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Chapter 539

Chapter 539

Richard was deeply moved by Pearl’s reactions, eager to continue, when suddenly, Pearl clutched her

belly, frowned, and began sweating.

“What’s wrong? Are you sick?” All the passion in Richard’s heart dissipated as he anxiously watched

Pearl curl up into a ball.

Pearl hadn’t expected her period to arrive now, after being overdue for so long. She couldn’t decide if

this was a blessing or a curse.

“I’m fine, but I’m having my period…” Pearl’s stomach continued to ache, but she tried to reassure


“You should rest then. I’ll make you some warm soup.”

The idea of Richard making soup struck Pearl as amusing, and she couldn’t help but chuckle.” Younovelbin

know how to make soup? Really?”

Richard smirked. “I know more than you think.”

“Very well.”

“Alright, wait here and take a good rest.” Richard tucked her in and left the room.

Pearl headed to the bathroom to clean up before returning to his bed to wait for his return.

After about half an hour, Richard re–entered the room with a bowl of soup in hand.

“I never would have guessed that Mister Serious Richard is actually a good househusband,” Pearl

remarked as she took a sip of the soup, which helped warm her belly and made her feel better.

“I can cook, and it’s probably better than the bacon and eggs you made before,” Richard teased.

Pearl placed the bowl on the table and shot him an annoyed glance. “Didn’t you say it tasted good?”

“I just didn’t want you to get angry and beat up Mobius again. That would be disastrous.”

Sadly, Mobius had to finish the food and say it tasted good.

Pearl blushed and scoffed. “I won’t make it again, even if you beg for more. When my cooking skills

improve, I’ll make sure you don’t get any of it!”

Richard smiled and didn’t say anything.

“By the way, have you noticed something going on between Hanzel and Fifi?” Pearl inquired.

Richard lowered his head and smirked. “Yes. He’s interested in her and keeps trying to get near her

every day.”

“Do you think we should help them?” Pearl’s idea was bold, but Richard wholeheartedly agreed. It

could bring happiness to Pearl and clear Hanzel’s mind, a win–win situation.

“What’s on your mind?” Pearl smiled but grew suspicious when she saw Richard deep in thought.

Chapter 539

“I just think your idea is great,” Richard turned the corner of the blanket over and smoothed out her

hair. “But for now, you should rest. You can sleep here, I’ll take the guest room.” With that, he turned

and prepared to leave.

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