else's relationship and intentionally trying to create a PR stunt with Silas. They're callingme a homewrecker."novelbin

Silas couldn't help but think, "Well, isn't that the truth?" He had grown tired of Celine's constantpresence and her attempts to get close to him.

Celine became more upset. Deep down, she knew the woman in the photo was Pearl, her boss.Pearl also knew that the two of them were in a PR stunt, yet she chose to get so close to Silas,even getting photographed with him in an intimate way.

She had never experienced such injustice. She had always portrayed herself as a pure andinnocent girl in front of others, and now, she was being attacked. She had lost hundreds ofthousands of followers, and her comment section was filled with hateful words.

"Don't worry too much about this. I have a new plan," Pearl comforted Celine patiently.

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